Show lioa W grown grovu to la be so BO much macli it a part of our daily lito life has bag been si incorporated in our social and menial mantel system the most of us na hrico erased ceased to think think of it ai a auch everything that lap kapperis peris to wi is wo our feelings fee linga we conr we extend the barrow circle in ia w M hick wo we inove to 0 o tile measure of 0 tho the globo globe we swell our bettl luto into 0 evo n eions of ye aris joye tho the annoyances of list last werk week tire crow ising misfortunes we ia do in common e 0 brotie but bat sad and exult vieb w alth pie dignity with little of th the UL lit or iu its our livos lives wo we mako make for ati thia luck by p imagining dd rom tolio statement to hear b afir tho american mention his dm dia nt geror for f or a valk down broadway would be 10 led to that such BUCU a son laiu so ner ncr including the concomitants laid been golden oaten such a balk walk with its iti attendant visions rarely taken take is disk but when you have baro on you conr r dinner and your walk you to the manner born his ter id account will appear pearin ingia gid tied nd tho the fringes of hll his detona jbf tono be deadly closely now york times timen ONE ot of two things rare pay the nor fjeran moat mail bo be done doce right awty away blea must stop atop discussing the political situation on street corners or boys boya met quit coasting on the sidewalks awo men were 1 on n tie te corner of f main and do da ruth elb street Bt eDe enes antil in a montro vergy 0 md just aia si olin brought LIB his get fiat down in la his bis open p alm loo and excitedly observed 1 I tell jell you yon this thi country i is rigidly drifting ioto into a i 11 des a toy on 1 0 li ad rapidly drifted joto iao his leg lage anil and the ibo MR dina uk rapidly ioto into the tb gut gutter tir T with the na of on jell his bia lips sad a look or of forroi in hn his eyel whon when be got app pp and od a alured himself that the back ol of his head bead liko like the banner was still till there bo turned to the other gentleman to inform torm him that bat the country might go to halilah for all lie la cured cared when he bo asa that rapidly down the ibo street it la a dieb duio suio lo 10 add lint tho the bys elod wn was not dama damaghi goi by the buck book |