Show CITY NEWS for freh 0 ten go lol liwer A bemis aloon coloon next dext loot south of 0 W K v telegraph office it the ofell 0 of the T as ro a mel maget at western union telegraph company for oon con E lambert 0 A washburne A D shake icaro still nl 1 C bowles from stage ait igo ile bo gwoon bioche and lebl october bir bar ol of bullion no a 2233 A coward of ct va M will bo given for its ita delivery a t wells fargo A co 5 office in salt lake city ju r sr tiit d C tit of the conling Yon ling silver mining company of cincinnati wro were among the alio arrivals front the east ul on tuesday ov evening ening the wyoming property is in n tin tic A or lenald ton ten stamp mill kaa W leta erected crecli il and the lie promise of success is S highly encouraging B dall ali alio hall bull it at ilia ho city hall last night eight WM was will attended and passed off in excellent style affording theme present a reason of pa cad i ore lire long to bo be remembered bach parties are re very popular anil and tro are joel what our cleod we are ro please ll celto doto eilmess the introduction of select and nd will mil conducted parties rr lle chai GOODS iby this firm WAS w using cattle for the lh of their goods tho the elli having prostrated sit ill their horns wo we understand tho the price of CA callio tile boo biu gone gobo up in consequence of tho the pro gross of the discalo dis caso AS aa high bixb as fles being asked and paid for a yolo yoke of good cattle arar noc is called to no an I 1 uj this morning of our act on sources ol of utah and statistics concerning JU progress during ilia 3 er ear iri 1872 2 A perusal of cf the iho ramp lilot cannot fail to bo be of f interest to glory member ot of uie the community ellow fing as it doe tho the rapid hero born made in mining and other oilier enterprises in so 89 short a period DB da lectured lat last c vining to a very fair f air anica cc which seemed greatly later bated in lia his rc the iho doctor gave ETO ait elaborate and nl rc review r low of natural an nd spiritual iiri tuil inspiration in an aklo able sneaking up lie ho argued that human or spirit agency wu was uio the only lind manifested la in nil all the old aall now new testament revelations ire ho was listened to throughout with tho the greatest gr ciet atte all on COLLS BULLS ox TILE THE RAMPAGE walker bros broa express bull team met with a yesterday on account of epizootic walker bros started an team of lulla buffs under tho the direction of their tio whether tho the build eldered their occupation novel or ilia arher not being up to bull phraseology tic darned crit critters tera run ran off elf spill lug ing their driver in tho the mud mj and injuring lim lam trough TC to no acry cilina 1 tirca all 1001 in collecting and DJ to lh eVion vicuna exposition i a full anil and creditable diol of utah ores orel and mantral are to ro to meet at alio esq block on Ibur saiLy this al 1 arof of call fordha kindly Ikin bonsen t to 9 attend to abo proper arrangement ud lad duplak of sudi such menu meni u may be forwarded to that grand display of tho the worlds Ismy cEci ilau the jhc ladies ladica attoul iliof will till treat the public tonight to night to ono one of their popular entertainments it at nail hall tho the dab club will furnish music for tho the occasion A ito fee of 25 cents will nill bo be charged atthe t tha door as 01 a preventive proTin tivo I 1 to 0 the hie hoube hou sc liing being crowded ly by children who are not capable on account of their minority of sit dp proc palling lating the entertainment rut rest on cc justifies us in stating that the evening will it be one of pleasure la alad 1 I amusement tho the cotol crit comm commences eucce at 7 T p in tharp sharp Mili niED another venturesome young gentleman took a filial fatal icae on tuesday toes lay night and lilo like all ida hl predecessors ho he was VM accod by one ODO tf of ilia feminine go gender 11 tier tho the D moor tho the lie committed ilia act in i ivl atLon of ilia baclic lota vow TOW is ii 3 mr fr john wright and that of tho the lady partner Ml mcconnell notwithstanding our personal acquaintance tho partin parties that hat athly acro about to do 10 things up in such a hurry or no v 0 bubonia live have given them some parc ulal addice but seeing ica doi dono to wo we wish thim health larl ideas rod prosperity anoa ina bacil diio ouo of our busina busi nuj men nun driving iia an oz 01 kirn with tho the question what da 16 you auk for your team ham ill T oo ono blind red and nd seventy five dollars was wa till the reply 1 what I 1 do you in mem can your wagon anil included no pit fir the cattle only ill give you ono ODO hundred and fifty dullard raid laid tho the mer chant witheat deigning further thrill thin choa law how luck buck tho the man cracked bid 1 R hip and drove on bresh thoughts of ilia CP I 1 eno lie induced our friend to cull call tho the tinni sacr back end tho the trado wu WAS tj by ill huraT opsy merit meat of ono one hundred and seventy live dollars dollar fl for tho the cuttle cattle ri ei boor wt mail a 1 circuit tor for tile C ci r an of alic of th 3 disease in ilia city tho the places welo Dr Brolli others cr cunnington me mc Mal kalmins mins lit Mn malloya lloya will ard 1 orrs califor nii ilia stables ci and camball linew stage Bl alilia a IN valur lava ito eleven horses down with willi alo dit case in fact they alicy lavo lava no lionet horses on oa their express it at pit pre suit but hero leon ti 63 t i tuto talo for that purpose purpose none kono of their horses uc are ho howeye looked upon u axing in in from alio mr use hm four horses rick lut lout progressing fa favor vori silly under treatment cannington achis idt it h leavo two in tho the amo condition X bic kimmins iffery horm liro are all ali anhill I 1 git tho the eawy in ili beitle ur or forms but none at t present ard to lela U in a dang dangerous crous condition coD dillan Ma mallows lloys horses are ro albo more inor or less some having lut but viry blight coaches of ilia alio dial easo white DALLIS pretty mckurth ah it il when we shifted tho the ata lie blo wo we were shown four out of tho the ilu ab r which to bo be in i a very iad I ad state though no doubts ere as to their ultimate recovery cry tho the omnibus losing wre ilo only bon lurain oil to vs ork T thief his is kept will kill ventilated and the I 1 gar we well 11 sprinkled with lot almo to tad and lc do stray ilia of the offensive laTia arising tinder such circumstances willarda A urr orr livery kapin livo lava thedr lurico til ill down iu in various stages ahn odthe discalo tad and a act t ilia bubl a the horses are also alio in in a similar condition condit ioD but none hiir ilio die girout ono of ilia proprietors of otrio ilia I 1 after I 1 iloco iwo la nood firmed us D that lint ho he did not bot any donger when lanes were talice off fruia tt Nh mil lad ehric com cm feed ma bixie umbel mashes well with red out bubbi it ilia it at tin the santa time being well veil cared I fur mil dept warmly aw hubball still lul lout loot one gray liporto I 1 aday morning from froia the U of the 1 epi pi loot the bauco of 0 their tick sick lone horses are an not iu in a state st crit and it ili ij that fatal cue cases nul ill bo be acry y arce ad ahr is u king pretty me 11 iver adi deiv tool lud its treatment null oil t elwin fullet ST ANU AND ld kd win yo Foi loil it is hated had bad alwa ahwal sex ci a desire to die budde tily toil when in new york ii shot hoilly dy acl fidure hits hia death to a that he did not nol klieve he be cc the NOW new year lie ile denied thai he wai iu in bloomy plo 0 my ciul ho lad a presentiment that ho aboul I not survive idill ins ing the ho said death had so hocur er had bad the lebrum to him but he be could not overcome at as he h knew it to be a curlain drozd of ply pa ys ical decay forrest 1 orrett was wa a olioun bb hover in the lire hrc tiler after death which be had investigated through |