Show a I 1 MIT IT I 1 14 1 EVENING I 1 T m F homr i 0 oruill ot of fie om ork I 1 I rille 10 on gen 11 1 I IV Ild hilled lied died lit alm ilm jaja in 1 k at i sail flat ni from froin ang r non an tit tat tile the brain as a it is ii raid super induced cil bla by 1 disease of the liver liter irom iman which lie hf hai I 1 long suf unwed suffered the bzdyr will bo liken 1 il n to 10 Veo ulery new york lork for washington to sonic donoll hav ing ing ti trl daod A to the h truth of llie at re y coole e 1 co niah alb have madr as a proposition looking In to tile the or fix ix hundred willi millions tui or of iho he new loan inquiry this morning orning jn it iti till chapt lenin allred have not branit although it il ia bi little the are similar 0 lo 10 o those regarding the I 1 oin one OIK anil and thirty mi mil brei linni the milicent i before file Secre secretary lary of lite st hoiris Io iris in it fill crua dule uray bia 1118 an ini im vitiation fifthe lo 10 city cily lull but on day is ii not it ii n not leonn bet et when I 1 lie talent lineal pirly will leave fur for lite plains or whether alicy will joi ill ri thelitz snow form has inter interfered fared somewhat with wilh the llie contempt cited buffalo huni twelve frame mo alt burned dosai riot not reported poreL ro A pet 1 ft lint global It ita 1 social li bed ll 11 elcore pere four an cv can y new york 0 11 10 A tl illon li 6 1 being C n forward nl to t lie state stale senate il at alba albany setting forth that aronn i roof are arc abundant that tho haq wa the lite result of fraud lina arai ins ing that hat im his icat too lie doc declared dich lared red vacant E idenie or t fraud the delit ji elilion ion tho the father of ai lii I 1 li lim m gone one crazy rini from till ag of ilia his son clr rc is tin no ex graor d inary nativi ly at tile the brooklyn rooklyn li navy anvy bardl as aa his lia laan cen state columbus ohio IQ 10 tj the c general I 1 in convention n ic at 1 12 36 30 to today day c lecter john sheath falickman dinou a U S senator by 73 I 1 volo T WS I 1 W were or fat ter for oco goo amorgan WM organ M I 1 for J Jaco to I 1 lill 1 cor I 1 fur for holit C nal SC itco I 1 n k I 1 for or aaron r perry ro FOREIGN REIGN Arris sill of ar u lr k grabill nl 1 binl of r toward loin rt the ali labitt at A C I 1 new york jan jik TO A madrid da path or of t the lie ath states thit th it G lan oil sherman kanand and licci grant arrived there on the ath they to king amidons Aina doii by tile the charge d alic king il reported as saying thil that he wai wag pleased to see sec so BO famous a representative ot of the american army as ai uan on sherman and that hoi alway e and a admiration for lie Anio rican lie desired the roost most cordial relations rc latoni as between an can only lie in the preservation of vace isacc might always exist between the united and spain TO jn tile the evera eve nine inq a banquet hanm was bield held at tile U I 1 1 S legato legation at w aielt present malcamp minister tin topete ur lor for the colonia Co joica lonii I 1 deblas He bebla Blas foreign minister and other ji I 1 toasts were drink to the kinc king iri dant irani grant unit anil the lie armies an and 1 navies davira odthe of the united states ind and spain lite almott c 0 of gnp marked the sentiments of bakera of both countries admiral jopila to nil nid lie be hoped oral lint peace between tile cited staten st itin and S dai di the 11 foreign minister hybla said no difficulty diffie ully between tim the two countries existed but abat cin can be nettled through gli the llie representative at washington same special ays that fat fie excited feeling in spain in regard to tho the united oh has futilely ea med and jn in ahat city ia K have alm cd away the same dispatch speaking of fie imel of roberti sp spanish A rush at washington annj andal of i caplain general Valma from tiawana TI avana a diya 15 i tho the to TC port ill ii and 11 aiu not tile offic iii confirmation london jan 10 30 arrangements hive been made for the introduction of at american cars can on ell ah ra railway 41 W ot i tho captain caplain of ofle tho ul wind or C Cat astle lc vi th inch illch ra ran n jow it a vestol in the channel aud and was wai reported to have pu sed on without heeding llie file cries cricket of file drowning dro vining marinero mariners ma alq his been of til blame glasgow 10 the small pox box ii 14 lie be coming more pro vallant in |