Show Colds Due to Allergy By DR JAMES W BARTON BARTONe BARTONI e ecU Bell Service SOM you find your your- yourself yourself self sneezing and cough cough- coughing coughing ing with a running nose and naturally you believe you have caught a cold and are in for a few days misery I However in a very short time hours at most the sneezing coughing and stuffiness of I the nose disappear much to your surprise The truth of the matter Is that in in- in instead I stead of having the usual cold due to I the cold flu fiu or other organisms get get- getting orI I ting into the system you really had an allergic cold in I the he head a d due to some substance you breathed in from the theair theair air or some sub sub- substance stance you had eat eat- eaten en The usual or corn com I Dr Barton nuton mon cold In the t h e head Is due to over over- overheated I heated rooms lack of ventilation I Inot not enough moisture In the room ex ex- ex exposure to wet and cold inhaling dust or Irritating substances ins in tonsils and adenoid growths All these interfere with the mucous membrane of the nose so that it Is 15 unable to fight oft the organisms that cause the cold With the usual or common head cold there is a feeling of tiredness chilliness slight headache The symptoms last from Crom two or three days to several weeks Not Like Common Colds However In the cold due to al aI sensitiveness to various sub the stances history the onset the tho symptoms themselves are consider considerably ably di different erent from those of the common cold Dr Norman W Cello Celin Seattle Wash in Northwest Medicine says Frequent colds at any sea son or at special seasons of the year are often oCten manifestations ons or 01 symptoms of allergy To diagnose that the condition is allergic there must be an investigation of 1 a family history of allergy 2 pre pre- previous allergic history of the patient asthma hay fever eczema ach and intestinal and 3 a present history of allergic symptoms All foods plants substances sub sub- substances stances handled in Industry and other substances should be tested by the scratch method or injection into the skin The most constant symptom of nasal or nose allergy is isa isa a stuffy nose which Is always worse in the morning chronic cough occurring especially during the early morning hours is likewise a symptom I believe that these simple methods of learning the dif dif dif- difference ference between the usual head cold due to infections and colds due to allergy sensitiveness to substances I will enable us to treat either type intelligently Use ot of There are cases where the body processes ore are w working at the normal rate the indivIdual does not cat much food and yet the body weight Is much above normal It Is In these cases that the new drug dini- dini has been used with much success From San Fra Francisco where a great amount of research work has been done on come some interesting findings In usIng thyroid extract to make the body processes work faster and so burn burnup burnup up lat fat care must be taken where there is any heart ailment as the thyroid extract throws extra work on the heart However when Dr M L L Tainter use used in three cases of overweight suffering with angina pectoris without any ony heart symptoms symptoms toms occurring Dr Harold Rosen Rosen- blum San Francisco determined to find whether the In in- in increased creased the rate of the heart beat I whether It Increased the amount of blood the heart pumped and whether I er It increased the blood pressure I Accordingly the rate at whIch the blood was flowing was observed be be- be before I tore fore during and after the use of I In patients who were beIng treated for overweight The blood travels completely around the body in from ten to six six six- sixteen teen seconds The tests were made In the mornIng no food having been taken since the last vocal meal of the previous fourteen day hours or thereabouts the patient lying Quiet quiet- quietly I ly at rest A record was also kept I of the weight the pulse rote rate before and during the period during which was given I The results showed that although the rate at which the body processes were working was greatly in- in increased In creased nevertheless the heart dId dIdI I not beat faster and the amount of blood pumped by the heart was not Increased The blood pressure also was not increased by the phenol The reason that should only be used under a clans clan's supervision Is that so many i iare are sensitive to this drug just justI justas justas I as so many are sensitive to pollens furs hairs and other substances which cause hay fever asthma and eczema andI I |