Show SOUTHERN UTAH of cor con carTo tnt denoo tribune tribano Trl bano I 1 SuA TOrr jon jn 22 1877 after a 6 long season of most ifill ifal weather old winter has big como come upon us it has baa riven iba the minere hero what they illey ora ro always in ia need coed of and what they dow BOW desire and that is ia ellow which is u manufactured into water r the saumer smeller bat bail shut down until more satisfactory arr almoro ments can bo be mido made with tho the owners offee 0 orval great horo horn silver mine io grieco in aco ditt riot tho trouble is ia sai gid A to bo be that tho the owners tk more for their ores thin liny any smelter eta cn afford to give gio tod and make a cent there is il enough oro ore in to keep twenty stacks budding for ilia ibo next five years lito and let jet live lito is il a 8 good motto to live by but bat in ia this see I 1 am m afraid it is not noi so eo there are other mines horo hero which are ro looking up among them is il the vicksburg in ia tho the foot hills bills every day it improves both in quantity and quality tho the and aad many other prospect proa me arc promising in south camp tho has a tunnel luond dourly dearly completed and will toon soon bo be ready to take ak out oat ore mr james black is ia still driving abend the boston tunnel tho the Nestor NoB lorm ls also being boing worked by uj maj holt tho the Klc and mammoth aro are both being worked alo the harrill harrie burg barr M kanara in ila north camp the ibo rebel R B E leo lee and other jihor prospects aro are being worked with encouraging cote the miners who come and aad established thin ali ib district five years olga ste here today to day and expect to bo be ablo able to show abow ta whoa they como come hero bero me as good mining property prop city to invest in as aa can bo be found it iu the districts north 01 ol us the rest real pall bick back to this calip camp bus bai an been money and a rail roid but notwithstanding all this wo we in detill t I 1 live continua to improve ana and develop abia parl ol of zion the ibo lord lora is kith ith us ns if htwe we bra ro toot poor a and ad make a raise at mountain Monn lain meadows Mei dowa or have bavo the aid of abo emigration fund to help us along N bullat |