Show J i i THE DAILY 11 TRI R 1 llONE 1 V F 4 p BY i RE rUB LIBRING 00 empolen of tto tio leiding leading business Baa iniBa 1 i men iron of falt bait luke lake ait oit oily r anor bjoland thet a TERMS it OB year nr posts prepaid I 1 the hiew I 1 I 1 byrbe by abo cantor at t 11 ZV 0 pot t mouth month payable py bl la ira advanced advance 1 to V sr A I 1 VITE aral ati efte ug arl all diso alwi ai ia I 1 of buret sod cattle skill falli tree PID r 0 A nona at itak J H Morr mf tobal birtt south 4 C CM 1 by TO ta v LOAN on jewelry Jow olry via lire VC V ivl C aid 1 Y bel filato ro enar r la in gobbeo alb prill drug burc varo I 1 CA ATI TIC IS bought ovid ud and L rhural v 1 0 agod broker in ID 00 abdi b 0 pm D 4 P blore VAI T malim the th boat bit in ill the ia J L L ro an doted to 10 door north 0 of kami rose building bu try alcyd a boots boon 2 80 ir 1 v F n 1 I E OLSE OF tor for teat an taj I 1 furniture for ul ado P 0 buo ouo 0 block from post postoffice office 1 ab a lacot 25 rok calfi clr I 1 clikas UK I 1 one nuro native wi witti i I 1 dirato mil and 13 cacci a 7 10 0 bicoll att Coc aluff 1 B 1 G if ff ma U BL BALE L oct 6 9 hom hor EZ en fj W inc balte noir liable fir far saw mill mail tt jlius mail hoisting borki apply to 0 M X ma A 00 4 jj n portable hoglo ia 12 borso hor itt 10 lo I 1 pow eric pric ilm alm lw alto onse coDd biond nj peru 10 C G bo how Yo wo r good TM J law price diw 5 L howo it 01 16 E a POWER boiler for or sale gluey inquire of 0 goo M X scott boott POS 03 HEM I 1 I 1 JOSLIN PARK f emlon to la I 1 1 bratches prAT CHES fl CLOCKS 1 I JAND JU AS 0 THE FINEST el 4 SILVER 1 AND PLATED WARE I 1 s an elegant assortment or of foi DIAMONDS AMONDS PEARLS I 1 erald erk olds ld 11 rol hyt I 1 coller robles Gf Var trat note etive igenta isamii a for or alio tho it 1 1 del tinted spectacles SPeCtacle ll I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 a boo uil and jewelry of every y repaired by li Arsi cLass workman I 1 1 I MAIN riller 8 W itally LAU OITT i I 1 mort I 1 aa b STENBERG 6 9 twilled I 1 PAINTER D n 9 fw L I 1 p I 1 formerly of Keir Torti vio besto inform hll atu 1 ho he stall at his old place on oa strout where horo he h Is IJ prepared 0 to o ds a kinde of 0 work la in tho the 1 PAINTING MG LINE J JAM 1 I 1 the only clieo where yon ob am pt gel i A 1111 ji I 1 w e butwill stand tho the weather every 1 I body suki for or them I 1 SHOW on allu or paper to la gold silver or colors 9 done boe it at not hollom tom mixed faints fo for r belef an aib fe 1 V DOD secondhand kitchen blovad kt at a A balimt old anition house 1 0 B R dorsal h I 1 1 I 1 t ly 6 G JAMES co coa I 1 q 11 1 aad butali in 11 1 AN I 1 labrador sad volland herrine caball III pies fast alaray on hand I 1 GRAIN AND FEED I 1 I 1 r bond south ti treat near oom I 1 I 1 t I 1 fad 1 1 I 1 I 1 r 3 a T its i I 1 0 I 1 e T I 1 N lia armind by elvas pot jui uj I 1 y A los lot of HOLIDAY GOODS li P MING oy or california sterling silver bater were I 1 plated pitted were i gold and dd 8 ilver watches Wit II 11 t I 1 solid gold G old chains etc eta 1 2 9 tab 1011 loll t ibo tory logut i art 1 Q warlaw U L Z HOLLANDER r m 1111 I 1 ste dor do r north of walker CM t 41 WASATCH orl SAMPLING A 1 aaa 1 4 ORn SHINO MILL SHANDY 61 11 UTAH MAH i i J ir ita ii proprietor ater US esit erit lt lake finot so no 81 82 main st bt 1137 1 1 A a aro jim jemm A NOTICE 0 roon you ton are lr lore A by hooded hit testa I 1 tore tire expend expends 4 in IB i labor ua 0 4 ladnay the am kaaa of one mod 11 ed J TV 4 0 o r 1 and nd orty forty one oin 00 OBI te 21 A f I 1 61 the same im belog being the tb on a your latoral la in the ib arlue mine ding ham CaG wass mountain mining did dl trtat utah territory Tm ory for onto the year r 1576 ua if said ina ber bui tod I 1 bosti oni is u dot 11 vald luj