Show azz HE fl DAILY TRIBUNE I 1 4 t it 31 publishing 00 ce goa of the loading business mon men t of salt bait lake city a moe so or Tri digg rb mcf ditth by tie ibe carrier tl 1 25 bonte 1 lenrol ai I 1 arit per month 1 1 lt linha nHA ETES 0 BAUt AID at all cwm we wea A 4 of f bone sod 01 ol ottlo cattle treated T C A kosc tl J E fira south SOB street bir 4 Y 10 u lva LUAN 1 tn on jania dia li do uj bad aal ea eluto into pomeroy 0 toy CT ta tb be pr a 9 wor it OAD bonfi tg sole sod iiii aged ruME BOY aUY broker in il pm drug store X I 1 lit the att batt in th ott removed to in lar north of cl 1 J W bun ling arv lie illtyd yd B boote am a 2 20 M O I 1 rou ri mim islam r go UL i fa 01 I 1 an 1 I 1 I furn lart for or 94 ODA OD hock block from polo nici loo tr 0 at 1 tribune often a 23 3 h KW I 1 EA TO tn KENT clift cleft noab hill hall formerly u veiled vi alej states court tots bu leta bod fit ailed juk a it is ij a very desir atlo 01 lora inZ igat place for the purpose pur rodo bedoor b aoa lb thonol i also alo oo 00 ahe fink u or to tj feat very ellos chirp cited j rait uio pooai aiom s en ul DIM te and oil sin itlo q all families or bootle non a P ll 11 fam terms tory tort aWn app apper y to room it 16 tion hon 4 tw 05 q ruu rou HAVE HALE b R cutah aue uuie ut p me ltd amz borey invite tf lit scott qi dm docktor r ia I 1 I 1 0 if mutt US SALE U 8 hor bamo bomo power EQ ea 10 lo ailio cin ito new bw suitable lul tible tor for saw iw mill imal in alne 11 1 worl works app ly to 0 id M tit co 4 4 92 W amed roti Fortt jab bla ii vore coro IN acor war knoo ratio H IM im also alo jl parts blo 10 0 6 hort power good food alg U price aiu OLIVER DURAN r its olty a 8 16 a DO at ft EAU U boo leaor ablord ol 01 walker p alidy FU elf boiler for or palo IV 0 choto boap inquire of geo M X it A ritt CITY TOO 00 won at ai toy Y slight work fid tirl I 1 haq b aoitan ovad pop t 2 17 47 1 WALKER ALKER BROTHERS BACKERS N established I 1 established SHED A D 1859 alky 1111 IN III coln Co inand and bullion GIVEN TO 1 I vp rutn DE E attorneys arti correspondents atti dk of california sui san francisco aluik auk of BrIc brintall tall north america do fat tu bati oil oust dak bank chicago lijek amaba 1 I union tant now york t mp CORNICK CO I 1 BANKERS elit temple st salt lako lake city ingold dust coin and bullion athe principal cit Y ile If of urilio tile cited astl Au rope 4 it tr ik ti cular given to col ai lection actions sod proc procula cla cde remitted ted ft at t rates of exchange drawn 0 on a 1 I 17 isy of payment awning bokina STOCKS BO 03 HT AND BOLD 41 os ON f 1 man N 11 att national bank san francisco laidlow A co arce huli of callner cl air york f national is 1 state bf louis omak badot ial bank Athi Oo orE Y whitney broken J glazier it co tatjama san ana I 1 ml 1 alirio aL L kiya irao CU ArTly 1 acts publio Commisa commissioner ioner for or utah king sk Chat chanthi thi Bam hammors mors to P F 3 doe cd 1 selx tallo of 11 1 for nil all the ho L 0 O adil T rait orion A envey i f aeral 0 ae rUl n t nl xinliu s e ral aw tol MW woo A B 0 california foral street sun sao 1 francisco ct call Partin lir attention given to the I 1 autant of 19 at 63 HERB PARK maim amton in WATCHES CLOCKS jewed JEWELRY efty an D tit TUB r it ft ft L EAT ERLING 1 i AND PLATED WARE an of DIAMONDS PEARLS emolt aprile tor of ILA arindel Ar tindel tinted spectacles I 1 1 I 1 J 1 l I 1 Ma matolee tobee flooks ud and ot of ovary alu by acy ant clam workmen MAIN blain wv SALT LAKE CITY UTAH rm pot utah reports I 1 ar 1 BY B Y A ALBERT L B E HT H HAGAN A G A IN tin The above reports dow no rUB LURED e ml 4 READY BEADI rob pullen 1000 wit by the 03 A 4 IT by 4 co bill ball uk lako city oil cabi i T abo be santo committee la Is now to a cl ing tin its labor labom A I 1 arg a