Show OVERDONE brother george Q lat last evening piled ilea on to brother brighams Brigt Brig hams itma laa back nearly dearly two atwol columns or of greatness and tenil goodness goodne goo doci ks extraordinary i nuch as no man of modern timm times but brother brig latin in fo lis life jisc and eventful carier carter thee the editor elyj ay that since inac the death of the rr prophet L smith the president lit hu has stood lood forth the greatest leader of modern modem tims aul then he crowds on to the prophets shoulders eho ulden i a gathered people from all parts of the globe lobe ao an ex cx oddo it wil derneL cities settlement farm factories fact orica nod and our prospective state and climaxes thus it ua today filled with a thrifty will goUr ild mil and hp happy 3 to whom hom under the is igo ibo esq do da I 1 if her mounil wand with ui the liuia hula of led I 1 try ry if her bar beld elds md a cardene gardene teem with cortil 1 ity ty h iva ris with wilb ains kad friets if 1 ithe tarn 1 fu torie and tho 1 dust rift of A great people it if I 1 so ft tji ti county aty and arrit ri nil r ddn b aad la her u I 1 if profanity sad dd other vice are audly ow JQ 14 b bar harem lina oj wheel aal ail Dj houses badim in every neighborhood and ad the atoian prayer and oj paraiso to hi the areal helpmate crom train nearly every famil cir do cie throughout throng boot her br wide extent stent who nho aghna all mn hu tama cawly instrumental in pro dwing ehme runeta tat let the people of lah jtb sh L lousig u their greatest grea fertky etuy now we c would not sub subtract tract one item what is ii illie due to mr young but bat this paylo tylo of atalla singing nging i to tax a luaa bian ilic elevens anai w at such a time the could not descend to berb cute liim him with irith accusations but li be taudy liu has left undone many things wrought hi buu to baye dono and done many which be ought not to have 11 no 91 abe itte ro by no un to brigham houi the commerce of utah for owes entire to 0 o walker tl Brot brotheris heri than to the president whose co scheme nearly killed aitho t of this territory Tc and whose aim for alit anc wan in lili bid life hall bu been a nio MOA t fatal fit il error the eve career of brigham young and his more inore ban ordinary character are arc not dot to 10 bo be despised even by timbe opposed to him but when brother george Q or george francis males mr young a head bead and above every other man of the last cco it Is too 00 oo much ilia hi flatter cre male hi ciui m ft a god lis caters haters ft oa 01 inoa star uv is duo a r the other |