la we mo within laneir W X if n the tb dita data of 0 alio you roar a trait t rait a mine will beco bobik lall 10 latnrop laT prop city by pr a of law le 0 ks J U vany on 0 V T jim ioa 0 1 iw I 1 TO DAYS advertisements TODAY TO DAYS 15 ancy U reebok wife of sir clarity M or 0 abeli atie lolo 1010 belr to by tile lk death of uncle any coo oo 00 lor her Ler bouti tin con fr fir i a favor ty by forwarding tier bar to III U 0 alark iowa io oty ody lowa lol t 13 SAIL ill 1 L KING 30 nata buteff public far or king chattin Chat tiu to T F J downed lc 0 Commiss idaO r or ofle wl for all lie a convoy i Antoro br rl fato nuil oval astute afa efflo no la 12 street bin francisco Fru clico pal cl of uj particular IL given to the old i is iqs 2 4 TO DAYS IN THE DAWN of 0 the year everybody makes resolutions and ool a courts conr for himself hicsak bettor better than ever oscr before one adopts adopt a good habit another abandons aban dool a bid bad one and til all nood good people determine to do bolter better reach and dd accomplish more than in the past lot let us ui hope that none DODO may fad il resolutions beiga in order WE HAVE RESOLVED that hereafter we WB wll will tito give bettor better fig figurine urise and more satisfactory terms than ibin th the publio public is ii accustomed to we call attention 0 to o the fact thit that we vo have recently roco received ived from tho the eist bast largo io toia of straight whiskies ekies these goods purchased by us u in ia U S bonded Waro bou loog long ago go have hata boon been stored by till nal la in free and od hold bold at a temperature of deg fahrenheit tor for the tha purpose of at giving mellowness mellow Dem and abd bocquet bon many peli people plea are ar under abo that hit pure fare liquors cannot bo obtained ta these times and od it is ii not at all 11 a tiara occurrence for parona p drobs to ray now I 1 want something pure I 1 dont onto what I 1 py pay but it inest bf be porep pure and when at last they decide upon in an arti CIO they will look us ni straight in ia the eyo eye and sty oy A now are you vim tare JA an is M pure I 1 the result bog i we should become indor rigi rii b blo 1 rel felfle re it it were not cot toi for the tha riot fact that our cor liquors are purchased in such a manner as to mke make it in an for hi as to lo be deceived and we asuro tho the public that wo we havo have BO desire to deceive them we sell large q tiou aties ot of mixed whiskies ekies to suit fait the tha claasen of trade 1 beoh doma demand ad them bonn however contain toy dy more imp urides than the coffee teat tm bacon trait fruit ond and baintin which you every dj day and never question at ai to the runty purity of aach ahl ucb as t the old hermitage Hermi bourbon tad and syo rye sad add the aurora Bearg raes atherton alicy Mo monarch Dereb and nd miny many other whiskies akies which we no dest del in largely wo we hive have only to sy say that it at say any time we cm can tod and will produce evidence hereof to convince any it il tolli tall Rent igent person of the iho truth of these BUT REMEMBER if we were and had to boy bay roola jost jail where wo we could coald catch them than lhea we should bo be in igno ignorance ranco as to their purity purita as ire are all dealers who are not fo as ourselves we ask aik merchants and con consumers somers in tho the rocky mountain Moun taiD region to bear these facts io in mind Pro tatt there is is more truth than poetry io in 11 the 6 following we althae luk you yoa to call and meece see at and you will flod find that we hivo have the ibe largest nod best stock block of ales alca wines Lil lacro and nd in ia the territory w hahl favored ored td satellites A A to son me li quoos beetar loar an datel kept ta apt in store lor to lo give IT choto tone ton avery p 4 atry quality