Show A CONTRAST A transaction lately by the city or of omaha ti IN one la in brief tho the city of omaha lu bad issued in n bond the ibo lidd of which irico sold old am ro to be applied to tho the construction of is system of seators for the th tilde for 0 1411 tho the bonila were opened oo on d parties from danger iTT jAd malat took it 16 they owr 6 per cent in dorest and are payable from froia dato data about a your year aas a half ago the iho city 0 of f SAU salt like loaned issued DOO to la bonds the proceeds of which ched sold old were applied partly to the construction of a leaky and okelm canal rod and partly to the payment or of a dirgo irgo sum to tb abe c mormon church authorities for wort old canal franchum franch fM hero and acid nig big cottonwood the bonds bonda leuca to pay for this lb swindle drew draw move clr cent interest and bhough this city ought to be bavo vo financial c equaling that or or any at her city kad and the bonds dodds boro bare higher interest the omaha bonds 0 a have not that any sum moro more than baa par n all pal I 1 by any ono one for this sit cita Is bonds indeed wo we are not I 1 burs buro hey did not sell at a discount the public knows nothing about III it for with pt P to lo matters of that kind it la Is hold held by them la a authority here that no DO tax payer hm has stay nuy rigid right to know about son cubb Is public and oo no eta ament la Is ever made acro ucro IB a tho the first contrast coQ trant hero here and aad methods la its america there the ulo to or of tho the bonds us recognized as pub lie business which tilt haro lave a here the bo whole trend action ftc lionia a secret bail it Is now to eay any list hat was WA realized on those bealla boo la As A VIA uio work to lo Ori omahr aniss tho the public will from time to time bo be informed of its condition and ct coil As tho the work Tes hero the most inot profound silence was main tal ed both la in regard to its ita condition mid and its 14 and aad also RS to its coat cast th abo that appeared at any lima tima WM n item or two obe obscurely curtly worded warded antho la abe regular city Il report from which nothing could bo be learned and concerning which aich no ex wa on publicist public w aa it meant this tharo so crecy as to tho the pro gici condition aud and cost coat of the aara forms forma the second As marked contrast between public meth ode hero here and public methods IQ ia lea tho the third great contrast will DO bo ton abo conclusion of the iho business alico ilia iho omaha work to 1 finished ill bo 0 public HUI ill know it and acid nill ill lt ln I 1 w ill tho 0 cost coat and tho the charge for every item acro it Is a impossibly to find out when the canal jobbie ra consider donbor the coa lu in bulk tr or by bir items all AB to lo Blis crage which hech the oily ere ura valuable enough to aly lor for we iro are gratty hail by our laur it oracles mot litre hire the colt coat would be loo lo 10 touch unit anil that perhaps oro am far mers inert on in the lows louir r jordan who would alj cl to lu the ibo sewerage of the iho oily being dumped into it dyes does LO 6 that for the pre aList it a vry limiel sc ergo system would tc be for the ibo more thickly hickly 6 talc part fart if the city mod unil that tile ho coat cast so ul be less than the nod and corrupt job so no lately manipulated ly by the iho church here while as AK to ilia farmers on ilia lower jord n chiy are few diw and aa fir far butco but co nod and the da maiss to them would bo be trilling we nye aro are told moreover vcr that keragis we ragis is out not hero boro though ile how this to be about b bot he I 1 lea I 1 oily in a the country during ibo ibis auto LT acu hen it should bo be tile bul tille I 1 I 1 that as ai to day any fills which may n tile alic camf of policy will having it rm removed oved provided hols ko Is not but other adt jg 1 il dismissed public la is fj noi dot strong to in these church ludm to makes make them realize the ibo dill die beauty taxes to fur them aad crowdis alch to a becoming rapidly is oot not ab to leave on off their plundering loba jobs and attend to the welfare or of the iho helpless city cily they hold leold in their ibar grup their hearts we so BO baril bard that they caro care not that thier own owa flub nail and lloud blood makeup mako up tho the majority majori or the deaths nothing but the iho jingle of tho the mighty dollar has tiny ony power over them they follow that through the air of fi A stricken city and coop scoop to the iho cola coin which is i gathered over tho ilia corpus corpses or of their nicca birce and children and wo COD cob that them shall be much corpses it if only they bo be atit rich to burai c their career or of rapine lust mj and fraud |