Show the dally daily yield dicu ot 0 the he belcher anine averages average tons anti anil li ig brained 0 1 ironi row tho the 1000 a and rill 1100 foot lerel tho ch icaco p papers e morn mora favorably r bably iiron 1 0 rk ar ilas 1 minitia myrtlo bi artio bt lecture icea t u r c blin wits wis re portel li cle raili graph CHOICE KENTUCKY WHISKY AI WALKER BROTHERS CO S jull JU ll 11 FIRST NATIONAL BANK or UTAH e a it xia 7 x 12 caf 3 V 1 sr r As orul anil cial agent of ekr th sect I 1 weirs arrn HUIT 1 rrt iiii anthol cemiler 0 A JJ P Anthor tsI all nsf v a lo 10 1 I 1 illa Ill 1 41 soa or I 1 farm rn ir 11 nyo I 1 IHM IH M ato I 1 1171 54 I 1 1 I t o 1 0 I 1 bouth dolid Int 0 LIL I 1 a 1 is utah ulab NG transacted i agencies in colorado and montana PROMPTLY TO allott d ot 1 l tah pepe apol a ia tn 11 HEV EW TO TODAY DAY almly ay iy isten fivian el nd and fin com mii of woran alli AIL city ill ito cot district territory notice id hereby ghon that fit an it meet trip of tile lie lioard of froat ees of said mild company Comp noy idd held on monday 13 ica an amess anent of rive cluts per oliero levied upon ilia cal 1111 bir harck alic or of said an id company payable february lith in united nimes maki sold om coin to the secretory at 01 tile iho of tile jio cam company 1 y no 4 0 a 31 merchants t la 11 e paa california any block stock upon which mid wess westmont mont liall remain reli tain on tio ilia isih ill h day of felicia rebr irry IS bo be deemed fl delan quent sr id Z will lie be duty duly for sale a it t public annl upla payment ichill ile loanda enado before will be mold gold on file tot 11 ty day of r fo arely lj to lepoy the iho t horwit elili pok cost coat or of fad ou fale n aa n it ft n VA la TA LY lre tary no 3 merchants jon 14 18 WANTED danteo yAN TEO NElin adred oni unlisted 0 ONE liy by the Rocky Io iky Moun Mountain biln coal nod naj iron co Eva emanation lv nUn nation Wyn ining good wile wag tempt toy pay I 1 niel dy work J N 3 w AUCTION I 1 AUCTION I 1 tarm FAI flip antilon sale folo tilt 11 day 1 I t it II 11 am ain of furniture Alun tre baring and top walterc ce cie me tant tit 10 lo mcw auction CAL of it A lawrencer 11 FIELD auctioneer AUCTION I 1 AUCTION I 1 0 O ephe the follo folio I 1 or binm d properly Pr overly will JL bo be wit mill at rutillo publio auction 11 ti aitho ut rc serve at al the ornea of the alt ol 1101 biath 6 agency thirteenth ward near corner of second filat and third donth sonth streets Thur wity jan january enry SO 0 at 10 it A 31 I 1 santa Vola able forcin corwe I 1 lance sti arly now naw I 1 ottil ottille ftfe lr n I 1 office drak I 1 I 1 ornee stove A 1 iipp slow iov 8 unit office thi alve this sale pale takes place to clofe up cp lie of ilia ut U H S special indian allcock of bli big dietrict which hafl ban been discontinued dormit CAW nt it tima of salo 10 W itle DODO IF xa U W P N HIlli ind lAKI A go a I 1 t ix ke CJ ly ja n I 1 7 SM J 1730 17 30 GRAND OPENING I 1 01 or duelers Dud lers concert hall hali I 1 I 1 I 1 1 W East I 1 Temple st saturday evda jan jac 13 IS I 1 the cara p Do laiq 1 will appear oil the occasion mill find a grand array army has lin been tu to follow JOSEPH DUDLER DUDLEE proprietor H MARCHER musical director DICK manager jan 18 lm int A I 1 1 I