Show TILE TE CErRONE th abe r t tu amb t gas ham brom be br b r for air va me a tl x LUU i there is no ol of ilia ibo pres ent day more valued by the ilio public ties daza bo leptrone to lad and li it hu ban already 1 i beckwo so aa luxury though AS jet new in this ibia city lu let to k is shown b by y iho growl b I 1 a list ol of i in tbt elf city Y which bu bits highto a 0 o rapid that it to almost impossible for the ibo mana ere of the ui to gt get fienen fie nef rg fut t ough to supply ibo 0 demand for their gotten inears A well koo known business bu Hinc men or of fill hia city hu bail a ik a change which would win to be RD MI my easy ono to make nod and which would greatly increase the of ibo telephone taftt Is ibo lion of at numbers humbert lor for games in up some ono one with willi whom lion t Is desired and to havo on the printed list hit or of the iho aames with the ibo number of each iton the con COD yen C cc or i uch such an arrangement would be b that those in hearing would roud not hot know with whom hom a pirty party was wa talking for it A stranger cr in 10 the ibo city goes goca to lo mr A ai a wholesale merchant to a certain lot of goods M mr I 1 adoca not happen to bete a supply but can ca obtain it from sir 31 r 13 who deals in tn tit a nine article and aad cupply bid bl customer ito wants to lalk ili mr ML B but ir if he bo does doc so BO tho the cuto t will vill hear tho the conversation and knowing with whom tt it li is curried carri i oo oil will probably go around to mr Bs to lo bertain tit dt el hl hat figures tie ho lur for dished rho goods to mr A rod per flat halpa 10 buy of him it number cro mud ho he would bear mr me A call rot for I 1 but who or of what 21 0 was he be new W not know and would reel feel ell equally d 11 it veil we 11 satisfied the amo 0 a id be true iroe of more personal nl C adm M ng C curios as u when a floress in a crowded 11 place 0 of bus budic feli dealt to call up a 6 pr I 1 zo and aad excite ciche S cornmeal com nicot from those about A change would I 1 d bo be easy and Is few kriby of conwall |