Show CITY NEWS ie a a 1 tho office cc of the iho west orn union telegram rh IT IL C goodspeed tux tire weather delta u a mul KITO gato lit ill a bin io in the th hipo of A slight snow now storm terni thit that it could bo be if it tried Ws WK are ro glad to another place kiwo of planking plan kio ping jonn down on ilia tido aldo walk in brodt of ocafon A A woods Wt by degrees digris our paths will get in a atlo condition out OCT mrs goldman jold mno Is ia selling idling out bor tock st t coatto room for spring pring gooba now Is tuo the timo time to pure hit bee advertisement ue are busily engaged in loading iho in front of to make it even with K ich that in front of the iho grace laack block black the road also along that nock Is fi receiving some lomo diarra tho the winter are ro being vigorously forward and numbers ol of dow cow lic boom alfia tro are being started flirted md and mechanical labor of ill U kinds appears to la be in domi dorni Tid mt this litt olond the prosperity clona city Axa team km to 0 b be alc plc 0 lafal lit last night tharo acro tho the thea theaters tera i danco inc attlio it abo city nu hill another ono one at 1 the twelfth word hill futeral minor plenty for enjoyment A rami th the llcy wy behind the business houses houri on tho the cost t side lido of main aroet it lit it fully folly anelo dp in mud and nl iash ind andia if notel caned comes will afford our physicians a good r fmc tico face tux tm oplus stage will octto hero here for To caule stockton and ophir on oa monday january and nil conti Dub outa to run ma every other day until further notice neon W mckee agent lost ion from gilmer A Bli Salis bury burys stage IK 10 1 0 tween bioche and nd uhl october bir bar ol of bullion no 2233 2238 A reward of VM will wil 1 bo be gi giren ven for its at wells bargoil bargo 1 co s allied in suit salt bako city ROYAL allen meiso thoro will bo be mooting meeting of utah royal arch chapter Chap no 1 on saturday january 25 at 7 H sharp lor for worl work la in tho ilia mark hark mab mactor r degree all companions companion irk in good standing landing art are invited to bo be present tuno F r anier 11 P conceio ConC TIO T it will bo be seen in this itsuo issue 1 LAC mr mac has sold out her entire interest 1 lo 10 tho the boarding house homo cast of city hill hall to john A moch not john A mack as erroneously it atul in friends of mr moch in Nay gadAR will all note the fact now la prees a handsome quarto advertising directory Directo rj gotten up tip by mr I 1 in Sterl bonste mr mra S hu has had some lomo experience in getting up this hind of advertising tied the artent volano will not detract from bi hilj as credit and cannot but give giro to hi hil patrons pitron fl wo todo thoro the r a celpa ota oro a to attend a 1 sociably Socia blo to at tho liall on wednesday next tho the dinst this ban will bo be given in behalf of the masonic doard of 0 bellof and will be it i affair M it should be ba swiss seeing iu its purpose i a a charitable ono one A dermedy wo cull call attention to ti the silver tiao ment of dr catarrh and can say my tor for it that tho the western palms prial abundant in its ita favor fator ahil this giacam should apply to gobbo co or to tho ilia druggists in their for it hlll mr mf J francis will lectora all tm on tho cr point of revelation roT elation 10 the OT Cling at to 0 GOT woods wood will deliver a lectora on imbt its it carl earliest icat lad ind once on governmental institutions pos teree around town enjoin us in I 1 to 0 look out for tho the Ilig lii or to transpose it for tho ilia girls this thi li is good advice wo we win will look lookout out for them and re r R a understand th that at the rc re forred to ai much ct tharo selves as society will wall tolerate there aberg ll IS haily to lt LO no ile difficulty in ii seeing them as they are arc jan SA sitoni aar of pioneer art famo is together an immense number of beautiful french oglia og lih german rod and american america chromoho preparatory to mother another drawl drawing tig of tho lie art union hilak jales aku place time next month several of tho the tribune bo aro preparing to wall AWAY with mth some of tho the beat when it does docs como coma off friend of humanity giro a do a ui his quietus yesterday wo bu body lying la Lathe th rend road and thought that ill all tho the good is u not banished bante hol from the ho world yet if that gentleman iero wo call men lim a gentleman be baua hoil our lost friend R who did tho the daw will call at this wo we will bornish him bairn a am in lu and hathim on the track of boeti me an moro oro camo cam of the ilia same flamo sort aart tho the subject of the abo lacour a in the church tomorrow to morrow cumi 1 nl I L lo 10 11 the or of the divino clia mettr and tho the flexibility of tho the divina hon alon not dot mcrae sir ar ration Sl 18 i ODO r of j f our most lad rationalistic lecturer anil ana we cordially recommend ove ry godf alo hu cot heard aua willnia gentleman to go and hear bear him AT THE ra aki aa numerous friends fric nil of mr W 11 II Sli carmAn will bo be giad to licar abit lowill li sl occupy tho the daak tt at Lila laural cral baliday next we vi 0 o love no doubt that a goodly dumber will testify aloir of abo to hear bear tibia gentleman mr aci nci add aali will be in ti sen aco will comm roco rica at 7 precisely post OOT IT Epi zoot AlL although hough ul aim sug lug such lack gad and laivo among seems per ar feally to amet tabo larl as isca cle wo saw ew ono one arlay tr