Show fali accident eva eua x on oa sunday a about be ut 0 bodock july 1111 Jedediah tied IQ in green ditmer din at what hat la is known na as the old gunnison close 1 9 b ut one milo mile lK lowthe tho jerry ferry Jede dud polite 31 W V molen metals and infirm were engaged io in driving a large herd held or of cattle across I 1 he river when 1 ullin rode out too loo far into inlo the stream and his home borac becoming unmanageable he lost lils his between and WM AS we seen no DO mom ilia corese reached tho the share aad with much difficulty got col out of the quick und mud wili walsh h and miller the lorry ferry owners dij did all could fill their mall email boats to find the iho body but no could wall waa azur about IW 1 0 t yr 11 0 old and a lor for 0 of american 1 total fork IV lit BLACK CITY emery county utah july 13 abw |