Show WISES WINES LIQUORS aa r 1 4 Z 1 wa N ae E L 8 ile ila abati for ruhh territory Terri torr TOE TIM celebrated extra 1 F butlers cutlers Cut lers extra old bourbon 0 ais deera in fa ana aai importers conlen alas alaa casare t tobacco 80 a 0 STREET two loor door west of arether Er ether lake city oran rii from tho the country nally fillod CHARLES YEO matis ilas COHE DOWS DOWN TO BUSINESS ailt SI ianora Iq nora reduced kaiu to 12 12 centa Sc leate from his hi lao an tul choice stock oca T THE 11 E 1 1 SALT LAKE BR J E EBY IL Y 1 tow ready to supply tho thil inde Irole with wilh the bets quality or LAGER BEER atu ALE PORTER inde in 11 1 unit tab 1 ua us sill lo alo 10 city 11 anlon 1 11 unior LIAO iko hotd oe ai will vall rw L avo 1 prompt roa ift attea attention tion A CO l rr MONTANA BREWERY afrait till THU HOT L runas a ailt jarr UTAH otan 1118 LLA acon thor T okiu led 11 arged aud a now blast again under the of jimmy cron loy mil and tint tit ell known kama allart lir LAGER BEER exclusively I 1 and ul it to lo bo be tho ho anent in ia the ibo market 1 coliat saloon Lee leap pero rate fa fm millis lk and aid tho the public Geal rally to CLYO their a i wass from ilia brewery is ij magni fleo I 1 perhaps ilia bo liivet la in the iho coun country iry and kail aruo d tig riling or walking liou lil ct lul CO aul caboy ilia ibo beauties of the place AMI aj till the odilo ilo browies bri mirt ut I 1 kt at the same famo time limo try thor boor ala uj your four custom cullom will au to lo at 1665 1065 crosslet a IN A 0 C N ER BOWLED BOTTLED BEER ALE AND PORTER at IL ilo 0 rate uj at 1 the lh S cod loabe your orders aith it tb copot of the th california BREWERY aceal somali Str stint elst ace dovw door faia di cor conraot 0 ais 1 u ahlm 1 VJ wea LIQUOR C 0 UI RE W W 0 of I 1 all kinds of 0 wines widm whit phlp kics dr C awo mm goods Tob ee eo pin eta ta mija blida street cliff rona itono t lutc 13 t BRO R F AU ERBACH BRO no 55 BACK TO OUR OLD STAND wbk TD a at TO RUIT orn om f I 1 1 increasing TRADE 1 I 1 OUR p hewl I 1 will be 11 t constantly and we offer out oar goods il PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES OUR ral jl wholesale department UP U P STAIRS contains aa m elegant and well assorted block of GENTS DEBTS AND DOTS BOYS JIM ac gents and boys hats LADIES furnishing goods I 1 IX IN ALL FANCY GOODS HOSIERY 9 cutlery notions etc HP HR down stairs 1 filled with DRY GOODS AND aab BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES aau j aln hiitt rabbet goods etc etc elo at bricea to defy hurry up 5 greenbacks Grecu Green backs 0 choice dros goods front from loc per yard upward 20 blk laco shawls shan if tm im tx 1 00 up op 50 real luce lace jackets 11 5 00 op 25 silk jaketa capol capoa 11 6 00 up striped 0 1 BO up stylish 4 3 50 up suits as 2 25 up GO CO cyca casber cape 7 00 OO up M ax children Mild ions ous 75 up op COO lear badiea parasols aa 40 up dp pro pra ladice goals geaw stockings 10 up 50 new and nd pretty 1 50 up 1000 lipics ladies ruches kushes and 19 up op 1500 lidies Lii lioi bables loj and GO a i 00 ladics 75 up aw salliea corsets ix BO up 1000 yards of Jaco nott I 1 SUP boft ji di table damask Umi ln 