eiloo b I 1 tf of t toe timidly liu has boon taken principally I 1 la 0 aft to we elt cula la woi ia I 1 the weekly crit of tho the imperial bank of an inc use la ia a of 1 abo bonded warehouse on shatter foland annj now jornt hu bas baid I 1 10 0 wo OW TO DAYS BOMB 0 T at saddle rack restaurant Rest aarant door bout f wells fargo a co N ind and after lit let 1876 1 will ON 0 IM be to till 1111 oil ail ordath in ID the tb abrand CUT and team uio tho for or this al atud of arah Oy etore guaran tood a arlor Y bior to uy any baad now in the 60 1 stages I 1 hivo have bon tola auto got agent md bite the tiola Bito ula from this dl at t my badalo rock where I 1 I 1 will di tx be pra prepared prop pared tred it as til times to iff by bf tho cue case donin single can ind and keg ip y at ers horard to lo firera malf a c rana open and 8 9 GEO ot he weed W 57 sewing machine gos cos il FAMILY FAVORITE are u unexcelled 11 I 1 I 1 TUR TOE SIMPLEST ES T RUNNING LAIRG LARGEST EST CAPACITY reasonable TN N comparatively noiseless I 1 a IN workmanship WOR MANSHIP NO COQ bag GEAR SOLID STEEL SHUTTLE MATCHLESS FINISH principal tor for the iho territories 31 jle 9 ran 19 08 salt lake pity I 1 ASS alamaa 10 FRANK FOOTE AL M 00 mr in ZEM so main street soft ibata lat oty city on OD door north of at wai rod a da ruka ivoa 3 palato 1 kopla bottan 4 nil a 11 kind afif I tall twilo ioD timily ti milc jant froni from a distance promptly prompt lj to md and returns return made on an follow follo rug lag day d chat abw W pam J ASSAY OFFICE alvin cstreet nalis kull ahk city oran on carefully ashod seal from a dimtsios promptly y attended to ud agod mj aty chargoy cobun at cider sto JOHN hio nm J be B MEADER V baw 4 if euk BALT BALI LAX om TO DAYS advertisements 1 I 9 i 7 1 1 I 1 alf T I 1 4 I 1 I 1 1 1 e r va 1 I I 1 L I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 ik 1 I 1 it t I 1 1 A I 1 W a 1 IN N 1 fl N I 1 alzi I 1 Q 11 h 4 t 11 N I 1 41 1 P il 14 1 4 4 rl ll 11 b 1 ji ar aa r 2 na V k e W N I 1 M na tap I 1 1 F 1 11 k 0 irala J L aa A BM t I 1 1 tw X alow of i 7 ay iy t I 1 ja A ait 41 I 1 0 i ell 7 I 1 I 1 A I 1 F F t I 1 r ga N i iea I 1 ak ar 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 t ta A I 1 1 d Herc ultes laying out the glant giant sea of Jupiter was wag the strongest and moat fat rions of all tie the heroes of antiquity 0 with coo oc blow tto the 1 is ii cutt ciotti and brawling touting fiur right tad and lart 0 Hercule sr ama OW der to it under J W willards Vil laida anitia unitia unit iii patent 4 POWDER 1 ia the tha STRONGEST SAFEST ml and MOST HOST economical tf of off 1 I strong ud and the tb only oaly one CD whose patent will ul bow a 1 correct chemical to la tho the ead aa iho ant nl manufacture moul clure etterre yrtle ties have borrowed part of our altaro rell itaro and etyle of cartridge and titers boated ILM their powder r was improved I 1 I 1 1 L it ia than say other be auja a the oilra to rendered pore por aad contains no idro or p U ai 6 settle or other olber dolo artons ortons substance to b bi anti and the tb blood kad and tees u so 1 11 I 1 the ibe la gredlen ts attl to promote a 41 hl rl it awn docompo altion cannot guidot take piece la ia lot hot sa locra la in hot weather or la in ft a warm vim room and thus thui retain ito ibl fou fan ir isec it is more mok economical b co a compound Fil it t is fi onto naro to all ia explode colod croves troves and od at the game price will break from 10 t 15 p r acot cant more hard rok than soy other in ia use luo auy any I 1 minor can prove thin by it joclare flair thele Joir div toes not on armal ifill atu of 0 as ithe it mt he oath tinte time what rafn iid did mey taw law and aare their powder r byred w it the heart of cis city ailt f P WA W 2 wines are warned to 13 beware