price and ad grade I 1 ready tula to lo OUR ul nil all IM of f trade rl bran tl B randy dy from france for plear pl uses aiu R D bloe blase wine for son OB sad aj fir lanae we braae be balew T rab be port ihlae da clart of worldwide world wide benale H olland hand hr her gins caina for our car specie apel has att barord barl rd tred E p lowland her product of hope hop and of malt H R helar a sole to la the he fledel we 19 pain from badii gives Kl brown without fault faull KaTl caa arlla arl lb walsh ariah and scotch A ulan roub polish calimese chin and the lh dolth ikera lob duill ad lan langelan Riu ilan selan kod and and ancla dan D con an all be supplied with goods food that are r pure parr or r if not BO wll well well return moneys tarr sure WALKER BROS CO opposite salt imade gity city no Us R FF 1 0 I 1 C X agton co 00 wholesale WHO WHOLESALE LESiLE AND li E staple and fancy Gro groceries cerie we Q hoop constantly on bud band abo bet best goods in that lima and nd sell KU abom il at the prices mil mad gais gauula rantee all U goods good told sold splendid assortment of holiday goof girod F a just jast arrived wati sting of citron lemon peel mince neat meat apple butter ater rt pine apple and lim l im cheese and a gre great at variety of nuts and candies B o HARDWARE im department D NT A full supply of builders a and nd miners iners hardware newhouse trips of all sizes tin sheet iron galvanized iron bar iron horse ani and mule shoes largo large assort ment of table and booket cutlery ila piping cfall sizes BARNEY AND BERRYS SKATES GIANT POWDER I 1 n under unar alfred nobles noble original Origin fJ ai d only valid Ia 0 I 1 it la is hardly to say to the miners of utah air or here thit tha t C is superior to all other strong explosives se that has become tho the universal no ircia verdict ver diot italia ions of giant codr bowder TO tire boio being extensively cit Dicy throughout the ter antory in md to in 11 II mining and a the iba origin patent bu u deen een miring D cd ad u lopoo u for tho the grot powder company Co apoy are re vigorously romly prosecuting tho the a offo parties in ia the ho higher united states sta courts T the a 0 el company employ a thorough chemist che who is ia constantly in on oa nitro GISe erine powders with a view to improving these compounds both grades glades ot of powder noi I 1 and nl 3 2 gro are now cow almost entirely froe free from rom lames fames andt bon which ire are yet evolved bl bj i a blut tie are not dot kt at all inja rious to tho the health for strength safety economy and reliability the ilia ta X has no equal alter the late terrible Terri blo explosion la in i silt bill lake city great errol efforts wet were abd MR d 0 to t 0 the cange oi of it if to the presence of GI G I aft ro 7 but be it known to all lt men there WB was not ik solitary pi arLica of S on oa arsenal hill whoa when the explosion occurred tie the only powders connected with tho explosion were wera the ba ordinary ordin tty black powders powder and ad what is ii known as tho the hercules but NO GIANT our oar powder is now being sold old at it lower than ever beloro before to io utah but bat this wo we will vill not bo be undersold under sold tea even by imitations or BASTARD COMPOUNDS POUNDS send bona for the genuine article to cunnington GUNN INGTON GO agents for utah SALT LAKE CITY abb bal agents for knowles steam pumps STOCK ON OH HAND RAIL AIA isu ining pomps and boiler feeders i 1 I 1 1 I address 94 0 I 1 CALLAHAN salt lako lake city THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE TERMS I 1 atoo 1401 I 1 2 aco three W the tribune lob job printing ofelon U bu the most oom pl 1 lo 10 1 la 1 th r all 0 is II hall bu been i clam 1 i 1 with il oil ill 1 the liefl uil and meet unique styles of type bordage liol Bor jui dare