50 up shoes is 1 25 up ars pr alicea missca lt achs ch do 70 up 1000 gentle linea white duck and cacti mere 3 00 0 up 1500 pis rants 1 50 u up P 1000 costs 4 1 00 up ISOO pairs gent ocala cloth shoes idars styles iso 1 50 up IU pr genta boots aud and shoes vars mt styles 3 50 up atoo getal and nd boys bora st 4 t rate hits to 10 up youths boys bore and ana childrens suit 1 75 up 1000 while shirts 1 00 lip we worell 19 continue to offer for the tb balance of cl tji tho buoo our oar new and choice stock OF merchandise at prices price to lo tuff derr competition READ KEAD AND PROFIT I 1 ordure from all 11 II puta parts solicited prompt attention and LOW rillies guaranteed baad awl CAEL AI id NEE US at al our oar vw now store etor I 1 no 55 east Telli plo street r ArEnc Acu A 4 enoi m j WALKER BROS ADVERTISE aar 0 furnishing G GOODS at to effect a clearance of this seasons i 0 purchase and to make room for our fall faill importations w w A are making very low prices on our cheviot and colored cotton shirts gloves bows socks collars handkerchiefs hats summer suits and pants linen boats and dusters alpaca 1 and serge goats coats and underwear THE TRULY i clasa t IS THE clist AND THE Cn EArEsT wa P 31 three boxt boita a for one dollar TOBACCO JULIUS JORDAN MAIN Op poll walker nome SALT LAKE CITY UTAH JOBBER IN FIN FINE E CIGARS om T THOMAS CARTER 0 cc 11 pa 0 40 tv A ruit lin r tackle at anil noted S COO CO I 1 manufacturers uj and dollars to la ri INE FINE CIGARS I 1 abc 0 JIB A a 4 3 4 C aeo I 1 smokers kors Art folco ato MATT MAT BLOCK JA i aw doors door corth 0 of walker honc bongo ft A ALT LT 1 11 K r F in CITY ale T AND ala IJO han brn ry arn cisco cal A U orders receive prompt attention tto nUon AL all liberal ladne emonts to tho rho trado boods 0 of IUT any quality to la our oar ua axle toor to or dt der lt ala JaI WILLIAM BROWN BBOWN A CO or oleado Olea XO AND asumta catl i smokers materials playing girds cards GUNS PISTOLS ETO WASATCH HOTEL AU all orders order promptly to an aa mutation at bin ban Fac lu at t gilroy tacia ComM atol tobacco Comp iRyl OF california MALY I 1 front estsan francisco CIGARS ANI AND TOBACCOS of Q ian U ailous ifor ca furnishing GOODS L s biad mr 33 te 1 I t at wholesale in this class of goods we carry the i largest and best assorted stock west of chicago dealers will mike mako money by looking through our lines of buck gloves shaker wool knit and cotton colton socks morino merino and cotton flannel underwear underwo ar overalls and jumpers shirts paper col lars rs clothing Clo thino and hats 0 AGENTS FOR THE MARYS marksville marysville VILLE BLANKETS AND FLANNEL UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR the abenti far ar this for the Iti voted overalls ami shooting suits our merchant me r ch a n t tailoring department mm IN CHARGE OF EFFICIENT AND experienced MEN MEM a FRENCH AND california A 60 FOR FOE BOYS AND MENS R which wo will sou ECU by the yard lard or mako up to order 1 gentlemen requiring a first class suit shoals look through our cur large and choice assortment wo we havo have REDUCED OUK buil PRICES and ana guarantee a perfect rit PIT BROS ell M 1 IT 1 FE N 01 t 01 sr 4 C VM M P ER