Show baktas aws tho the defense in athla lie robinson casti caw failing yesterday to get the affidavit of 0 W daker bilar lford tile tho on the examination before clinton in the charge of audary aalt ja lT have I 1 given it to the al airs tot for publication it u iaac 13 follows VIS of I 1 1 4 ml atko LAI county ISO bo it remembered that on oa this the ora day of nr janus 1872 personally app appeared lAred charles W peter who wal by ill mo fi waru aru tn in dup doe ion form of 0 I 1 law and nil lia V ou Z hi 0 olih abdi uil it say ty that be h 1 in the 1 d ducal dal filar who tho was a amoral m 11 a an n before the abo honorable camra jaae air coort ar 0 of I 1 the hie territory of E tab corn com 1401 I 1 on the ant of nd terminating on tile edday of 1811 nt al t LL 0 city w herein john L blythe jim tonu tom til ander curt bari and nd Y lumpton were charged with NL ibe murder of dr J oil robinson at lilt ore CUT in the county of halt bikol ll 11 old nd terri lorr of L tab on the day of october Oc loLer IA ite sort MT that the which b b he e then on mill gai 9 was who wholly ly ind filase ile II 11 further save he h WM wait to alva uld sold trai mony by S juiia ah blet w ten loom and nl tho the alij 11 ll 8 5 daun ita It 1 1 that ho he WM was to la la be l a pu jio sum mn or of five hundred dollars no milter whit might baths bo tho event of the proc bongs dongs sod dd one ona ainu dolls dolln for each person that oval or might be co convicted old T nia lct laring the iho time lime lie he wit I 1 1 11 it in paid testimony and ilia twite ws WM tt by said ald coleon sod othe a at t the he lf lauio uio in wit uld oil ailt he and of ilia iho trl street pheroba io in the churder city of weed em near to tho the place where the lie w c committed grit ted famished him by S odeon VS idich plat before lie he pro evidence it fl ai 41 bt him so that axt lio he under tend il ja Ile further pays that i line inc lie soi u iva idi testimony tio tie lots caru carefully fully on I 1 abo to 0 of tho ilia crime ho he ou beat commit tord and I 1 in IM selling la in crying out ant and ho he bif bell 1 cd I to male 10 far a it ii now IQ eilf power me 0 fore voluntary volon volun tart 2 ly now maicie this I 1 statement upon tin his oarb ho futher further uy pays that uirt on or boat about the loth ul lay day of Dm incer 1871 ito li bul bad ft a conversation with Thomas Butterwood who it thant that be wait vu hired to give hr his troll rnoda in tho the share above rue came kail and that liu bill felti telti me wu not true BIN signed C W bar i q alger I 1 bed and nil worn sworn to were third dy day of ja tc of altah I 1 so I 1 county 0 of aa bilt at fles that 1 harol tile tho above copy of alU dAvit of C W bukor bak with mih the ort optional iOnal as AJ tom sworn to biter before 6 me die on in 1116 third door ailt of january IV 1872 2 ind and jand the aetna to be a tree arne copy la in every cular at As wit neet ely hadd bond ind nd MIAMI R cwi 2 I 1 thin fifth day of january iril 1872 joaq T CIDE CALE notary rathe abc bbc rw FW 4 LIALL fillitte FIl litts ile 1 second routh elect u will bo be on kist erdity awning UBO one linell ml pair of ply ton skit saab rn cn a gool good near floor nume in the iho gall gallary crY AW lt F P F |