Show laral LOCAL MATTERS janitor january anh wl 1172 cornei 1 l met me t at I 1 to in quorum present M mr r smoot introduce in a bill entitled an act acl to I 1 a mend amend an act to regulate civil proceeding in justices courts court the bill ill was waa received and referred to the tit e c committee m attee on judiciary thom the co committee to whom was referred the petition ft cora for chango of name of thomai 0 F harry clarry and family 0 to O that thai of morton morion passed its ad r reading e 1 id na liy by its in title an a watt ell t to the f home 1 for its notion the select committee on the subject of marriage reported ported an act to provide forthe for I 1 ho solemnization niza tion of matrimony the bill pro provides v fidei for tile marritte ol of men and women over 21 and IS 18 years old by ay minister judco audgo or magistrate if parties under I 1 the c prescribed ago marry without the consent of their parents they are liable to a fine CRY C I 1 no 5 an act pertaining to stray pounds was wai read and amended but finally re committed I 1 mr Jenn jennings ingi presented presente 1 a bill relating 9 to the discovery of gold and ailder hearing bearing quartz and other minerals min orala and the he manner of locating mineral damn which was sent to the committee on mineral reso resource tule I 1 J yr lovse met pursuant to adjournment quorum arc present cn A lengthy communication was re rc and ud read from Z snow attorney general or ortho ilia territory Tern tory in answer to a elquest of tile house giving giring the llie do of 0 the supreme ancl an district courts of the territory relative to the jurisdiction of probate couro and the Tern tonal marshal and attorney Att oraey on oa motion of mr wright it was received referred to tho the committee on judiciary and two hundred copies ordered printed tit d wr rich chairman of the committee on claims claim and appropriations reported arted back the auditors report oaths mado made by him for which no provision provision provi tion ion had been made and recommended me do that the several atu amounts mentioned in said faid to report rt be inserted in the lie appropriation atiqi bill bir air asked ailed if alo commit committee teo had examined and compared the rum suma named therein with mill fron from already made I 1 nit it rich stilted that thai they baa nut not mr thurbar moved that it be to re bad back to the committee on claims and appropriation with instructions to compare it il with wit it the auditors other ot her to rc po carried A r r t evans arans p presented r e w bcd taj a ICi AlOn bior from ira da lid id evans erans slid and oaty eaty others othera residents of utah county asking for the lie eta bloh ment by legislative leg active enactment or of a free school chool system itea iliad I and referred to the committee on education I 1 du cation rich luab in behalf of the on Clair claims and appropriation reported back the petition of samuel bingham na sessor and collector of weber coun county baling asking f for or an appropriation of f for ly or extra 1 duties I ten tred in collecting agricultural ri statistics statistic and that the lito petitioner be inferred cf erred to the I 1 ho county court of weber county for the adjustment of his claim argued at length and referred back to ta the lite committee on claims and appropriation A message was waa received from the council nat mithat that U 0 cannon and J N smith bad ad been appointed on the corn committee cittee of conference to consider IL II r V no 1 in an act pertaining to li it cen cenea cene cs 9 and that C F 1 no ifa 4 an act chi chancing long the name of thomas F I 1 harry to 0 o thomas F II 11 morton morion and the names of hil bil wile wife a and Q d to cot respond with the same barne had pal pawl pali I tile council and been sub submittal mittel to the iloma A for its ill concurrence taylor farr and J W young were appointed on tho the committee of conference in behalf of the I 1 louse on motion of rockwood It C r P no waa a ro referred forre to the committee on oil petitions ii acs ics and in memorials pact pr 11 I 1 d the report utah aly county f for or 1 referred to committee on revenue thurber i o ell 9 a I 1 liu bill for an act defining the ilia time of I 1 the commencement of criminal actions read and referred to the committee on I 1 I 1 judiciary I 1 thurber introduced a bill 11 P r no i 10 entitled an act in 10 relation lation to county jaila read and reforma to aba committee on ariett the r oriso I 1 to supt bupt of wasatch was IV agon hold for 0 1 I to cei v atol ac 2 to uis cco commiL tc on boada IB b briddes 11 d e g and ferries aej adjourned 0 arned till thursday at al I 1 Oclo cf ia E I junt at t the period pano 1 lita all enuf men were complaining that 0 I 1 tho the hwe hom ointments of tho duy wire rc medice tho the tr liniment made its en tree art la in bawart without vit hout any floar tali of L nd and within ono one year became ilia A for tire abis di tm and loeri of mid and cattle in rai t kit I 1 me ir anil and HonL horn arom that time to th thin I 1 it thas hu never hjul had a raft in tho the estimation of hor horsemen L lj is iu its household hoc Athold reputation As a core for raca r 1 ten i anuaL lip rora ors nip ilca imil and caked t breasts tumors tn inor n p wro un AtA earl AT 1 soho