DIS TIL L ED r 41 main salt batio cita SOLE AGENT FOB UTAH y I 1 take in announcing to fihs ihs p ablia that I 1 have in IQ ing the agan of at thi the above clax asa ft caw tta W 3 1 3 T F which asab at me ltd a 0 nil all the tha boat bent whiskies ah the ig united attention li IS ilao a zed to te oy my ana aou stock of at il al othor other celebrated brands bianda of WHISKIES BRANDIES WINES AND sole agent for ina 00 oa r distilled alfiro oak OF THE WEST MILLING COMPANY 9 01 UTAH will milling ores ore at as follows Follo iM bres S pcr tou ton 21 25 per tent cent ores ore awl autong ug 30 per cent ure ortt AN 09 60 ou 33 per cent cai ores ore amit alog og bood 13 43 per coot orn ores asab ng axi 00 ja ivr cent ores aaa dg 50 60 per coob ores om amitay ng 57 por or con coot I 1 ores lct fealty amle og lia 00 LJ I 1 or wat vein oro asia ahlo 84 OC 13 63 ilor mint orts ore ausy a 9 ut 0 por PO aut orad acuay ag 67 pr por con tire aiu aaa dg as p i ceat ores or allying ag IS lr ir acut oi orel M a SM W 00 7 71 1 per 1011 I 1 or g T 0 r 0 76 6 orel 73 per ored A ajaib ing 1 80 p per cent anil and vir warN hristu contrad d can ill bo alra irdel ngoa for ot milledg orts ort by uio the ton ion by stir lying to lo the ibo manager i no charge for mallog sampling SD pling or assaying guaranteed lo 10 with mill lin united bauce urea orce sampled ky by y battery buter or crusher at t 1 calion bennel tion of ship IK OT THOM ka 1 1 1 rl ois ikhil din t maum zigir Mui ui sir gir r I 1 SIERRA NEVADA NEDA lumber association acolon lors la in all ai kinds of doors sash blinds amM OLED wood pumps water wafer pipes sierra merra nevada lumber dumber ou r to T I 1 11 uil bryant brot dros brot I 1 I 1 SAUL AS L 5 J WN S to the unfortunates hw KEW U 1 i NEW esmedina ES I 1 DR aa liM dispensary I 1 cia M kearny brnt of i MAS HAN nt iscia la IJ lasi 1351 foil FOB idaj rii K aki of isoel nl rm arb h u fat hu its to lu 11 iu dormi ormi bomm 1 Voa kneal I 1 ocy alo to eto likin diso dufwa liew of youir d treated GIBBON I 1 ilia pie hare in tell ho he hu returned from tho the of aaro PO nod har ra u nd ir ht bt hd bid Dup cumy he her benr r by francis ON KS 14 awro hll and those roqui ring all AIA 0 0 m laky m s fiad un d allm L i m T alio b 0 D doctor mt 0 r by lu u r po lr e 1 neither timo time nor iu iliin u t now novy remedies md and has haff J for or tho the al ot of hamia suffering nal salol e talol aulmon the tb or of felt acao b solitary vice ot or of both axes io afta ing irich uio the follow train or of morbid symptom by sel re visa llo nance lark dark under iho eyed ysla vua la in the brad ringing in the mn noise ubo raiding of ot or cluing tit of chariots chirt of about the of 0 tho the almb oon eon ruled attil llalon blunted iw ims of coat afi il denoo cuco to la otra di alLica to form oria new a ellion elbon to iban society oclo tr tonal memo pira pc and various tulou eruptions boat about tho the 74 cco tee cooil dashed wred tongue ton juo florid brealy soahji tion night manov ionis ml and I lan 17 it 1 relief be b net cot ob t lw od heau terly la 1 freoa m n ot or by letter and have ft a affected y v hi LIB his now BOW ud and mojo modo aa of ihu ilia aua