Show I 1 IMPROMPTU a I 1 1 I 6 ani 31 arii 11 1 at I 4 I 1 p imi b the 1 1 boffing biffing Bif a fing ll 11 to 10 order by caf colre L 1 V J D I 1 ont walker madal 0 if the a deett meeting 1 by wn w a in alvim af V M K canahan an adf it 11 be r on faro were appointed op in I 1 I 1 r ident and A S and john chi lett See e t amr i act c Robort wn ri the object of the meeting hi he remarked re marLo irk made to effort effect tle tile I 1 removal r on 1 I of judge mckean and othar federal ofin iala plated that hill gentile so well irell as ai bonnoni lilor nion his hi removal moral rc we hall had met 10 express our ouri vim news on thai mint and im ba hoped we should have ft a free and full ful tavin on the tha subject moved seconded and carried anani that the president appoint a committee committed I 1 of five I 1 tor draft resolutions rew lution P esq re of our iw of judge 1 af I kt afao a it official course here Il ident walker appointed the flit fol cal awin on the committee J na M urr orr tho the if 11 baten samuel kahn 11 1 T templeton and 1 I 1 10 brown wito who retired to drift draft resolutions resolution A ahir our 10 ajr their absence tT crol gentlemen 11 revel the meeting hy by mr fr harrison wi hp he ill did not pretend to go a knowledge of law therefore mull could not express an opinion as aa to the rulings ni lioi or J nil then mckean on rome joints oin ho 0 donld a not A barto wit wilh I 1 libio in ut iut tic lie ft finaly ay liev t hat at tile tho ju jud le WM wig an hondt htman man doing im 14 duty tega to of iw car ot or favor jurgo jui 0 mid lie was wa a 2 lawyer and could TIM not sustain burtain all the of mcdani Mc Kani cApe ciann a aw some fomo of 1 thom hal been raint against lini fill and lii his clients cli ont but ho knew judge mckean to he be in an honeas man inan and all his li rulings and were evidently prompted hv by a hiah aih sense of honor had duty ditty ills fin wat wall a difficult one and anlin in the excited aate slate matters here it was for him to do his hia duty duly and not make enemies rat HU whatever wl may lie ix the th aninion legally and to of judge 1 I F ickman IcK can course i nearly all hai had confidence IW the tha nian man and would roly rely on lii ilia good faith and integrity lie would went do so himself to td the utmost lie he ilia did not think president grant grand could be in dured to remove judge mckean the on on en toted ered and reported the following pre fire amble tin and I 1 re which were brero without a dM epting voice Iver lurk UM tile itna lion mi of al lolo in IA the territory ha boo long been and phil daill 1 Is com and off ola pre tr being made to impair if not dot demy th the rill ell nl nil um u euln of the L a led keates authority of L fall a ida vinnita by 1 ilia tho of the ibo vinton stacee iliin t Att y otoe V t alte an 0 o order WM wait procured orriel t rom it tl A al id tonny tonn torm y tion erid to that ft a motion challi phalli bo made to tobaie to bell fifon men indicted indict fil fr mr in nedr end na annine it epta by fr from that tbt mormon one mid find of 0 halt bolt iak koyi among the latter a all al lial got many of the must prominent citizen citi cn havo been lurral alm jadoff a mt for ball now ACT be it fried that we of nf sell pat take lne ciar t in palillo meeting awro bleil ilo dop 1 lot lit tint wo hire cabasog cmiel unoo inelo in alie lio linearity anti flohl of judge jm jal 13 9 can ibal hint ire w ti chire V him to ho be a felt feitli ful imps rual and incorruptible Jo ilir cre en who al governed ty by a conscientious of duly ditty invent all other oilier artion rt ion and won who whole cover roanie am be amo me tue this Tern territory fory bu bell uen been all afta dionor to the bration and ml tb the finite of all really law abeling U that if w faski or anak hanm B ve mc klan to per indis ch charged arcell with mural r 10 0 eva aws at 1 the mot facet chabau r to a uil ki receive one bearty commendation kapa that wo we lave to lielie rc the I 1 ouch V to tell a fully T ly by 11 li lit so o ballod gentile popl 0 tah ad that this an fedil these lic 1 be by the ui pit P it and Ker velery 01 1 thi fill m m E ada and yi by let ar graph to tile the pro arlit of 0 ilia alio I 1 cited lard F wat izan A B G cion ri D v jo y atia be drawn lr alie committee with wilh tho the see abba of 01 tile the mr drown drawn a motion lf CA to the tha vivaldi nt at ot of tile untied BUU idil and pil by the I 1 and nd of this meeting mr erion KUI eald lie be every word or of the preamble and resolutions not tho the firt time lime efforts lid been made to remo remote a judge ma kola and other good men what via fl 11 ilia matter simply thim judge jade fmc koan kean wits w m in an incorruptible incorrupt iLle nian man a titan man who had honor integrity and stamina tamina fi enough to dini itar of tho a lw impartially ill let it affect whom it I 1 c may a it I 1 was im is duty to have crime me I 1 intonti esti gated abed and he was wai but doln doina lim t plain I 1 duty t I 1 in 1001 WK fig alo a into fcc IJ hill n 1 and I other r b boody y deed lich lac one faahs lie knew if me K acin ean w would id not n nor or hail had 1 lie I t the a e wt t desire to lo punish tile tho innocent innone t ant it it is I 1 time ime the guilty we were a oil wo T I 1 ind hid not always been fortunate enough to 10 abare hare E P bt alin go men on I 1 tho a 1 bench rich as ai judco 1 3 M mckean c can and having it him III now and loewing i hn worth we in guht aft do all 11 we aca can 0 fo g rats retain bhim n him mr clobert ons ole cell wait wai loudly fondly applauded plau ded r on jn notion motion or mr mclaren it was that 1 1 I petition bo be circulated for ir 1 a tore asling asking the arc ident of the t unita I 1 tea states to retain judge in office mr ble Laren also moved that another petition be sent bent to president grant requesting him to appoint a owr mar to attorney goo U blates emmil carried on motion of mr brown it was unanimously resolved as the sense of this that we sustain feib tain nil fill our off iciak from the ilia down except george 0 balm A it collection was taken up to defray at fra y tho the eapen expenses ts or great liberality was shown although but an bours notice of the iho given between two and three hundred gentlemen were present chiefly business men minari and A few tho bar tho the medical prof and the press were also 2160 Pree cut the greated aunan tunan annu initta and good food feeling prevailed and a strong sentiment or of love and re respect liecbt for tudo mcknall was manifested by all the sentiments ex al pre presed sed by the speak were received with applause 1 I F 1 ald tr 13 CiLLIA IIAN it 11 it 11 vice breaid ith A AS S got COUP I 1 ill secret secretary ary jonsoni bonx ast k aft sm sice |