Show TIIE THE TIDE OF INNIG immigration RATION ten thousand in 0 fill to 10 single login week almost in germany there never anto half baa been so dont sod sad widespread ft a desire tor for so now nod and extra ecra have baro all heir chair accommodations engaged far ahead the no Is what the ibo wire win brought the first thought such nn an announcement ol ikens is what is germany to lod do if 1 forced to give up annually so BO many of her strong young meat la in lut last wr war she accomplished tuc the double task laak of consolidating all the northern german notes anti in heeling back franc Frati ct on nd d forming a new frontier germany violl BOO but hod had there oot not been beca years of carelessness and corruption in drilling drilli ug and equipping the french army the result recall might have been them Is if no bo more or of that in a france and inam moreover ermi the ibo french do not emigrate cn much I 1 if a 1 number dumber equal to oe fourth of get anys entire stand ing arroy army annually bow laing will it be before france will trill bo be ready to uck flock the revenge which every french heart beart longs for but bill if the ho prospect la Is not dot hopeful in germany Ger mavy the ibo coming hero here of those people mccaus a vast la in crew is ia tho the working force fame of this noricia No ticia it a vast increased io in ilia he home local in ia tho file rol nn the ibo school of the unitta states stales if young germans leave fatherland annually for the ibo united status sea what the ibo movement wil will I 1 to in too lea yoso years 1 I bow chat come are mostly young youn 9 not 10 per cent at would dio din lu in ten tea years year at the end cud of that ibal time they cold furnish to ilia states an army of soldiers but if at al the amo lima germany orma oy should have haro a call sue for soldiers KOl dlen she wilt will bo be short of hat bat vituld be her duo could her country support people then of coining half would in tho the memo mean time be calsing readjust that member dumber would out not bu raising famia iles in germany wo we have hare cited germany as all example but that in IR only ono ODO country of europe the rest met krc are all or lou lo 10 tho abc wa the rule Is that thai the states is dan ally drawing from the old country sit aa army mon men itil mighty As that which loberman led from atlanta to the sea half ca as that grand briny army tho the rest napoleon lol led to casals nasals the world la Is playing per i petua lly at a disadvantage with the lifted lolled states anti this republic Is filling this cloth ill ft a shadow which casts it ft alom over every other land rho is though enough to cause every american heart to throb exultingly and at the gains timo time to make arrion chos daily is m their goals swear alle glance auch to |