bettorf of til aa forever ix 10 latent log and experiment leg in ft a lia tress thorf do rot rat ad and thus tra brahis his with humm me alf sod beatta fir ar beltar patrow te a regular Com company pully KAO irao jwj their tw 44 nos ko I 1 ini 2 1 iho botial otial LENOK fu delt OF THE it to 1 by the powder work san francisco manufacture of all 11 of fonder known to lo tile tart art cliot many thousand pounds cach day aul n 1 is oat MOU leaded by GEO met SCOTT S go co agents for utah salt lake city 0 buy ra it try it uso use it and ami saye save money li anz alel I 1 ana 11 1 co A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IS IN staple and fancy groceries 6 keep constantly on tho boot goods in their ir line uil and toll loll them at t the lowest prices and o ill ganda sold splendid assortment of If holiday oliday U goods I 1 just juitt orri arrand rod consisting of cf Ital currault Curr aulM citron lemon feell bilbee meat apple nutter bulter plue pine apple anti and ilam cheese anti ami a great variety and candies wow vv xia voi to is ats etli HARDWARE department D A full supply of builders and ana miners hardware newhouse traps of all sizes tin sheet iron galvanized iron bar iron horse anil and mule shoos shoes large assortment of table and pocket cutlery tin piping of all sizes BARNEY AND BERRYS SKATES an U IN N U M m 11 N 0 W 1 on J E RI a aldna nimba Crl gital at d only valid patents it is 13 hardly necos siry to say to I 1 abe minera Miner of utah or elsewhere that I 1 is ia superior ea to ill all other strong explosives as ag that hn has now become tho the universal a a I 1 verdict amita lions of groot powder bro are beio extensively advertised bdyer throughout tho the territory sod od its ia all mining districts and dd the original oal patent has ba been infringed upon for the giant powder company are vigorously asly prose prosecuting cating the parties in ia ilia ibo higher bieber united rilei courts tho the briw bawn company employ II thorough chemist who is coupled in experimenting on nitro G Gly orice powders with a view to lo improving these 1 both bath grades ol of noi I 1 ani and 2 are to now dow almost entirely 1 free from iram fumes azacs which are re yet jot by a blast aro are not at all idan rions 1903 to tho the bolta for strength lh safety economy and liel reliability the ali 4 OrT dij t C bassio requal alter after tho the late explosion io in salt LILO like ony city great efforts were vers made to g the cause canso ot of it to the ol of cr XO L bat bs be it known to all men man there was wai not 2 toli tiry birtice of i aj cwb E on arsenal aill when the explosion occurred ocoa the ta only powders concocted cono colod with willi the bo explosion Ei were the th ora ordia H scary iry black powders sod lod what is ia known as the ibo hercules but NU NO GIAN r our one powder is ia now being sold bold at I a lower price than ever before io in utah ulah but bat notwithstanding ibis bis wo we will nole by imitations or BASTARD bona for tho the article to 0 o hunnington GUNN INGTON nil 1 1 m 81 cof CO as ea 0 ailts for utah SALT LAKE CITY willi 16 I 1 wa 1111 T hewitt xa 7 e gift a Ws iu cis yi 76 kentucky W hiskias PURE for medicinal and fafail family use WALKER BROTHERS aco CO I 1 Who wholesale losalo agents salt lake MU a THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE I 1 I 1 poster pota prepaid 1400 rat b s W 2 W three 0 u alee lw the tha tribune job printing office ii 12 ali VA most boet te in ID the II 11 1 I 1 bita boon recently CW it with it 11 lie NJ and nl most unique aylm or of type borjan korjen Ont itte book binding in 10 tu lu its brano boo costly and at i reasonable gatei MEW advertisements KEW IS NV STORE 1 SECOND of StAlo Road ALLAN FRASER to inform cofas hr his frien dai and nl the