for pa t ro for r flagstaff mines rii ilith district V U 8 LAND omen salt lake january IT 17 1373 no N olccel tire fel beneby chrit ardward A ollum aud william it T howland alad julien F carter Arti cloo pont office to salt latke I ikc have made application for patent for feet or of the silver oliver bearing lade the camlo being aclo SUO feet in n direction and IWO feet in A Dort herly dire uon cUon froni the iho discovery dleo fry amft thereon with burlace fal krotiak aund WO feet in width situate in the abo 13 can alining la in the county of summit and described to lu the ilia plat udd and ilela not ti olon coon filbin this ollile as follows fillou a namely at the state on asad hl lubag ja clalia ai abero ero the united states M octal 0 cwb co t no 1 2 bears south 65 degrees cilma feet dinnant from fadd kald din ake south 47 degrees ewt WO fret feet to out end or the claim thence 42 degrees culi feletto feet to poat 1 thence north na degrees east feet to pout patt no 2 at al fiort easterly corner thence so oil 4 cant AJO feet to pot no 3 nt t 0 olith u cirl 9 coram chenco south ai 47 14 de r ces atil I 1 ijuro feat li to 0 boht t no 4 nt AL corner thence dorali 42 1 degrees meet dio feet to toOK ito to I 1 1 acres upon the landai of ur the said fald location teeing duly recorded by J H B recorder cf ilk color juno to lu airl and also recorded december in book bonk C chineo lingo aa of ilia dix of summit count ay aobert sal ell biou county t x oty recorder and t hint 3 at ilia claims to abo lee I 1 lie colky bur bar ahart find endur ilia january ibal GEO R itt ister of public baud lanh etab G gro LO c 7 n R ati wis 1 1 for J 18 oki aw J D LAMB CO 9 ak x si TT a 3 I 1 93 a s V removed tono lono 82 S main st kt liftee and have opened ii a uno line and aad wall veil so BO stock or of drugs chemicals and fancy goods Physic hinol Ace ly y all t PERSONAL F JUL sira mm mineral anti ami it WWII let III eon can give de finito do of mines and ADI lodges ledges fecal hampler hamples of of rock a an to nod quality of or d etc abe can be b conRu von ltd tit at her boorn opposite tile iho great stern hotel soils aljon guaranteed ow ly i aal yal C iwa A Jolin sob hauls ly I 1 lounce a 1 touch I all nervous and ch conlo tUe nAe deuell describes scribes friends at any abitu cc aud u r 6 their ibold gives advice in lov bubl boat ine ull of spirit etc I 1 fv va ill aladits 11 31 oa 00 hupf i r t western lra 0 hotel el ns ly A CHOICE LOT OF CIGARS jiant re cc I 1 ell BY WALKER BROTHERS CO ju tf 11 arh NuLA omY atten itt daniA low fow spirits de pro 1011 loll elli blou loss ot so 0 o men P iwo yf of power digity bea 7 lw lose or in memory Y nuj and thima luj IM and I 1 n i lw R cure cura in no coto poud ol of tile mild biti E it chuy strike tit vacant tile root of tho the matter tono little up tit UK ill III teen ni arrest the tb nul and tinier L vigor nud kud clergy lifland vitality lity to 11 entire loan aby hao cared of calev ir I 1 co t ti per jm ikuKo of boxe bild it KO 0 VJ CJ lf NIA bilik I 1 IN ill very lit ill tibet aate per blumle box hold by all drill wi ins and iiii ment by mall ou cm receipt of price e A urea NI aelic fa rot M aae AT nekoli lI ni it lo 10 A t new 10 it halo fly CO and 7 C ito liggs S 1 14 4 iby aws WALKER BROTHERS