Show it JILT ABE THEY I 1 it if not Cooc what are am thoy they to lo bo be f SALT LAKE july 10 1960 ELL in its own peculiar t lo 10 or abo salt lake herald eav IS L ifil ter bits corma bl bo cause I 1 termed tile ibo pet tenet or lift D church a practice 41 and nn a monstrous crime against and ud against the ibo shared trina or of mao man and child ti bat doca alio llio ierard think of montana bad biben bcd be dropped on OD ibo juggle business in the iho ful lowing style in ID the of I 1 sir me speaker I 1 could go oo on for an hour speaking on this question but I 1 will ti p bay it one tiling thing in ID ucla sion I 1 bavo 1 studiously avoided both on and aday saying anything upon what to called the religious phase ol of this mormon question but w chenever you touch it all discussion silica some manner or other bly glido loto into ibis kel question of ILlI gIAND therefore I 1 am dot DOI surp sed that my friand from utah should mako make bit pathetic appeal to the hausa upon this thin ground As aa I 1 am us an it were drog jed lalo felt lid its consideration I 1 will mere Y kiy ABY leht abc piea of ell to a I 1 la 00 belland why t 1110 not nn t lc be investigated nor why ilia iho ordinary NN IH nn latch goal anil protect the iho rights of parson property properly liberty rod aud repa tuition in ia nil all civill bcd countries upon the ibo face of the ho earth should not bo be put into exorcise in ID L ab an io in to rule by divine right which by bv laws law concocted niah with deliberate cam ding clock to us all thead privileges chich aich we have been taught fought to believe bra our most moat lons birthright ns ca american caliz eos which forcibly ex PON us ua 1 from 11 lie be public domain v bleb pr pries ioto to the m or of tile fir omide which b its ita meet by kameas ablution which fears the crown jowel from the ibo diadem of womans comans purity parity aad ad take it fie from be hir ili abo holy bond which honors bonora her la in all the motion of which buel elevated lechery to adah abo 0 dignity dag ay of 1 a religious dogma and b burok na ca 1 upon on we idt alinn of an Q A luat bad I aboto all aad am a crime against tho the futua future bicci which agea RC of cannot nor the walca of ocean wean wi boal out which charly yearly in fa often letters that batir bho a they rail fall tile word the bru branded brow of an army ol of little lilile chat dmn euch no an institution is m not call avd by soy noy betat human or in di vine to line the laul ot of its dukedom with wilh the mantle om of re ligion nor welt seek shelter under the protecting agis or of the civil law IN hat bat soled church attorney tom jacb w on in ID big bia icv review utah 1 bar reco mortal ond d iro lct a against at the be p in of in r law owe lor for t uita is terri tern vary lury liu jan dechar t that at to ia the filthy ice of the tahitian lalion rv of cifu if is so ad brool ad th abc ferut a or only ingul 1191 1 u ug C BO jan us as alio I 1 am istler it liu la out nut afia Is by it kaiui 0 or ibo it dano of an caun on lo 10 lice ca be kaaid that polygamy la 3 only ly it I 1 p it ILDI lo 10 t br asser r tion that uio ilia holy it harlotry a flour ji is such la in ju its coo contact tact as B mil gil A M I 1 cut liu A maid anthe tenth section I 1 proposes to lo etl all aside evidence d ce it in a criminal for ug aminy OE pol nr t lo 10 e HOW allow the ingo tn ID to LIA proven by Y A u dutli lk ell avi wt AS if i to 10 prom a mar range to ia civil cum if it il la is hoped by the iho operations or of this motion to brine of nr charge brina with I 1 limit that it a 1 il likely to 10 w A tho plural v ifo to of 1 a mormon Is ia not net a I 1 lifo ice in tile legal monso no Is f performed in ab such casia cases by tiny my civil mugi strato or clergyman author lAud liy by law to solemnize marriage and the be retail relation or the parties 1 is therefore I 1 in n law onty only that nf if od cub proof r 0 of I 1 inch lion made might vr about ut a conviction for adi allery but clearly not for bigamy or ww troubled young we worna in or hrpca core when in baiwir to aun ann el EMM imia int he be declared of one due wile if only nod it sent abc cel tl I 1 wilo 1 win to the hingst lie ile denied that thai lie ho had bad crar or intermarried intern inter married with wilh told aid ann hita or that she bc hall hi ever 1 luo or the then hm has wife da bo be ad mill milled wa bain having g entered catered into to the polygon among rotation witti with her according to t the bugo bugo 0 or ban church Byth by that ton ao bacr v bo A b r m ndoc cb amended I 1 la altah r M R concu me bine and bercla ild am broa was it arms or cue boltl ahuad d od cd on bilpo a 1 of I tho the a valley 1 your A akk jd day lo in it a ad tag this t african tn 1 custom I at 11 your CUD d krotke acro u a b bretl cadt an car attack of arinia would am that do 3 on good Y you serin area to li think ibid te lecause cause n nobody up no tho the icib careton it bits ahna last its ita boa ban but it I 1 swells to hemen nil all the fmc though the like maggots it breeds may bo unaware a of it 0 0 J 11 |