Show WE are arc in receipt or of another railroad bill recently introduced int ia congress by mr clas gett of montana for a narrow gauge road from like city t to S salina sevier county aud and traveling trav eming rams ilia coal fields orsAn pote and valley tho the bill will be reproduced in out oar columns tomorrow to morrow wj WE call the attention or of i our dar re readers adert to tho the pais of S lecture on oil the boond builders of america delivered on tuesday evening list last in aid of the ladies library association of this city by iter iley C 0 stratton the lecture reflects the highest cr editon air stratton and does docs honor to the ladies ladics library ariti Ao association iti such antell intellectual alual leahti ought to be provided as 0 often ft as possible LS they invariably tend fond to produce a better belter state of society socie ty by bog a desire tor for knowledge we evil cuir gi the ladies on the attending their heir efforts and commend their judgment in the choice of lecturers WE are arc indebted to campbell Lam plot terson news DeWa dealers of this city bor fur r copies of the atlantic All anllo monthly harpers far keelly and a of othor oilier periodicals of tho the very latest date the Al lintio monthly contains cont aias a fine boo on postal telegraphy and the govera mental control of the telegraph lines in edgland and other countries also alio to an clatt elaborate orate raper paper fig lish i 11 allt songs the portrait of sir edward bulwer lat atton i in harper is pronounced by a friend ol of ours oun who anew knew him as being excellent eZo ellent P dwina laid oo on our tallo blo list evening tho the january number if i scribner laivins read and reviewed tint that number about two leeka ago aco it il if 6 not particularly areah thankie Thank Than kit fi alt the same TUK ill E IA I 1 I 1 t of illinois is trying triine to get ge t oil it tco the 1 fifteen ir n 8 staica ta wo bordering bordor on 80 aadi brough run nabika ble st realus pasing into tile tho ault oil of blex acx left ico to haij huij a convention the object is to urge Co congress agress to malo suitable eui taLla ap propria eions to protect the in teresta af pf of navigation throughout tho wept st I 1 louis 1 Is the lie brooklyn Kro ollyn eagle of the silt of january the theller thell rov cr ur dr roller potter of grace church iu in a recent lecture wore before the young mens christian association on Nor Mormon monism bm is represented as saying 41 in speaking of f the character of the cl classes aasc who embraced mormonism the lecturer faid that he bo was wholly bopre pared for and utterly disappointed tit lit the utter degradation and want of civilization apparent everywhere there was nothing but stolidity and atu btu stupidity edity in fact 1 hu I bald baid the ilor cormons mormons mong has had souls goula but they did not know it this we went tit to prove that the colony of utah built it belfont bel fout out of tho the lowest arata or of bogush anglish glish welsh mind and other society while this common he herd r ill etc this sweeping statement with regard to tha ma masses macs cs or of the mormon people Ls is not only untrue ja io fact amounting to grave slanders slander but unworthy of a christian minister ima imaging cirlo the great master speaking of a people as the common herd berd inmany if many of the people of utah are arc poor and ignorant it 11 ii greatly owing to the criminal neglect or of the so called churches of authority and the scornful op spurning by the lordly hierarch of a Sti state terell religion bad governments and bad religions prepared the masses of the mormon people or accepting the hope ilir ing promises mi I 1 I 1 onario it among the ministers of the dominant religions there had been less of lordly arrogance styling the people the common herd awl and more of the meekness and compassion of brighams Brig hams missionaries would have had bad less success among the foreign population the rev declora Di clora unjust statement with regard to the degradation debrada degrada ol 01 tho the common people is equaled only by his absurd opinion of brighams Brig hama hams greatness ile ho styles him the most man in this or 21 any other oilier generation i the doctor is not tho the first gentleman who has spent a few hours houra in salt lake city and then to enlighten his fellow countrymen on the whole subject of modesty oven even in in ft CA D D would b be c most fitting |