COLUMN WALKER W ALK ER BROS sa e I 1 dry knoils pry 11 leml alry boil pry dry oolie oola oo lii dry iol I 1 liry 7 gil P pry r y 04 I 1 boil 4 alry jr 1 1 igou DRY dry imi booda loo I 1 alry try iv L jury LY u As i iary Z ILI I 1 dry try pry J 4 ury goods I 1 I 1 AM MT ad carpet carpets caritis carpets 4 appet 4 artl etil C or C 1 4 pe t it arpe is pc I 1 carlf arpra ile cn hrpa p alq arleta tt apet Air Arf tt JANUARY 7 1873 CHEAP WINTER GOODS I 1 TO MAKE ROOM t sorour our SPRING AND SUMMER SIMMER stocks stock saks istocka stocka stocks stocks kecks stock tito oki block elloris stocks stork stocks stocks stock t tork stock stocks sawka STOCKS llUU Ad stock stocks stock sto h ekx I stock ruck block a alo k blacks blacks block stocks stocks floan stocks we will S sell ell all anft of WINTER GOODS IT HIM hanpt i AT al INKED I 1 0 41 11 A I 1 acs q P 0 1 Z JEANS jand 1 I 1 DISS D 1 ISS GOODS acal ac we illo offer great hd lo 10 to the trade me 1 I 1 I 1 lur ura 1 fura urs I 1 urd yore yum furs yum furs fura kurs ir furs furn furs FUM iuri file u furs fum furs furg furs tar fare lun fors luni furs yun rum furs vur leurs purn film furn fun furt furs furs fur form furs fur iuri furi 17 F USA U FURS F U R S I 1 alar ra furs fur furs fur furs furs yom fun furs vur furt ur faunl funi furs fur kurs iura I ura furs fure furs furs furs furs furs flirt I 1 tur ore fura fur furs fur tur purn yur fur furs flint furs air run furis I 1 I 1 COST I 1 a I 1 1 I 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I 1 11 I 1 tf STOVE DEALERS ll 11 I 1 10 t A 10 e hillid I 1 ti 1 11 V I 1 ft y c want th ill I 1 et buy due ks aeL it 1 jr 1 ih he in mul fier fott bilker it I 1 tto nr dar r we tl I 1 it borz ban the 1 ct 11 1 iwori it 91 alvy Y gives falt more of bakki staves ht have t la orld clil sad kod r la in gift to than any df stove tot over tr niad every stove is Warranted BUCKS GUARANTEE acl DI wood oila oi lh bas call b mno ft in ID ur two tai 3 atri fall it is to cor well br I 1 ie 19 per rec t b a ir it li 1 s R fol 1 amter p it 1 mulo A irlia I 1 t h our dor T C 11 1 1 iio s alra Wili tig which bib wt 11 it longer man STO alt wl 0 of ct balow it 11 draw in ky good fine sad is 1 the calr CM tot aint alitar aliw al alic lion buck wright 20 A 7 TR MAIX 81 ST of 11 II if elotis of cooki till rod beeline tards earl anif price bole lj le sued 4 on application I 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 1 N I 1 I 1 R ja d 0 G lag W a I 1 1101 1 1 I 1 i I 1 1 ii 14 1 I V ARE undoubtedly US THE CHEAPEST TO BEST TO EASIEST I 1 antto EST TO SELL S AND never fail to give ENTIRE satisfaction in any bifia enl all 0 SO ea 9 ea SOLD IN PAST YEARS I 1 every stove ll li a proof chat the CHARTER OAK is 13 doing more work holms it retter IK flar doi J it t anicker doans 7 X it at n le tw than any other olber cooking stove canado m adol SOLD BY excelsior I 1 company SAINT SAX NT LOUIS dealers in nil fill kinds or of stools 5 AND BY ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS USE J J 11 ALLEN CO TAYLOR CUTLER ZIONS 0 M L I 1 C il 11 BASSETT E HARRISON ESTATE salt lalie lake city ut utah ah noah ilaw E EXCELSIOR X C 1 L S I 1 0 R a I 1 I 1 AA 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 pl I 1 I 1 11 5 i I 1 I 1 ciz 1 i