Show X LIV CONGRESS 4 BETE BE TE toros JD jan 19 mr cin cam eron presented the petition of the iho pennsylvania Logis lataro doo laring tho the result of the iho presidential election can only be ba doola dool red irod in ic tho the man manner der provided by tho the cons t I 1 aution god denouncing the threats of violence or attempt to reject any vote by either cither alouse and that ilse ibo cerlia oates of electors from the various oro borit of the votes cast for Prod Ir scab dent and must mat bo be counted printed priD teil and aad tabled the iowa consular co nenar appropriation brion bill for or tho the year jett ending juno jano was bed and the bill without divisions dili mr cooper presented petitions from the conferences ot of the ibo methodist episcopal church in favor of paying the catini of tile the methodist bouto houto at re mr 1 mr I 1 motion boilon to adjourn till nil monday tho the compromise EL hill bill to annet dot be paced by a w week biek from tuesday it at til all god oil should bo be considered tomorrow and either destroyed by manly blows or pass it and nd not postpone or tm smother other it mr air stevens on the private conference tomorrow to morrow might effect more tha the beasi oo but bat the bill should be passed as a soon is as possible poe aible mr the bill up tomorrow to morrow tho the conferences could be hold la in cho bud evenings the bill was of great im lauce lauca it and nd should bi thorough discussed mr withdrew lis motion olion tn and lair fir Wal laced concern aug iu the electo 1 I count was via ered mr bogy continued hit bid remarks on tho the matter nt tr during daring the iho debate on LouW acis affair mr boby said the character cb tractor ol of packard in now new irions Orlia CB was that ot of aa 80 infamous robber Great applause followed fil in the leryon on tho the right aright ot at choir chair oa anti malion on ot of mr E rl itile munds the arms armi wi was to clear tho the gall gallerick erica on tho the right of abe be chamber the order was executed immedi immediately stol aaa the he galleries were closed without trouble mr west from tho the on oa railroads I 1 reported flinn amend tile tho senate bill recent ly introduced by clr gordon t create a finking sand daod for the ol of government Jovern ment to central pacilio railroad company of california western pacific lill road company and union haddad company notice land of the iho actor act of baly 1 lail an and J acts y thereof i oil nil lor abo of theolai iho claims 0 or of the government on amunt ol of gala m londe londa p placed hicel on the calendar mr paddock introduced a bill for or tho the relief of settlers on public lind land under the pro emption laws reforce a mr sherman taid said boaya ex jeStiLa ony did not bhoj that ilat violence violt noo did oot not exist ila ho refuted his bia do ol of packard and defended that gentle matis character spirited occurred between bogy bo y and oil tho the republican mcm embers bera tending rending the mr ir from the conference I 1 lop on OD tho the house deflate deficiency cloy b 11 r ao an ampro olion tion of 0 for or the abt 4 gation of government notes eto 3 1000 for the be investigating of the nondo boc and nd 25 OW bior tor the committees altor alter on na executive session adjourned jour lOur ned horse mr hunton from the iba iudici judiciary ary committees reported a resolution dig dia charging cha orton orion from custody adopt ed without division iii field nd len lenoral cral anderson were brought before the iba house for contempt they asked to bb to postpone their answer until lh the romal clizie members ol of the ile louisiana board arrived the mettr metter via M referred tc erred to tho the judiciary jadic itry com coin matteo mr ellis ellia offered i a resolution calling oo on tho the president for or iti formation regarding dg ilia iho rival louisiana governments referred mr IT of pennsylvania endeavored deavo red to introduce i a resolution directing the military committee to lo re e pol t V wit lat irmo arma anil DJ troops tro are boice being transferred irom from one enoi station to adoth or crebo the of troops ao ta wash iolob the kiib ly chomi arjen done but bat vial no 1 a by a B point 0 of order being saade tho v w 46 out oat ot 01 order on friday the house then went into of the whole on oa private calendar when tho cam roo ro o mr roster foster submitted the bo report leport of MI conference water caca commie tee on OD the ibo bill to tl the deficiency in in the contingent road ot of t tho he house to 0 o mi 4 toy fo the ibo liou ion committee reported ilia alio bolij liyo live appropriation bill beoh was made dado alio abo special order for or day tit at ada ur tied |