Show rutn rr tN ac I 1 K dispatches apati S irl laau I 1 lJ i fi au U on in th llla billik carett carr tt te j M gilr li ta lr r b I 1 1 aali aorl 11 ia alic it tt rw publishes lishes a statement on the authority Bulli onty or of edward S stokes tint that the PA mans f bield 1 1 1 r I 1 ordence pub published lobed today to day in 1 the eal con contains taing only unimportant letters which have no bearing upon the culler case and that the remaining letters to lo 10 published I 1 bell will fully pear bear him stokes lop 0 dub u in I 1 all the mald ments which he has hag oll t id to I 1 i I 1 mike bf gental 0 order ader I 1 I 1 r WR I 1 4 III I 1 t wv 41 V 91 it a 1 plo pha n to alfir chbr a confidence in loot of efthia this a man 4 of f inte oty while at tho the same time Preg president ident wt a fact that lut herc lr aai who I 1 4 aeilt 11 0 cli I 1 mingo tinco on the fuchion aion of oania ilia 7 re e n nomi 0 nation the president said he be h had 1 I nov ol 01 ct cr any opinion 1 anlon on the ajl would if 11 lima me 1 to give liia his views lien thi the time came for action As a republican lio lie would be in honor bound to a rupart any candidate anil and ho he would aeilt efforts for his smith of st camei lang inland set a trap on night for burglars but forgetting the gun he D package and the gun was shot kofl lady wounding him rev U G JI if hepworth preached at steinway during I 1 luring his sermon in an addred was circulated pairing tho congregation conge gation announcing tile lie of a now new laurch eli that of the church of the Dis sciples dark clark unitarian unit irian denounced Il epworth saying baying that two third i of the unitarian Ini ra alaj of 1 ifil dopart parter nr tho riu ri u I 1 it iq said tint that ike ask estate will not one an bund hundred red thousand dollari after the be of wig debts it is stated misstated also that tle tile grand central I 1 lotell a abill bill of 2 2500 for the f the rooms e in which jat dici 4 new C ill inton IS 15 lion hon freeman oark dark will introduce in the I 1 fou c a bill to ta provide pr ovidea a currency of coi coin rand and p paper a per i all munir bar the gal q naif position to BI tin an old member of the he ways and x eisell committee and Is ci comptroller of tho the currency gives lila his project value the first section adeli for the redemption il demp eption tion in in coin ol oi toolbar notes 2 ariar lem er 30 days daya notice with the promise se aba piat aki F and that th in t ks 3 31 that I 1 title cont dinue muc to bold their legal reserved fund in addition to coin on onland hand tilt till sept lit it IS ift eimont 1 ei 1 ont I 1 I 1 shill bo heed adi national hanla banks are ar r to lad ill aves in I 1 rational bank to ba authorize iu in new Y york ork to tho the amoun amounts 1 ol 01 f one ale q nt of ili alic 21 1 fyd r ki al 1 A t bank liff pig anil 4 1 za such auch tant lanE 1 rode emil gager agent tf I 1 fth tationa ya A tiona bpi baalis 3 shall ix We lepIt from froin taxation Ut tation this re a oemil lauk bauk coin hall lc gold bold by tile kreasl kiy when it atul will the coin bal balance clil biow a ho hundred red millions until the 11 fixed for tell the le too tenders I 1 oth butich emina shall be raid in coin I 1 i jha I 1 pa C I 1 t 1 amilon on 15 1 akia I 1 is leat tl ala prince of w will wi it have ruffic b e n 0 il ec from MA lia iune a to be a alilia 1 0 t M th mhd drive out croul ill bour coma of i WI kill elble abl sch til approve Ap provA T a t 1 F the prem diem general generally it I 1 irow or of th 11 ba achele for laying a r new c w ca cable le from Frigli english sli coit coial tot of ox aitt T gynild liet aati r leat Frigli english ox liet aati r leat Sta I 1 I 1 staw telli and nd 0 that cheaper jatoi than I 1 thoice I 1 me of 0 ye a li t to 0 the I 1 anil and the TW 1 I 0 of f both countries coun trio the ISM ida of bath lixi been wre alej on tho the alish coast |