too borno band bound and tul wl ciaro bound 1 I lul am artl brity as a hornc borne i dmn rum tho lie mothers of Anic raea know its ita i talao and agal apply it promptly p tny to ilia external I 1 of tho 0 g g c ration and ii ill fact there tarro is pot ft a pity city or toor nobi antho in abc ulu ted fitere the lin meet in IA I 1 dt anro liy by both OTIC ft anti every clida am II 11 ft a blowing to tile the community baij 1 I it t dako eroam min lain street 1 d I 1 ta re it A al I NT wo 1110 f long been aware that every intelligent man and woman in ilia city rebas the j 6 the priesthood were among tho the last to permit it lul but even they lavo have been at it now some borne imagine of our surprise Bur however liati wo we learned I 1 frota froia mr r G SI gerri h that an incelli into I 1 gent dog belong belonging int to otte one of liia ilia neighbors hta has beto beco in the practice of carrying i offa vied Us las caper a number naiuli tr of tunes lanes WM was sorely to la what became of it but he would never have supposed any animal possessed or df such sagacity had to he not nol caught tile alio dog in the net act of I 1 appropriating iiii li n paper we have I 1 ordered our oar carrier to leave his canine clup a copy regularly anil and we are confident that if lie continues to read the TRi aLF he be will io in a very short time be the sin tm smartest artest jog dog on 00 record and a 1 g preat root joni better posted than llan many men inen a I 1 I 1 1 cartil d fur by ft few po lat all cuilo in gyp log As led and it in ahn p or femali oj an aa ft el eueal for relieving pala A of riu an and I 1 u will u la I 1 curmi couff comford rt and to d lund the lima pon od of 0 trial F fall I 1 for frelk g cab complaint otter to ault u I 1 lle maee 0 cy ul blumlo t t ia boiu il kl at oca dobir by 7 texi D eta 11 W bo I 1 a A to X N Y hold bulj 19 by 1 G gorilo be A co P A room to lo let over the tbt or enod N a apply to ht B M tm 1 co lieuw so 28 B commercial I 1 I 1 have to on hand aw bold b V of foe fine A ap will wit it at low batra C CH lt 14 tl tf I 1 7 5 try A ALMOST A t ribe FIRE yesterday ester dily tit at about I 1 4 p m while the wind ad was blowing hard and nl cold cola from the past a fire EM manifested itself in one or of Groes becks buildings on lower main ma i i street lind and had it not been for far tile hie timely efforts of A number of citizens who happened to be present the ilie building and very probably probable tile the whole block bloc would hara bare boin been lc do it would te arcely hare boon been possible to save any or of the adjoining buildings A IL he wind no do we water ter in tle the ditches nt at the time mr thomas whito white who u is employed in the building scaled the iho roof at biest risk to cr limb lath and lire life with willi buckets of water v 11 ter led to him by W H B woods wood anti and extinguished the flame mr potter a moch artic on commercial 3 treet aldo aho rendered important aid the fire was wa communicated to to tile the roof of tho building by ilott pipe which suggests surg ests the tit 0 acol nm ity of hoting having this hii kial of amol flues well looked lifter after or what would bg be bolter better with alto altogether sether la IQ nil fill eases cases flues of brick iain can tit be substituted aid in of the th imm immunity U n ily that hat would thus thai be secured cared ee the change should be mada on commercial street and many other place we see ace wooden structures endangered by stove store pipes and it will bo better luck thon than wo we have a right t to expect if such escape destruction li it T j our without aitho U I 1 water ui its that the purposed water works which the city council wera wernex lex pecked to complete at t an early carly day daiy are arc alarmingly backward bick ward wj we hear not nol icing liing of pipes m or ww buccos sary to their tit ir construction i it is probe probable able that the fathers have cimolo the conclusion that it is time to tripi prepare abc for fire when we have been burned out oui ALL tile talk li ia about buon pon and 11 this evening annary at tile tho ea irwill it arill 14 the or alie onar 35 cents IS nm two mill balli lt it amer wf my fromam will mil gleaso tolo notice that I 1 t have hato abeen dismissed from its ba laou I 1 true without cause or reason I 1 hope to oon b be able to meet my friends in id another ulolo loon in this city where IT by attention to their wants I 1 hope ti to command their ret As heretofore jai lt rt PAT blain 1164 AV t A 31 WANT uri victr P mrs caroline carolina cedarholm Cod arholm the missionary will deliver a lecture on friday evening tile arst liberal Lili cral institute on liar travels aril babora in arizona as a alk she traveled much through that thinly populated country on root foot and in company with another lady missionary nary raw raided d means mcana for lite erection of a church in mrs its Cedo rholin has letters front from roune roul citizens botlon both in calif or ni nia an nl I 1 arizona At izona testifying to ic her good standing in society and her wordily wor tIly labors labora as a missionary slie she is ia here in a condition with a ia biel son ion en deavo do ring to malti male her hei way back to rill where blie and mra C will carry her of ad ml sion to tile houses of the citizens