Show acquitted alic i r boncal brooks tiers dem of if cli urging line u ahk ilia tile of one mclaughlin io in that lamp inca jcarl cars ago hn giai jiwat beneard and in ili the thiel cutlet the deceased was nna found dealt in ili liia his bunk butok in ills cabin shot hot through the neck and it il wad man chaired that lite lluc tit in ila ii a or wo ofallon role iii 11 the ih chrom birins lots is nt at rund tau resulting I 1 lit ani death of it alic 1 lie linca out un on the lulled failed to macow that life HIL defers daut WH mh the of liquor or eer fired tiny its pistol it was aa ali ehon stun hat three aikeen mere wt rc wro quarreling near acor the cabin the wan inan was u lound dead lu in short ilithe ats aas not tile the shadow lindow fi of any to allt mr committed the at u t ond and the luckury jury acquitted quitted nc liui blue instantly |