Show grant britain and tho the united states a man now mow dip lipprand to agree arco upon the iho or BO an copy right law between the two countr tm that is to bay ilita are agree that ihm an nether in this country can secure a copyright of bi his prodoc filing to io grent britain As aa well air here cori flato the publication to octo publish er rod between tho the author said pub audier fix the iho price of tho the book COD coat british author would have the same amu in the iho h this would bu be a good ga thing to do 40 li 14 a question JQ IQ ilo ILA first ral it IL would the prito of looks and all madwit which could b be copyrighted at aft it il IS i now DOW we w io in america may idoly publish any ny of the productions of tho the english press find bod ir if the work 1 in in demand several houses assay publish it and cheap tah at 1096 first which brings it th iho ratch of all tj io read M V tho the iame la Is trao la in great britain there than whenever popular book Is issued by an am ameri COD can cheap editions flood the marlatt marl act noil and those who do not curt care or cannot fiord the iho costly edition may yet yd read IL it but under tho proposed lional cor yngul nu all thi ibis would be b and we might have to pay 5 j ter fur a 1 english book bank if the pub I 1 lieber her nod and author agreed to becce til ui to io I 1 let so in ibis view tho the pro Is IB a plot on 00 the part of authors author and puls pub lishing booms to fleece tho the public literary Lil crary men ined oxy ay however that shot t is a wrong to them to 10 have bno biboli work mid and used IQ in smother country by chodo who pay them nothing for tho the privilege that they should have ill ahn right to lo li do what they plesse ILL their own product imm and that the tb profit which may iney be mado made ly by tac thc do inand rod for them shelf be theirs but bul ll it is IB true tree that crary work web wab naval so 10 JI paid in ia the world as a now nod this good pay has a been brought about by the ibo fir chent system the authors tire the very ones who he would bo be likely to map the ber atilt as ol 01 I 1 the proposed Bya liui while that poor poof find needy would not be benefited the abo pub publisher published lishe rs would reap tho benefit ex ceat in a file case or a towell knotts auchoi who would compel a division so we thick the proposed would bo be of oo do material banedt to so RU tho thorp except in isolated loo cleres it is worthy worly of amark that hal the per was soon who ani am doing the most moat in hid bid or of tho the preposition for an international cops copyright right aro are the established jog housed many of them have rt joined their present lending bye by cribbing ribbing the british publications land od them in ia exact dalace of the principles thoy they now to hold dear why they hiiro M changed way be explained by the iho fuel fact that they are now solid and wishing 10 lo prevent the iho building up ol of rival houses in 10 the way they TWO rose they urge arjo this ides idea IQ in order that thai their monopoly may bo be media wa W can in 1 k in it ti them but an the author audbor is biot not W in io g eo al aa 10 any rod the bo reading public would be decu bIlly injured by tho the change we take occa occasion bion to lo enter OUT oll protest against it |