Show CONGRESS lr i i washing ton C afi Ducking lLin 1 hee bill wits wax taken from I 1 the I 1 lilile ible and re forred to tile committee on rit nuance lance il mr r of from I 1 I 1 cnance reported lack backa n resolution by mr ninnor nin ncr ing aliat Comi Commit nitter lw lo in aport alie bill of ct ioner of internal I 1 lc ellale anil ill pin vile of t i liy B ami ined he said ami when T herk tho the willcie giuin ai bitout lw possible to ell c il ICCI ta C without tn tax Offie CN to abell ish ilia I 1 ante nal PON cat tin burean A oln lie be to lo low at arast one finif the ta texca now iho 1 lie pr ir icari pirt part of alic eit io coll apil l upon ann and toba cent slid it mould lo ito 10 blo to collat cofler t ahrin ir sumner said here wm wag nn an i lt r economy lial mill lill fly I 1 t ilni vat syam m of collecting taxes aw by sti stitara nn nil imy dimy of 0 officio jonm lin im m ith the tinn win walt the X ining hour hati batin eX elii II flit ali 1 lull ill to belival ilia net act of IS I 1 arch nl 1 aili dario irita vias TM up I 1 tit alio 1 if Io reign 4 aglee I IS ilal in favi favor rif chodl file I 1 ilion nf if M mr r I 1 ili liing aa i to sp tin ikc L aija anjil ilea anlis lis 1 mr en r reacy bill but raine mine to fit no concen I 1 mon in tin tile senate to day jay scott frio the ou oil finance lina reported etith till I 1 aman lorents the he mor on oa bill anthor anther azin n the national hanks that baye decided r to I 1 heir capital stock to I 1 wil irda lliter pro rata or lioi ur upon e n ref reirin irin their own cir circell cull ung notes the proportion provided by law hw the only material I 1 14 ono il hviding that clial 40 fuli it thill inn hall ize izel I nailor tho lie I 1 tit s action ebion or r tile the nn na diun tiun 11 cil Cuic I 1 ency ncy act any notes ol of ench I annl binl t hereafter estaing into tile lie new york arc lury lull drill I 1 lc a caneel cancelled led ta tr gether vii atil li ai lial bal 1 L which hall lie le cuil to lo the 1 I red letizi til the ino morning bour axt king the lle lull hill to rel ml t lie salary act orMar 0 larch cli I 1 sa wai wa up I 1 bstewart to further file lull hill 10 0 o ri il the refunding of all alio llio lie lia liace I 1 1 div rec ived 1 t I point or of artier that lint I 1 awn W were already I 1 lie le tho tight to cn it aili etli 0 tta 1 11 A wn mam d feat t the he lull lie iu livo favo tell roia a s luire repeal 1 I or 1 I exas linne ano inuos it aft in aced to 10 be leu ell lie ile had drawn lin 1114 kiy i or grcen greenback back train ito in oil I 1 to 10 calil in keep cri it lie hal bal tried to earn it and hii state ilund no fault n fridi ith bito it llam va dot so aluch he ai iry bill like people objected I 1 to a as allic the cilia Mo bilier lill hill but bill lie did not think it 11 sch an odious measure mo asure lie thong thou alit 11 t billis one of the he best men dien lie ile ver vcr know and believed it was waa ilia ot of tile country who furred I 1 ilni ina ind itri jent mr carpenter e I his pur goic to lo vote lor for the alic repeal cal ol of the ile bill the ilia people whose per i ment ent lie he wait wa it not dot because I 1 bic ia belled the lull 1111 wrong i mr ir conklin Cl lin and mi wanted the bill repeal il outright the senate went jute executive 2114 the senate exe cutic shioo ain con lirine ij ca hins hing minister to spain Sf ain HU hilr ur lr iti si cech alii rhuell ali lie luil 64 read eigil i in bianu critt excellent belive ile liTCy y and good eol voice attracted clow flota ilia aiono anil nia galler ills the laier of many col colore oreil 1 it i pilo ale he deferred to the tile little bittle of 0 the lie conict ry in tile lato late war A nil the war of 0 anil 1 mii lail tile lie nomo now appealed to 10 tile lie eon anna ita tion tho ilia lo he lial hall fought to bastlin bust iiii jiin lin for piot oclin gain tt founded 01 on costa itell to 0 o the constitutional of 0 sir I 1 r of geoegia Ge olgia lio it con coll tended that hilt cot I 1 acia r IS lia a I 1 lwirt leui arr ilia rod ami liftee nt 11 arlenda arlen c nt q te to tho the completo ioner to pass ais tula ILIA law to protect all cit mens of tho the country in oil all lights it not br bi 1 that bylls of ellich the people complained complain cil their form foral public inna from sleeping CAN cais on find from 1 alio I 0 O right of if wini Hurr were the exec oise else ol of of ri the hi diate while cili elpi coins eming rc Kirl for or nr mr lo he rily that gentle illan t i anil lo he said it was wai not from him the american lecuse cluro of would take ill lit matters t touchier bi 1 a oR human right a bb should restrain hita train ting baling that lint gentlemark now no ol at dered to the which lie hiji hall done his lii lit giogi it tn ro v a very poor p return turn lr fur ili in fit conling coining her en an I 1 belinn to lo pint ent nuo nito iy I 1 ay s t 10 lo li alio llio e tr true u c ani 0 rl I 1 I K g w 11 ill ii r soon liiro footed nn ahoe who lull I 1 fail fairrl I 1 to lay 14 tm tile ngow n n cs or ill clr government v hichi tit llna lt n iiii iii i t I 1 ait out r rein ni the galaxy ol at faa lir it filled t allore al lore all lite ihu akie n gilr P illaci 0 o that lint hall marrol I his otherwise envia enviably blo and lenil lend big influence and adil masL mat lorly arly ability to lo cow conj pleta the iho proud of legislation which haa bad taille the ibe nation barthy Wiit liy or ilia great aci declaration that heralded it firlit ile he would thus linn bi hii re p and liest vindicate tile ido loin of the policy that liall ed aliw to 0 o re return turnIa to a wit in in tie the hoi hodiw I 1 lae ile he concluded i iu u au all pera peroration ratIO I 1 adlich W a s IOU A led on lila floor anil in the galari gal cri and at the clos of ain corny congratulations brorn member LI 11 bolt is if ironi front south nuli ill I 1 is llin darkest ol of any ol of tile colored co lorel intner atra i owr I 1 being dead scarly pare alil lie WAX i ed 4 ted ili uny A ill A four our p rn in ill lr gendral and mr fr butler of it tile lill bill leolf alic thel clr to lo cl alik ae lint hd h d to mr hale of ciui Mi ui from lite 1 upper rr committee V I 1 tile nava ap 1111 it late SH alf aliah Ali lh 41 nul aud I 1 after hamo va ia luale special 1 fail I lot i for or net I 1 bic ir i til of ilia onlo ill arloa ade a t on tile at 1 of 0 rt it bit forthe for alio of 0 0 alio 10 glonton post ollice blell 13 ilia led I 1 that ho t eirls unless call get a acito kite for tb alio IS I 1 no ani Aref anduly uly apprel it ile liny illy nt lit oil all I 1 iti |