Show WED 11 ELDRIDGE tramping out of mormonism and ignorance A courageous youth bound for an education tho the mormon press freada fr eaDd and pulpit boys bavo boea been mala the iba edginee of opposition to education ill ia thib territory for or the obvious reason that am meat moans death to mormonism it atia I 1 arna rue the abo church scribe have bare claimed tant tho the school facilities of utah are elinour passed in any of ilia states unfortunately for the youth of ibis territory nod and the cause of progress reMi ibero claims claici are entirely butler but long and toots hols pointedly deny the truth troth of hem bom the children or of utah the ibo row few christian schools chool a in ia this city oil and od some of the larger towns now and always hivo have been sao ado duato faculties facilities to improve their minds oat oa this bla wor clog a young mae mad hiram harem ff eldridge Eldrid go born wi within th the folds of the mormon church at fillmore Fill moro mora starts on foot and ilori for the eastern states stale tramping ont of el mormonism Mormon nm ill a parcus of an aa that which he be finds bioda it impossible to lo obtain at lome home hr his case ill ia ODO which appeals 10 lo bo 1110 03 of all a 11 men who understand the situation of in ia utah as hia big object in ia life is IB ft a worthy one this thia young into is ia now years when two weeks old his hie mother died and od like oliver twist bo be vu loft lopoo the cold chat charily ity ol of tha has world H ho 0 wall adopted into tho the family of elder elde r he hollot told first wife who tested reared him to man manhood local and whom waco he bo reached his hia in majority ajo rity his hia foater father sent eede him drift this poleg famous old beer is ia wealthy ho be bad r over notor rivon given his big adopted son ban any mad and when he bo turned him out to grel a bo bar did so BO without be stowing on him one penny by his hia owe ozer eions and tho the sid aid of his bis adopted mother however who ilia was I 1 a helpless kol be obtained a slight alight of orl aa man eda cullom cation with this clock in trade lilies ho he went to rill billmore more ILA be opened a email all school ftc bool in ia 1875 sod wag so eo goo cess fall that the trustees trust cea offered him the district school with ninety pupils for the winter term cat but bo be looked lacked confidence in himself me he bo was wai fully folly aware ot of hill hi own ness for the moemon no was ami how fever ever recommended to the oak dik city trustees who gave lain him their 1 camail school which lo he for two terms it month and boa board rd prior to this time he be bad heard beard prof donlon deliver one ODO colors JQ in this oita which give gave him hatra food for to ro aad nd by tho the timo time his lii was do doo n etho tho began to fall from hit big eyes regarding tho the mormon a ribald fraud it in fact his bla we situation dawned upon his hii wand niia daod sod he be to ro solved on climbing out not of ign ignorant orano 0 sea mormonism after collecting whit what cash baah be could for lattice ho he found himself in posse erion of tho the not mot very tery magnificent sum bum of 35 lie ho made a close o ozimae on the howera T e 0 oi I 1 this thir much money sod of er erml to cle AG out oat tho the last dime the result was bo be found one qu trillion at tho the deseret would cost coat 12 ln lis nee 0 ry books ea 6 leaving thirty TO cant per week to py pay for board and lodging tho three tareo months torm term it was wai oot net BD an altogether balloting prospect but bat it wu was the best kt at his big con command amana aid ho be Recep accepted ted tho the situation liko like a mon alter after the first brat torm be got to live with wilb an old lady in the seventeenth ward for or whom whole i be did odd jobs rod and by hij bu own bread was allowed bondt meals at her br table ue he says saye it was pretty living hot but ho he cover lost loat Rp mad dd managed maDa cd by a little outside labor to complete comp loto the academic elf which olond IQ in juno last when brigham abo university as a bree breeding noat moat of nan infidelity delaty that is ia unbelief in 10 diabolical trend fraud ot of mot mor closing thia ible ur mr eldridges but did not dot break down doffo lis bia purpose ife he resolved to eco ace the abo mining districts of 0 tho the territory first ret koj and then thea oD ona deavor leavor to work hr his of w av east to by lecta on 00 aioo tramped albrough the ho camps campa peddling poem pans I 1 and marking lideo been for his bia meals after doing the districts district he returned to the ibe oily city spent a few direct for a rovy copy of the vol broo of the ll 11 journal of discourses many of th the blood ana acid thaodor sermons of young which he bo proposes prop oBea to utilize la in bills lat biu lectures features 00 oo the fraud of mormonism lt it is big intention lot colion to I 1 begin begia labor io in missouri and work his hie way east to oberlin ohio obio where I 1 hero is ia a freo free school abool for wears like b LimB cIt or to indians Indi aos ideall oliero to there to a similar institution this min mail will appear brat a at i Yv sventon enton on t ibo b e hue fame of the union pacific railroad fiod and as be is to no lazy cry tramp drilling about objectless we BO commodo him blia to the ho kind considers from of all good people hodg along the r out G so aad a to oar it it u truo true ho be may alloy bo be verdant Tor dunt but bait ho be he his 5 only ODly just broken through the ibo ceboll 0 of I 1 the infernal lof croal ercal system of degradation called mormonism Mor monro and aad hanco hia has ad i vantages have leco been extremely limited no ile had bad within ibm LIM him however boef for the makich 0 of I 1 ft a good goal rod aad useful citizen citi zeo and is 19 therefore entitled to lo abe be charitable consideration of all boo people lie ile is indor ged as a reliable sod deservi deserving og young man by the abe principal of tho the derbut deseret university tho the til ot of dominion common schools and od other gent lemou in ia this date oil wo we trust on along the U P wilt will give buu a i dijt ill ike bo be file ig out of |