I 1 11 0 i I 1 11 V 4 40 if N STOVE STORE J al ALLEN CO wholesale Molo and retail dealers in aUSk ludi ot at COOKING PAR LORand and HEATING STOVE 4 39 M C ir M 13 east tc temple pl street salt sail lako lake city alet tf lf MRS GOLDMANS 0 I 1 an e k p I 1 ivl I 1 r 4 P irma i I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 aa 11 1 1 A 9 F 1 1 i R I 1 11 V al 1 I 1 I 1 P I 1 11 ai I 1 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS X aa A STOCK or OF MIL 1111 AND GOODS A all styles in bonnets wa IT FOR LADIES uj and CHILDRENS enoi POI POIN N r LI E t ns n s 1 M latars IA lA tirs t vs m 1 ja lf if NO kimball bjon PARIS confectionery first houth houlb poo three lowr nl at of A LL kinds of Jr crenel enel Ellot Ifill ned IX donimic candlen aikle ii made every day WEDDING AND SOCIAL SUPPLIED AT al SHORT NOTICE CAKES AND PASTRY ELEGANTLY ornamented TO ORDER lArg estock of j I 1 FOR THE HOLIDAYS ArviSt i A floo fine assortment of nr bakem mul table fur for christmas and new nen yeara ALL GOOLA WARRANTED i dyer aab arbogast 0 gast 1 I 1 ovil orintha terly ditc itc I A t alyer I 1 amm LIQUOR DEALERS ETC a T litter 1 I 1 I 1 EXTRA I 1 3 6 t ie 41 il M 1 3 49 1 1 I 1 EXTRA OLD LD WHISKY 0 the unprecedented uli sale of 11 alln above brands branan WILLE MILLERS extin 0 OID L D ba 0 U LD B 0 N a and n 4 4 P CUT R 0 OLD si B 0 U R B 0 N h havi their fam famo an being aln bee t and th tb on only ay conolia no whiskies the market the under undersigner signet I 1 agent t s bof U ulan b territory 0 o 1 cleu nta I 1 cost COB tl y om 1 ad these broads the t 11 0 tell d e and public t N abe E sele lor for vista th Tor jen ua MARGETTS celebrated ELMR BEER and PORTE lo in roar four tir or right eight galka hogs tot for I 1 christmas and dewye new year at 0 01 R lit L al loon aln n opposite theatre Th estre will bocal n prompt attention scandinavian SALOON 41 1 street Sl rt BY BIST OF been ALE AIE FORTEZ AND OS olt HAND r 11 SWAN co 00 nov 5 amo M T Hires oLna E B lr ban t oo SU ait lake ike WHOLESALE liquor houst zabriskie ci pro r lou cc I 1 wines and ILdi liquor quor orders onion tod slid satisfaction guaranty GUABA MTr I 1 xin main street two doors doon sou bout wells well bargo cos co I 1 SOLZ SOLE FOR re the finest ear bar la in the C connected with the iho et masly nita ly BOTTLED BEER ALE AND FOR PORTS at the cheapest rule rates and oj delire delivered red a i shortest hortent hor teet notice your chilen ILI i depot of tho the california BREWE simond Street three doors boon 4 torner orner 1 1 fell I 1 englebrecht CO I 1 w W ada chelar la FOREIGN fiorelo AND DOMESTIC wl LIQUORS AND CIGAR brinl enoth taftt tf tt alt IA tak oatt U A P H G aci C ul jackson SAU brandom I 1 I 1 1842 am I 1 A corp a 0 cli cr tile trade in bond ot of laid J H n BONOIT MERE and 11 1 OTARD DUPUY cos BROD I 1 HOLLAND GIN JAMAICA RUM RIM SHERRY and mi FORT TO SCOTCH IRISH nna and KUTU WHISKIES aio is for ho clio rao coast I 1 J he GUTTER CUTTER old bourbon whisk whis sole Agents anu tar for via arli A P HOTALING i it WELLS I 1 4 at la AND X FORU sol inlo 1110 H tt iu 1110 dials prid 4 T P 0 ia 00 X suin buts mining lillis donaly also bixl deda aika albil Al lIl iced ta also a of nod uriol Is of I 1 fill 11 owr II 11 tonice in ili aroc beck als tf ir |