Show ON JERSEY WHISKY jersey ii girandy three hours old stall boroi and quicker than a asli alio llio juice it drank raw by til old sports aad and List fing iao 32 it biada down throat cilc ar old bace boobe betting agga or a hot iron atuck into ice water three horn a u liquor will tin a interior in oil month so hat he can wallow ajile six footed crab feet fiill and not waste a wink it dont al a man cider joul like doz but him up liko fried if a man kaii survive the firt of ho ia safa fur the acil 75 acra to come and more like a three year old hotter and AD old cider branda wil atcas ID a endren shower ov nun like a lillo of manure and hia breath like the of a ruai ank lately emptied when jersey light puig amt born it l like lileiko turpentine and half and liall and will rai Bela llyod blister on a pair of old cowhide cow hide bragina bro gina in fifteen mini itta and applied will anre or kill the piti I 1 forget which the birst horn man balica of chii licker molien him think ho ln a gaslight and he nil go out behind the him ml try to die the afan old cajar brandL ft loot like deep gashes cut into a ripe tt imato hia DOBO afi the complexion of li half baided bailed aoi ahe cilc i ilc in liis gullet elicha out lilu aa albo in liu loader aba more the drioli the more arc klioze ho drin li j haat cider brandy will aa old bubli il i or not p outlive all iho of the aal die juat soon 14 the alj etani badda aaa u opened on principles bottle of OT or auger pop ig it fat il to alico alj iz a nalo ball is ta a bedbugs bed bugg |