Show I 1 GENERAL NEWS fatal results result of the heat in st LOW louis chicago takes takei the matter cool as all a cucumber b er confession of a new york bank swindler A claimants for twp tap 6 swoll d CuicA oo july 13 tile the Jour journia special says anys ft a lady living in englund Engl tind liaa has made application for three valuable swords vil which litch nere formerly the property of general gennil but which were mere captured by general butler lc be entered new Orle during the war theme Theoa a norda were mere sent to president lincoln by general butler and deposited 11 liy ins its johnson Jobo aon in the vaults vaulta odthe treasury dc apartment part ment fir mare keeping athly are valued at aidoo Ai one tie of then mas presented to general by congress for bravery during daring tile the mexican nor the scabbard is ot of pure told gold and the sword hilt Is of solid pom old with diamonds V han general tit twigg aggs ren ran away front from new orleans at tile llie approach roach of the iho union approach troops lie left Apt I 1 ese bronts but sent seat a letter to it ft youna young lady friend a ing thai ho hall had decided 1 to ga pio a them therado to her and for bar to in 1 il u a them a I 1 T w 1 n F s died unil and the ludy lady uhn now inca it ca in england claims that thail words am her property pro pirty pArty ond and ilea made a f n dal to ilia secretary of the T treasury ensbury for file shims tho the and oil claim i is now teeing con bler cited turns hot st lout ST bt lot is july ia 13 this thi lim lia been tile tho hottest day onic of the seaton season the llie mer cury con ranging between 9 and 4 idsall n nicely to loock cacir luo in ilia alio shade nearly thirty art caw of sunstroke are reported at the cha dispensary and the duang the ny annu fullam fully aa many more have probably occurred of which llie leavo no record nearly every physician can report from one evi to three ree cages in his bis private practice sixteen silicon deaths have bove occur red today from this thia cause alone mid and twenty me wo burial permits here have been granted in 10 tilt chich include only two ol 01 the faud eases cases or of today to adny it ignot to io have the mamede same de gree cc of heat here but so many crimes or cul litro and so co many clemas train hint cainie in the same jimr v as iii never k known nom it in buforo fore 1 linn mason nho able ri pu lation as a humorist liu wilur lo in the republican tell ut illein of nf this over ilia OJ J X lck hi deed in the mo billy froia pull th the drowned dd Iii 1111 chicado CHI cAO CAso july 13 laid quarters lime received recci ved hilon lial IonI Lilt 1 evening lacut jolla joint an ali idiocy lauker bui was drowned tn in white while ite hirer canyon at camp ari yona mattuc lacut lacut frodi us the llie vater mater are well it known down as ai laing aa I 1 lie bravest anti and tie beat at I 1 when indian fight fighter Is in their ire intent the cal ill try is in awin 4 efin of general rucker and it of yin mrs GL e sheridan ilia attempt to save BAVO the life of lite his comrado colorado is i in the ilia dispatches as mho bc tog fog fl a most heroic and daring I 1 ml act 1 no money for riol filea july 13 UTO notta lamle ian elarge arge fur for the doming canines LIS tau lau Id members embers bo la ly lo 10 A the lluc fund state flint abr m vill ill be applied locally this scar year in at it irom front alosa OSO districts 18 alich regard as a isaore eff th a mollo of f col I 1 lug than ly fly or callip political lip facin documents tile the members of the my that hard bard times make it difficult to evi cyl feet et e t fany mant nonty manty y for political pol nicol purposes A scull boost matilt N Y juno JUDO 13 Con riney today mcl let 11 iona rt cipro a at cop cape VI cent lint anil a match WM what arranged Is bi t tafta I 1 ahem famous faus to us soulless 11 I 1 tance tire rulief plus glinc a and time I 1 se nol blied flied irlvy bungles apas II 11 C july 13 a henry diw alho B 3 luan loan was hadged at alit whom yesterday day for file the usurper brown 1 lite who lio was isi hin hill rival in a loo bile affair the exe culton n AS private only the v koes e by law few long bong present so t 1 i ST lona july 13 there were lia ito 1 new ow cases of sur sunstroke stroke this fore nolas nod and four damba thu eweather Th weather i 1 still mul tho the lo in ilia die business parse or of tita city ream 90 to 0 o ano anft according COrding iK to location thus wallis CHT chacano CAnO bulyis at TWO iwo 0 0 leary 1 Is twenty miles bli elut of I 1 both are 0 cristol 1 I |