bra akoi publics public thil that lie he bu bag opened a grocery wid provision store no second oath tit st building H re trusta by bj keeping none but bu t ff nginr 17 CLANS them at prices price to 1 by to la merit abare of ill J bo gj ab f to are u to td la in ato tin stock of tutu tom boger Vot roes BA 11 00 as gain cawa flour Itil Ral Moi sars cur until seats lemon peel IM 0 aio oio ia at which will be b found cand ol of the link art dwity 1156 1 4 administrators ADMINISTRATOR IS ric korine trICE NOTICE N ll 11 beby rivals that I 1 hii teen loto by tin court of salt I 1 alto county of f the th II tl of A kelly d ceail all baring claims cm lailla lail paid ll estate red to a peters fici aw with tho he oc DO nat farj ry to 10 MO at t MY lay eftim over kha a brod pines floro sail lake ony city within ton ifa month from ibis dat dati t or orthor aboy wil to bir forever barred burca E F al WILSON or bal boll I 1 liko lake city ju jan 5 1877 alf EMPIRE MARKET who kille lit fat azen ifould himself be b til D pa JoiR soi P nat tt LANNAN invites lie hu to L grow coir 1 fat I and jolly upon his choice choicie roasts boasts his juicy steaks his corn fed pork his delicate lamb his milky white veal and his prime legs of df mutton THE LEADING PURVEYOR POnTE TOH IS IN always at t home iome to twelve gresio I 1 bog ag rmon or ot somins his hl b bno ou cuili tuili an 1 1 iuan IF F you fm want tint anything go a to the old OH ana aal 1 lion house oppe fijoj I 1 cb 0 it I 1 1 V ta V I 1 tita sa Oa 0 az ead oa t iyo OB bara from log to 20 c m roi ugo stiens kic and a fau to U stock ot of n and C D adl dle ratio gnu tin in Y sty lle Is ui and ITs xu thirty to paiit bart b ar sos el 61 arp t Mint mintsia sir ai U eel cal HO 90 r HL jis jas lo 10 M fh ahrn to 0 krupl t liard L ato lotu fal aboc lafitt trl fr ritva rU sai tVA to to 3 bps aps t trig fr r era tt bes batt J noite to 0 o xa boot 1 akril 7 14 to 0 o ia 0 o mael afif to fao ahlm all lit lb at kcjr anra and aal adil their rohl writes hiis lalo 1410 ur the dl bolm 11 ini ar by arf Is on down amy il 41 callb 1 1 amoss colts coif armr amy Itoi oher 45 calibre etner bt ar are sith A Wee as I 1 aulo asro cro ft loch lochtan tar RW hill tots am clr pr r M CO ita ali caro am ar get wr IW wu f pw pr pit az 4 1 lu w all KUI as ao 0 cufar firo clr WD are RUI rio 0 an ai n loj 40 81 rauol ira 1 ra alt i tall bl 5 n fl HJO 11 1 i 6 00 1 I 2 1 I 1 I 1 allbri 1121 IJU r rr por roo opt is rills 40 or 44 calibro aini tu or 77 kr fotr flaw h pie MI 19 50 a hi 40 H or tf be abb aubr al 91 mi a A 1 jf a 11 droh b one aa A luxl z cliot a aou r 01 cm an orders by bj suit pull a A actlis or clr alta inari in art ailt 1 I ur the of the b mageet pu tItular atte ati lita to enters trob dil t el G d 1 alf MY SIC IAN SAND SURGEONS dr J G DOWNING 07 chronic an tal 1 dloie of at children a once removed to la the iho blood opposite W hutch rok hotel ia it u JAS JJ ff drs A mcbride wasatch wr and floor offlie board baan from rom 0 to 21 a go 3 2 to 0 o 4 p in and I 1 to 9 p m 1119 may JOBS v P thoom 0 K 0 U N D drs taggart 5 douglas 0 OFFICES main baroo arl opposite I 1 gross 1 beconi floor oillie houra from i to 11 II 6 a aid ai 1 2 to I 1 pm tr dr dougle Do oRli at t till the ro nomo i 0 borcer ent aad da 04 th la 13 G U W RHUGO me D physician surgeon Sur goon a ont la I 1 uain st sf UL latin ito city t d DR DB STANLEY 5 0 of f the tb fouin yao lod ew ear in inaina arm MI liew KOK york kort V S 1 aid ays eys alid aj ear r adrams drams ia wasatch block second floor 1 WHITE MD M D physician and surgeon so no 37 main street ap stairs clr I 1 tho the me kf IF york car atti ay stara 3 1 a THOMPSON Homp so 0 M 4 D WASATCH SOTEL SALT LAZE LABE CITY office hours kroull to lo 12 a m 3 2 to lo 1 oil and 7 so 8 0 p M mi I 1 I 1 |