lay in ia a stable yard where every lorne lori wu was sick standing around lott biml loo liing AS joaw mu ts over ever and nd act ct olly nally assuming fin an sit air or open tint that species til of ache fals par lico barly favored under present kruig g it li is neither tick sick nor dor 0 of f iding la in tho glad place of the abo loru lorna that iro are ick flick binco he bo can caa very doc cally sifford to ti tip the grin at both land hone and od a ox which are ro both victimized the abo or of the lizott li zoot 11 noon seeing it a crowd datil troal crol around Oal lib corner v i a tant our abels atti thither in ID time to KO am a half breed jacks jack s lay at t length kugle on the groenil gro unil tho the bystanders were with mill the poor bent and remarking that hint that aros a ot i a sick acl ingwl the first teung yo know when his owner cuno api dpi anil trl ali a fief genuo a to vigorously liBO romly with lis boot per all bedl a did mm laina to rise the animal springing to till lis fact heartily reciprocated the licks lii lie 1 I received and ul owner his lii IUM base of attach front rear to front suds 6 1 alan tome of example who ever vcr know a malo mali to li kick which lil laid not loch kilkow fight 00 ANU P oo do the roside tj is of thu the fifteenth ward hv havia decided on b their tilde walks ilia I 1 timo time and next oe ber hence we may iny expect to to lo bo able to blut oar frieDl 4 in tint next lav iular without aultia abich are ru ary at pre taint if actual of the othor calbor wr ward J i would fullow example it ii on id nelm it A gulih credit oo fin them as well ITCH as col conolt a tax belli on en alo alic Tk italic Illic who tic are now uva la in JOOP oral binl of oc wag ldah mired down V hen olli calls theta it to trail in aranin localities in this city cil r wo heartily indano the ilo count of the iho fit rift wn th hardern War dern and ray 10 tho Ci boand go end 10 ilke wide oom gone rr IT ron brandon the ho vaa v bioly la loci beta sent up for alno ili years by tho ilia court and will shortly appear jn in poc tillar to lo birds not no t of hut fine clui class of goods ii lich truck struck th the fancy of tho the young gout gent strongly a foar weeks since amr jam molls tailor storo anil and for gring which bo be has baa his pres Lang langlays leys r noo Is 1 also being tried at the pro fro bite court tho the result of which will transpire tran spiro in it few dij day lit at tho the most SANIO Ix 19 tho the name of alio of cf in englith alok iilo suit limit and cold lunch saloon located iu in tho the west ecat of block opposite the Elephant tore store mr S has on oil hand some onie very so perlar brands of englith english and home brewed alm tic isto whilo while his hia luvich lunch counter 11 of eatables tuch such in cold tongue rip rig feet t pork pickles 0 etc etc MX mi saab dangio 10 WAS w for morly bar keeper for ahil margetts rua is ii the th ng public which alono alone is IB i a guarantee for his lucca as is of the th share baloon I 1 tug tilt L erali allt it is ii roper reported that a certain returned rot arnod bebop etc a few days since luco ne eded a doctor t s services the physician was wa calka and I 1 on being asked about lii ale charges chrs CT stated the iho fri adding that it must bo be pala la in advance Bd ruice thereupon tho the irascible home mje mis elonar denounced the charge as extortionate and DJ bili bilsted ted that hat ilia doctor wu was nothing but bat a poor quack to hiah compliment the ilo doctor refreshed ilia Bia diopa move oo cry on the subject of 0 a d d black alck devil bishop to la alof enso of tho the glorious glo baana brought doctor ono one or lis lia most affectionate embraces across the chop chops upon vi hilla the be doctor planted his beil bunch of lives licca 11 among the abo denul rows row of the bishops mou mac tied led but for or lie of others would hao agten lis lia assailant LIA hij tall full dc deaerts aerts this Is ii but one of ft a dumber of similar milar iti choleric crap crall lions that lilt have como come to our cars within a brief period penol from the same camo quarter quart fr anti the brit briot chow has cinita tho the christening WO vo bayo given alog la in our oar caption CApt iOD tins tim LAT LAST tho the perform toca inca WM was i a grand testimony and aj comp complimentary hroon benefit bencile tendered by tho the citizens of f silt ea Lako city Cily to mrs Mra F FM M dates ct xi lo 10 as by her ber great and truthful rendition of the iho characters she bo lu bas played during lit her on cn gago ments lit at ilia iho theater endeared herself to all lovers of the arieas among our com coin tonally manity tho the clorious comedy 61 london Anu ranco aiu well till lla mrs mr dates ealm in uio the character of lly lady gay er WM was sir harcourt courtly in hi tho the hands of mr do ic wu was to our mindia a mastor pieve of acting cling i his of alo put part ol of the iho old lop fop but innate gentl gentleman emai 3 tho the quintessence of good acting slina carrie cuter carter in the he role fo of graca harkaway Hir Uway wa 1 happy ind and ha be our eions for tho the debut she bho mado made on herfi her findt riat appearance thia this season tito stock block company would bo be materially strengthened by her t ent ill iho farce r A exl atod closed the it atwould would bo difficult to find two tiro persons bottor better suited buhl in all res pools to tile koulian liw law ot at rg mr alad mrs MM lu aby 2 thu an dates and his attainable lady |