Show THE again i w rea reached theTon one or of grand erand periods the om od year him hax gone into tile put past ho he new year yar has bm opened and all la eveald ima are ro lapre us to 70 non inon in the ko na of alic DAILY taibi li NE liate long appreciated that the independent dependent it patt ia proper power to with irith tile utah hierarchy for I 1 lie ho prem 10 in the deTel of modern I 1 irali tali ofis hu bist the tha tuft int 0 potent agent in 2 L mid d tb that wort worl fr utah is if tho the of the Titi omm anait li dUy ful jl never aoam it its efforts to the tb iou and of lii i once factly orthiel wort or of emandi phinn and progress hm been effected icar if I 1 hadwin jono not only by the pms ams but tut by bythe the devell of the wines the luo e nf it indent will anar tho ilia of aacen cars with tho baa at been acen wort won I 1 fur for territory to tho or of TOW musa ions and t but not least lct ti tte j 1 se go echt jf r nul lionly Y ayal ip atah 1 jtb bilth 3 ai I 1 abat 1111 be ism B leoj ti jo do iti I 1 part tot tat tink ihu attali work with n moderation in tut but arith ditl 4 67 de r erm inest 1 hta il no chiv or 1 tempo C 1 P 1 I 1 niilo iia g policy r 7 1 1 ll 11 1 l boutil ro uTil il L i io stand 1 d 1 by ohp ali e i 1 richt b e i abd d t T ii otar r arn the i wrong to w on kalitt irl I 1 di institution i bitt not ah inen and 1 coolly work outtie out the best ibbe d of all 11 irrespective of party or creed to the tbt great ir awk ot oe the new nc f ati fur doubt lem coming feasta enli car U t sah rill 1 ahn old year amt pmt rise Tait brings energy a of spirits jt j gr inal ING t to maintain stinne the be I 1 ap alft equal and exact jwuc and support the cause or the republic is tha taace of theocracy affail Af faiD tan t ades JAon of utah ai J a state therefore it ja will continue conci nuo to bont send knowing we well that her admission during the opening year ear would ie to theocracy a triumph which in the end we believe vuth rould ot t t ise entire eti peo ill an itt he d prot I 1 lZ q a and ini peace michie nor 71 jud did ami baye so long ex cx Is fea I 1 n i thu territory between thin nian or nf T i pur burpoe poe and asp away and that healthful role PIl tOft in com coil I 1 herolt ln trott jereld u int h lifa if off rf lie tk iu alme adani la he of nf jtb wb A happy new baycar Bey if rc car I 1 |