Show GRAND DUKE ALEXIS IN NEW ly YORK RK so broadw Y broadway is sa bia ka an r ame me 1 Itt Itis iii more intoxicating than lu its ter tory aile ite new dow wine all ir r in realize aliis at time on tu an october qc tober morning when the tee ac breezes flutter buffer still in our gar merits menu when the fra rance of tb llie 0 pill kioa 0 fort stil linberg w with rise n andi all the freshness that ihal we caught amid im ij the summer rummer our slept auk and blo blooms bloms ms on om facea then step alep majon on it its 3 pavement 1 ij is delicious luciou 3 11 I 1 remember I 1 told lold you a Y year batago looking down we way 11 upon such la 0 borning nor ning r me always of a liaos aurora looking up above the glitten glittering w wll 11 iulo into the exhilarate ng air it seems a bifone if ono must re elier h er coinsure coin sere etli a U the hal aiding alding irett sr i 1 M a kin althe i r pathway pat liway to the alt sun BUD nut but no lie the 11 graces are ill all on the elie aide oki eq codr too aro are the ilia hor glea JOB ID of spurn faur n io the clou clouds a life they fall down a on the co ble stones and are arc seized liy by the society which to k caro care of horses an and prepares them for the kingdom 0 0 leaven heaven yet of wit with til all the perils ol of iu broadway in on an n october L OR on smell a morning we wa i t atiee q beell alex is I 1 canio came ho home fro from n tb tho country in season to see ece him and strange to toll tell am not nol to own it most of my friends I 1 find been io 10 fool feel that llie er reia i g great re 1 M merit cp t i ingling ing S Y ying i nl 1 I ab I 1 idida Idi eata sef the prince 1 it t W waa a 0 o 1 or wilt it superior pori 17 ar 1 i oona run ron after pr princets inces nets avei well 1 1 l i lul but I 1 like to look at them n they lookas look loot as yell well w asAle xii n and abey a fice ad and head lio well worth baady P of astl m his hia taca I 1 wept on to broadway en an p appose c to see the son on of the eni aror pc roro las cistand i vp more lhnn omica bli to vr mr brady foil 0 aid liblit li Klit 1 it ful cal cl in hii gallery enabled we m to taloo 60 gate that fair romanoff ofT face and magnificent hell head to la the treasia treasured red urtA of memory every name outside floar f loar personal lire life ll 11 what mu t n makes it ii hire curiosity ini might lead I 1 d a crowd da t w q gait aze at t the prince irinca of ivales in broad I Ll siame in m spira BO 1 belas the like fairest promise of his ilia mother and poor alexandra would shed a thil alid mot tiers tea tears ibur lym jm ut it would be 1 better for eug today irbie h were ilea dead 1 right cent centuries dries of kio koni am 1 william am the tl conqueror robert bruce through all ohp and G boroc may unit lua royal but lave have falick to nalo 10 him dollo doble if we badt 1 a il geese of purs cIves ovir over liim him atzl toay y it could aulito bulj lc fur fir iiii hia moth cra sale bale or because he 6 M heir beir to her crown lien ifert son arthur batrick aroused no enthusiasm m 4 4 america marfa Sl elii a pit cory I 1 J ling nay well ennic apt lpt lint P comore marq the I 1 lie most moat hung about lo 10 w was as liis ilia if ii liiri IN tc collar ollar nod anil that was wag ugly royal hoyal blued blood from william the con to alderk alia ait 3 led ti lik ick lim I 1 ir A more a than ilan a perfectly commonplace pl ft cc young TU gentleman it a I 1 I 1 never went it im lolo 1010 Wo Hi railway dWity to behold him so 0 o don t worry my brother 4 its ii a prince Ir inci I 1 fetney fancy not a princess aba no manoff of the nineteenth century is a creature Only about three centuries since he came out from the people anil and when ibo be line C of f baria ceased nearly three capitti ties vince since lie came forth from the people po powerful and brutal and made himself a king nearly three centuries have rone gone and ho he is still X ki king ng jin abool absolute ute nion arch over ono one of the alio largest empires of earth today to day ilay I 1 lie 0 is st chivalrous and gentle gende stately ll cly and ni noble to b c I 1 told the young men man alexis comes from a race 0 of f giants peter the great was a gilutin in frame us well as in mind ahe 1 he Eul pressas anno anne anil and elizabeth were strona alron as men catherine the great with ilia power and passions ibm iona of a m min could a mn man down with a blow of ber hand the im ern iNich i iron in muscle and will wits mhd handsomest man in europe i me son alexander the present ear 0 Im mccror perot of Ruo rubbia tsia is scarily less remarkable for manly beauty an d 1 in i n person and presence every inch a king 1 the wife of nicholas Nl choln bei kuti rut and good WM was a daughter of the most divine I 1 louian of I 1 prussia the loveliest victim ever immo immolated to the cruelly of it napoleon Na the first the present empress of russia comes from a pricely house famous forr th the piety and grams graces i bof of its daughters thin looking forth ironi mr branya brady it window I 1 sid said this th is young yo ring man alex ls hi cortege will b be 9 here ber present ly 17 inherits from ilia his 11 1 nee stoys many of tho the most moat powerful some of the worst and some of the best belt traits i in n lin nitin nature through the crystal air came the distant throbbing of Alrano ing drams adrams and the 1 measured boat beat or of marc marching hiag feet the lut last october day clay in it iti 1 I matchless