bech notor never fails la in i and ad cure OBI cured at al blome at 1 I a in ly ILY be 1 CURED AT E by I coltor ito to D dr gibbon lami loag lima the ui ilia dm couo ouo lua 0 md hare Clao promptly forwar forwarded dod freo free from damio ud and afi full direction ifor or dio alij 16 la curr ccoy la rc lorl through 9 tho the r eta loo 0 or or ivelle walli farge firgau lt oa A auko of will be forwarded ly to m larl I 1 of the ho union to tho the doctor will tita the cna ot of uw the piper they MO 00 tw luj ad 4 lu in AU AM strictly otly I 1 address DR DBy aUlBON JAB i 1 roo live arro odtis ih kaci A to II 11 J baulf doc kl cued of 0 DEEDS roll ALL THE mil aiu con i wyn ore ra I 1 rate r ate fe no d oan jen aral 02 0 2 california street SA BAS maisco d ALA 07 givon to tho the lilting V of cf commissioner OF DEEDS ron IOB cutair tu 1111 sall a of ii AS for UL and 1 notary bublic corner pine nod moat out broin ry TI beell SIN l ann cnn 0 11 HEMPSTEAD GAMBLE AT LAW AALT ALT LAKE CITY UTAH om 0 F strickland irate lite amelito AsB odilo or of leahj ORN E and aji CO it at liw law L I 1 bloom in J IS court IlO honlio nall ost OM JAMES B U A alit t C VAX 07 zt 3 aj aw orace room noomi 20 and 21 moerai court pull bal aklu fait lairs 21 aay Vs t i C L 1 l jand A ND V U 8 B deputy lineral bikul 10 J land AL A surveyor Sarve canaida Oan li 1611 landai di oto life ills thorough theory an it ban twenty baini will aar binl leonre cure cheap and hocur io urata work of ila kiado of ft civil cil draughter Draugh te feaoly ex metod iko city r 0 rat loss 22 z T D noot 5 BI bomis ion aa 1 0 1 LM AT HW over om rink na KA bank salt ako city A not botary ebli alwa a in atio onico office LIM LEWIS BURNES JESO r biti n w will in iho cocea bof of of the to iho mo lifo life ini offic hla into city oe 0 W bredemeyer BH Micro ABD consulting ENGINEER I 1 V U S MINERAL AN isn 11 notary dubne AM SURVEYS IMES an mil it hil ueral I 1 working plans lend iid ases for far mines im and super superintends intends the iho eata establish blIsh mout sait kad working of minoa mines the cocoon bration of orn ores IL A agoan afat tor for uio ilia humboldt company maua acturo rs of bruning mil and machinery for md information lit at mt of flea ana and and 17 Elm kamboll liall look 1 atta am prepared pro pared to take on oa four 0 Is mil and ta iho 0 hetts 7 acs D r P V AVIM DON U S ATTORNEY SEC vond ond judicial D dutdut act tit city chator cooney utah notary cotil 21 bills JAMES tl 11 KIM BALLi ATTORNEY AT LAW U H N ISO notably NO SO NO go 00 DIAX 11 sri tiET jia SALT LAKE CITY 1 fi 0 pi are deot 0 oi sutherland BATES C LAW fifie doer 0 fut F ut 0 of leeret iHl cott BIDI ijadi ftp alty IM 16 1 IlL tt C K 11 AY D 0 V ATTUnE TS AT LAW omco emco la in cocona story or of oil national eink bank arain street salt knit anh bogis ti t J Us U at ornea holmi 13 16 and aad iao IS federal coat coal 1 Bail dag I 1 mis MAM ST SALT liae rag CITY ueail b 0 C CLEM ALMO idita a 0 a for or U L LAND A NO AND ATTORNEY T P mil and adverse car cro 1 alaj I a aul proon omae bautch drug bibro ut LIH pity city aut JL JI J tt 0 yf jam A am SC astary palillo nat aeu hax ua 4 I 1 ux aar apr tda olry notary public