bufore the lie evening of tile the lecture and we hope that sufficient will be aureli pu reli ed to enable itermo her to continue con tinne her journey bome homeward warl to rin or 0 ora on cirth I 1 aad tho the grand I 1 will on wod morning january 31 tv iw to aal tho tit ial 1 ul uy llew 10 buil be r olata cliborn to and nl the co coo O 1 ot 0 1 tho ah 0 atry T ry beat elp tn in tho the ritt to I bo r alito ado to 0 d la 11 to tn ml hit which I 1 guarantee to do or no ebarbo fant caw tut tomme ALI open all night break tut for or early blaga ji tf P nor to attend the ibe N iddo inter liall clr tolo given by bt a at t ilk bards hall ja january mill aut ct court chik J 1 li baker bacr thi lie witness win in ia be I 1 n caari beai I 1 brought justice clinton on oil a warrant 1 by him upon tho AM warn a a 0 f lol t 1 I can forr alse sweir Bw caring arg 11 a a pear 11 lot for defendant I 1 ail and a him discharge dise go on the arands that to the affidavit did no not cargo cha ago ralio Bw earing ring in in a any ny ina material aerial fact or ihirg r the motion mollon wig wai overruled abia lh jo ic I 1 halil to bail im in the 1 lie sum 01 0 to appear wore before the lie court tile baing failed 0 o give security it ft was imbued and he turned over to the U S marshal Mars lial T tor loc at ilia alio apon haman hainan lature and gro are ft a grand sue core everybody 1 ia highly pleased it nit mil I 1 kiy to hear bear loald M ewry every he tay stays with us TI charts invert at t tho the gubrud X donao anti at private reinden cea oct get gnep OTIO and know cor before lore lio lie i latu ju al 4 gr arkra furnishing cowls at 1 l barta till it PLEA hANT fannef PAn nEf the ladies ladi leap leali ye year at social maronde Maron la onic le liall on tuesday wai waa with bucce m the alster proved fuai to tha cluer geney ana bebe their blush ing boned thick lipon th eja J gabl night the harmony literary id an anil Dc dilating Lating society went forth in the 1 dance at Ilk hardi I 1 tall hall having hav ing a good time generally is 1 breaks the iho morning of a new era in the neils annals of r medicine Aliota ol will won be belba bel bd from man tho the lint lot of tad anti only known an a bown ton be je lidkea i volf onla ailt of and filters ari a over bro nix rading the fiery 7 will 7 i no do man maa or woman over ever yit tit tool took with willi out ool fc iti their credulity jimro is no dt cape cata score or chronic chro nl in blikh it iho a new tonic auy nol ant tre ba with beno ra lical 1231 td ETL or OE NOR wei abille aille beat us the on we wc have ba ve been overdone with t ahe I 1 calif california anil an oregon now vil I 1 alic I 1 li ligh I 1 chilly 1 minila in of i and Culo I 1 birett c 1 1 il I ratling ling our oll ix pon indi 4 rivan ivers on tuil ir likes t a aadil ad driving ataul the most severe weather weather that bat the llie oldest inba inhabit bitaut ml has hai kin 0 ox Eivy DAys to except on Sau balili Ba days trio blui fur for fullio labium oc etc ap ply to lo lr fr E L T Ui uil tier por bitte 1 drum cam JK JT WE me iwo by our dispoto aes that lit oco geo hurst who wu was in utah last summer and other capitalists alitta have recently undo made an invest investment mont at eureka nev hi irig purchased the mining property properly known n the general lee BOW compary are ro about to erect a 2 tanty min to operate on orti ora I 1 cinnlt C LU Iu jm xo N 1 2 it the city awl barkat in to retailing elling nt ft pall attention to 0 we tho wholesale cil tresla bartill ller ria bled to ta furnia from jonii OD to fifty any dr aaa bullocks bullock within 64 24 MOW dolice for TX ory to la any ny part art ot of the h city mal I 1 fr a r L L I 1 I 1 7 1 T 1 tin the telegraph wires affected ly by the storms or other cam canut cl rated failed last even ine ng to gir R ITC e u us the hews diews either from tile the enit or vest ata at 9 a tn yesterday alio llio line of tile western union between this city cily and ogden was cut A at t I 1 wo w ct different parts ond and it a couple hundred deffes feet of the wire r c carried off one ol of tho the breaks avran repaired but the main maia ono could not ilot be till his morning it hoped by the oper iori in this city that they would be able to iret their regular report hy by way of ano reno over the ho old jiner inc but bit either cither the lines to the et esat working wor liing very badly or the r at t reno keno and virginia birgid 13 were kept too diasy sending pending their ff stilt salt lale hjal t the wired west of these points having 1 lan on broken rolen li tr by the ho ennd the california report had biad to be ba copied find and forwarded hy by Sost so soon ionas as the between this city and nd ogden tire aro effected aich which nill lo 10 before tour calier many of the city we ve shall lall again be in in conno clion edon with tile kaat east and shall do ou our best bes t to give gito nil all the file newa to mor shilma aiau fant s hall F elrona routh alrek elli will bo 10 4 bened on saturday y one lino tend p pur of PlY naton S k s nang on 1 gr cal 1 floor har manic in tho the gallery billj lf F P F 1 elpi it is I 1 i the people are arc moling bamily I 1 for free schools which shows that thac they are not so far belli behind j tit tho mi some have march 6 on n bi brethren ethren 1 site |