I 1 it book binding A in 12 tn out in broached mostly ml land promptly prompt lf ted ILI reasonable retail HEW A advertisements NEW af w STORE I 1 second SOUTH jubul jut rut ot artl ALLAN FRASER B to inform hll friends uj and the ilia alitt h 0 hu bail opened a ud and toro 0 on second bonita at 81 Bly blythen blythes thes building ilo ile by keeping done but bat firer CLASS GOODS retailing them bom at 1 and by strict atte attenson ltD toa neon to merit ft a bre of troula ge 1 he pub public me to in are lovblad in go in hu bail stock of 0 tux tom budr coe chituc rees us br CD baled Bimi Cho flour floor Ulai pons oar car rents lamon peel etc otc to latel do walco wall nil be b found of c the ibi first qua ity 4 EMPIRE MARKET I 1 1 L 1090 r 1 2 l who little tit fat oxen olto should himself bo be tt fat DIL DB DAT UNAN tr avitee till hill pleads to la A JL TOW grow fu fat ud lad luj upon his choice roasts his juicy St steaks saks his corn fed pork his delicate lamb his milky white veal and his prime logs legs of mutton THE leadin 0 PURVEYOR IN always kt at homo home to robem rue care gawu balb ing common or boolean asla M his bli bool Isail 44 n yoa yen wiot amythine my thine RO to tho the old an a boo house BOOM v lukor brue bro a Q 0 k ca I 1 1 I 1 r J eft cju bro CHEYENNE se ap aoud aly on baud band ama lw jog to aw 00 sharp long along naif lud lufriu md and a to fad 0 tock of s mj Cesio niaLs doodle brunat U c boate t apro la in y tarl rod and ara an thirty fout hot rid and ablo U po 41 1 1 I t abas jbf to VV KM to 30 F charp b ia to 0 sharp arbter s wil rd ed 1143 1 1 43 to fm 9 apt rulf lida rice to lbs a t triga ex a tm tr berr to hoot IV M are aj u IA pobe jtb to MO i A lh arms fm leal their abir lebu md ben and aad boac taime sud mt their heir per perform formia uc bufore bedona les leftT vinat lB alea tb amary Dia diaiuto auto knowd 11 od tor far capr 9 tel by th tb easo cm coir 4 ay A y F ims 41 caubo cubr miteb clr 0 A arnay my tol all 15 Cf tUbre at c edar t br is 18 CO CIO balth a meadan elsec ie 0 wiza beatr rid all caarl 11 rua fir le mr itu u achtor pam RIA all nAdi pt aam atm ctr am 1 HO SH 3 n 01 pr P r pr box of 41 lu A NW N agn afa td BO 50 callam ta br I 1 open x C tile mtr idres as ill odar li aal 70 a fan reldia rel di a IW 10 g 4 96 far LT pr r 00 ant ir alb ii A n per late 2 njg L L L t 22 i j pt a rig 40 or 4 jib ekr affo test at alro mi bg aa ta M PT r lo 10 li at 0 1 rafi 1 us 4 44 or r eat Q abat 1 at oil mj 9 n sto ah 4 ld jo i baua Y ft talt on oa ordan by original wit kf A f fw or the tb ls r 1 16 6 in ID ufa aate 1 to fa the tb e th tb Pull calu l arld to ardan frob arms aa burul gua gu rul ma S lul AND SUn surgeons GEONS ir dr J 0 DOWNING dy 07 Clairo olo an kill I 1 of oh children ildren a outdo removed to ti the ho nom y fil mock x opposite was an tab hotel hokl n 1 I M X ali M ff drs williamson mcbride orfice bautch hotel hold MO fee 0 conj aid floor boon from 9 to 11 L in aa 3 2 to 1 4 p ID tad and 1 7 to 9 p m 1 1119 11 jonas T P taoist cocoon 0 dorolea DocaL kal U V X V drs T a coart douglas 13 r za plain tra steeled hoori office honn boon from 9 to lo it 11 a in mi ud and 2 to 4 iam art dr Voli gisa residence ruid cne at 1 the collagen house corear bjoland et east tad land booth bunmy Us a we RHUGO me D physician surgeon chronic distaste a cities in ia Calebro olli building mila main 81 salt lake city t l daw dat DR STANLEY 9 ortho eleand ary enow U york koit I 1 1510 I 1 aad aHiA AMA Brist ar eyed mil and far drum iu wiloh block second floor 1 3 HM tr 1 WHITE me M D I 1 ph physician 1 clan and surgeon ilia ho 57 llalon street up states lair CT ator the iho now how york candy liters 8 3 1 1 DO D THOMPSON M df D I 1 WASATCH notel HOTEL SALT LAM ortt CITY 1 old II 11 hoon ya to 11 12 m I 1 to i A and I 1 fie 9 P m |