Show EKHT day for a week weck wine ioma one hu has been killed by 1 lightning in the ibe east era ro states oss 0 tin refuses to express a p preference for either hancock or gar fi field eld he bo n lie they an am both salea did men AND no now the republicans 0 of f the be east are charging that hanack cahl C corsch ergots this Is 1 worse than the do bollor contract 8 WILLIt Ial H dung fat daughter is u going to marry a lord lent the happy young man Is no other othe the n the ibo viscount Dup plin sell and add licar heir or of earl kindoll s 0 OLD LD john aberns wait vu of the opinion that tho he fourth ought to h be celebre led fed with WILL shows hows and gamu games sports gad gons gronsbell bells bell a and illuminations from ono ODO end cod of the iho land to the other of the chicago time d dc IZ clares himself opposed to both floi if ach such a thing were possible uy says the abe omaha lawn this would go farto far to insure tho the election of both of them JOEL W one of tho to delegates delegate at claici I 1 1 is one of tho the three boys boy who c captured ced santa anne after uio the battle of jacinto la in 1836 1830 I 1 sa act ct which cooled kalce ilia iho fate of mexican domination lo in the state IT IB 12 more than probable that the new will show how to huto I 1 taken tho of ohio as tho the third state it will be ft a light between mr mar bourl our ia and sed indiana ladina forsbe for ibo fifth place piece and texas will trill probably jump into the tha seventh I 1 T tax z haidley exhibition which hu has jull just been ern held in a community about NJ I 1 argea about as old rod and altogether more out of the way than the tha pacific coast states ban baa been attended i by people nearly more thu them the ibe new york crystal palace fair to in I 1 1653 and ft a larger number dumber in ID orOnto to tho the population than rt at any previous out exhibition KID king gcorge gw age spra appeared cared at the city banquet in london tho other day an unhappy alderman became somewhat bewildered upon opera hearing big hi majesty addressed as the king of hellenes hellene tho the Alderin gale now noce was wait uplifted and ft a contemptuous heard 1 I thought the king or of greece I 1 wax was mining coming said bald the disgusted city roan abos this king of the allons ft a place tie DO man ever heard of P tug april at 0 mil ill lay the sto found foundation atio a ilono a G of ft a hospital Hov pital for women me next man mouth ill the object of the institution i announced A it to 10 be to pro lum tide for abo rm reception e u and it treatment or of gentlewomen A la in reduced sta inces and arm I 1 poor women and others suffering auer log from those tile dia treating diseases to which tho the female sex MI LB is liable of social locial post lion arten so fajin ing that the ibe breakage of 8 uy leveda motor quincy ill hu has dated stores of tho the richest hot bot to tom an land in 1111 illinois bad and the damage 1 ii immense tho the louisville courier journal ad it a if abe mississippi river ran through northern states stale it might have hare been lined with costly and acid mighty levees all limit built with funds out ool of the public O we had bad always alway iuppo cd that illinois marine sota and WU COAh were northern slate ties tax al vote of oregon gives the following figure for congressmen Cong rcman il M C goergo whitt hep e p total tote to vote ICA john jobs m ker dom dem 1 J I K scars Green greenbecker bucker for judges judge or of the supreme court i B waldo rep J K L kelly dem A P lore rep P P prim dean 1790 E 33 wat son KID rep john burnett oem dean for state W n H odell rep T B merry literary dom TILE chicago lafe rOwin ansden to the that it ull still bogen on the tha old battlefield baleto flold yc ICS you always know where when to god ui tal alway with forty round in a our and rations in the hardnack harL nack tenting on the old camp ground while cheerful fir responding to the words word let there be peace wo we yet hear beer the cry of mellons who ask help suit beg forand for bid then Thomi i need sneed yet to linger on OD the old battle batik fields I 1 tho ila danger it IAN that thai all the jovn learned and the acrid athe made WU will bo be forgotten too odow oon the stands ered la in the ilia P fegence of beroe md aad will strike whomever lift earm aa arm galust them and aad when ter ever tie the principles for which they comIt iod are it will flod and voice to denounce deo ounce guard duty duly to li not always alway plea or deu rable rod and yet the clear ringing folco of ft dingle bentin 0 I 1 laces hu duea saved am ft whole hole com COLD mand titillate ible for I 1 this little bit of inside as to the I 1 C change h ange that was wa made ins do in tho the dimo demo bralic C T alia platform at as Can caldaria daria 1 if tho the platform had been reported at anytime u y urne previous to the arm ant ballot which was wa taken laio idle in ahto day general hancock aDCock II would have hathoot not been acca tho the democratic canall date data for president for among the plank agreed upon by the at ai its ill an w ling oo on tuesday evening I 1 was waa 0 one no strongly alron gly the ha abuy ranyd and commending tho of tholo Delmo crets in congress who J labored labeled seems aftem to cripple its effective llorca As an all organization and to confirm iu its power posters within it iti narrowest narrower limits tho the lint ant ballot unexpected strength for hen lorack coci everybody everi ever body UTO tiara the tb new N ear york delegation bich could not ace or un on mad except addo w that was wai likely to be nomi ansted on as the morrow and to so la in the I 1 evening waca bral the committee commil teo met the milanny d army resolution was out aad ad that wu was to have bare been put upon pon sheridan hancock Uan cock I 1 nil nd all the ibo other brave men of the army ru rep omitted from friia ilia tb plat fresse |