and nil mah MA h th tj ina c 1 isa imd I 1 bunjor dor hop rort sionA I 1 rho iho 1871 oat not I 1 saze I 1 CLAYTON COUCH milling engineers toil rit of cf mining cai maiji ft 0 mae over alria ain area i atut V 0 cox box 51 CW BROS IlIN IIi gr ayi M A ACHIE 0 H I 1 EU R Y maeef salt lako cita iva 0 o luio tho the MACHINERY MOHR jor for STAMP AD ting I 1 bolt agents tor for ui the following pleasure blonera Bl owera knowlen knowle Know lei steam M pumps utica steam engine gos cos engines and saw raw mills HaUld iea alra ropo and ancl tramway co st couf louia iron hon wolli for buildings council bluffs iron works all ali of iron work on order blakos rook breaker Bro Brea altor kor i san pan francisco oaf oil denver Doo vor col council Z Blum cliffs iowa loir in 72 AGENCY nov LO LONDON 4 ASSURA NCE carpon COR CORP Pon 1 01 avidon Ion flon Engla eakland ild I 1 0 I 1 assets r tax 1 0 at NORTHERN ASSURANCE fo afe i r 1 I I 1 oro t 1 r t or 0 1 I 1 I 1 caf assets rt lexow 00 0 00 UNION INSURANCE COMPAQ AT A T 4 or of man Francl francisco cal 0 P assets 1000 boo 0 HAMBURG briere N INSURANCE ati loot of assets w W pa r 1 ae ac 3 s ei equitable qui table lire life As assurance society J 0 r I 1 of the united slates assets ff 1 ma 07 0 7 Itch libla and nil arents arcola tal far pr the th 1 m I I 1 territory Tem tory i bat ti HUGH 0 T W OW vis C ara WO W a IRELAND WATSON of 01 IM or OF A AND ltd WHOLESALE RETAIL deida LE oe clabia I 1 crockery glass and bar ayar arc lamps and inma ruthren ru rix taren turea coil oils flails la bugs pugs U la in ufa it for fills 11 ste of cams ay Iril ailua otil tl 1 1 s itta aff orders from tho the country will receive ita prompt att attarin atin feli iiii 6 1 to all ol of tho the city I 1 1 D DRUG RU G 8 STORE T 0 RE I 1 I 1 is 1110 ORE C LE CO vor I 1 P a i 0 WAS WHOLES UE A AD JD go Is le 91 baz 9 inn c aw ta tr LE M I 1 rl 1 in salt umile aghy etall j M lills CAREFULLY PREPARED BT COM AT ALL HOURS I 1 CO DAY ORil CHT 07 corjon by mail flood willi tao A li E ora pfau tb freol vadon J ivr 5 low iel so sv lh asks ill mau EN arm ft stand SOLI lr of illo iho ecle increment or ca I 1 aft and lispi of oc every description IWA IB bea clr to tal hia gitil of 0 tle principia jobco ilona works tt at r 1 I NICHO i mis CL POL 5 1 ik U vi m file I 1 USING 0 6 ma sol 4 41 AN ta 47 T al ka A S f itro ra i aae an I 1 ali 4 hai NU THE 0 IVI 1 OF THE GREAT HAIR PRODUCER one olic bottle Guara guaranteed deed to io prodico on oil auy bald head I 1 f three applications will 0 stop top v pit a hair from falling out I 1 wk wa eala LADIES troubled with their FALLING our dorcill eta cill 11 tout 1 I it by tho the uba of the j 01 DIEHL W iiii far 07 sold ana barbars ere za ila DIEHL AND sai S Z HOOVER CO GENERAL AltiEN AGENTS TS no 1311 1313 silt hi ft D C clini claims against the ho ad ailt bedro all la ima I 1 con I 1 any aay wanted will bo be ac cheerfully e tinei set nil 1 any ny baldness loMi batrus lid to iu will idiot with attention address S Z 11 it A COI CO acne ail im dh st ili mahlol P D 0 asian 1 P acsa r j byj stearl allison s ste steam M ramo ro vr ff ak 0 it calla pu ajr an 1 PI U 0 jia JAMES s age gl brioL ija daa C 11 A |