procession of perfect e r cot lays days fiad gone by it laiter loitered ion long for his hia coming but the ocean ref refused ld to give up alexis now november had bushed her storms for a day and hung but the brightest of blue banners bannen to welcome him it fa h worth a journey to now new york to see sea broadway in the bravery br I 1 of an ovation the daily repeated chill cbill of long delay had failed to rob thia of its iti or ir 1 for fo ilij in j milea M 1 I esa on miles 0 f ted eager a ger I 1 lia man life gjere is aldays majesty ty far I 1 ar oil a fire ali tt ayo ye could seek tee 1 up and nd down clr li Krally picked jdith t aimaq bain j aar afrew e alie le street p pr i a 4 gitle I 1 alck asa aki lipid alf egory tT ry window from we bie to summit with ladies and children from the win dowa of other all the goods had bad been and t 0 o n iera ier to 0 tops they wire w re lin lined 61 w I 1 h gaily ed cd women look therel th eiel exclaimed one gentle ni anlo rn in lat at the tight sight of a great Broadway broad way shop window filled filed to th the tsp asp top with feminine tri tures that 4 a liand show window I 1 ever saw the blushed and looked die attraction such attentions ioni but they cyme down they would see the princea men mch crowded the house trips clung to the wills walls and ste ples oples of 0 the ir and one rn man an there F I 1 ig aft always lia y 3 laic aara 1 W 0 o be one wha mn t at fr act Al attention lention to ilia bis own elf no matter what the I 1 VOS wae e man cian hung barag oui 0 fro from in the spire of grace church and amused himself by keeping humane mortals below in a perpetual fright hat lie bo should drop on the pavement and comisi lis bid foolish head riago flow flew from every house top pen notis and devices floated out from ten thou fc ditl d aki 7 boys afhild 0 athe on the Cori laded no nn pago page t concluded team allied MO dorcet orcet holding aloft garlands garlanda and bai bad bets of flowers flower from chooks wha hearts stood forth firth in scarlet the name of Il alexis ladic ii in ia ripen carriage blood 11 tho the corners corn cra I 1 I 1 at last ties the crowd began bi in to ashl own to sway back be buforo aro tho the advance n it platoon of thou cinno moro than a t in a solid lody as aine ona roan man then a reg inicis ft bala auers find land men four re young men forming a hollow Felik kate in ite central in a car can riago drawn by four hetblack jet black horses I 1 kittil kold harness Larn cs rodo the iho young man of the hour nc ile at U head and nd leria a tho di re cv 0 other in kho carria carriage ii and wm was not fur for sm his attire was tle the of a out in the rus ion navy but bill for iiii powerful tower ul stature fand lor for the bight of hu his him liml 1 which rose like it a blome afinder its ils blury of golden hair people thinking thin ling only of 0 tho the prince a before fo forgot agett vim in admiral ad mirat ion of the toioi man 17 n dl arc I 1 f 1 waved wa huia haggle 5 went w ant UP op alexis b bowel a 1 I hil bi bead I 1 to a liu his those amid flowerie anil bannera women glied glad music and the aliotta of a mhd people followed by milea on miles of mounted and marching marchi Dg me men tie of sit a fit fair a sa s young nod and an beare as himself the ilia son BOB of ilia emperor of russia entered the ilia metropolis of the country to whick he has bas proved tie BO devoted on an ally ii y for f after a 11 until the moment that they saw h iiii is lace face it was only the son ion of the emperor of 0 rumnia that the people waited to see no ilc wai not a ayco the 0 b heir ir to its throne T bruot rilo it lead bad V 6 CB I 1 iola told of liioi him that his h u it wea i two years had already compassed ad deeds that he was a true rue sailor ia tt eforoi at twelve years of age that lie a rushed mailed into the water nd 5 saved a strange young girl from drowning at tho the riek of his life and and deeds proved that ho he was w more than a 2 ir prince ince a manewith man with the inborn nobil nobility it y of f manhood in liim him yet not 0 at for lie honored ile iio was welcomed welcome all for si liia father wha received an american americ in admiral with fojtl 1 I ilton 0 ir or alo lie lias has never i cardd an 0 or aptt ina z yen even ih intha ibis 4 ite reception eption of private american citizens citi zeni and who was americal Ameri caa calk steadfast friend in her houff houi ailt new york wel coming coming russia who would not lot tome come inta into broadway broad ray to see gee its ita prince yet no the ilia archduke Arch dulie alexis w wins goodwill good will for bim himself self wherever lo lie goes goca ilia hie striking Etri king person peron and aco ence combined with a singular ein gular mod mad 11 e a crivici on I 1 t are aad 4 t iho 0 louall lou acl sovereign n citizen to pardon him for leaving having aen been born boorn a it u cc and to like liim him aila n aa man dor th this is personally lie he will be ilia fie longest and admired admired that had bad lie not dot been the son bon of an a n I 1 emperor no lees leea bo be would have earn com minded respect and a a matiee the archduke alexis alciia N i over six B IX le fee thigh ehigh wilh ILI bimat and depth of cac qt it 1 an erect carriage and a head bead aile for its light and development of reverence veneration and benevolence whatever clue alls he be may forget todo to do lic he will never for say ay prayers upper part it of his face let iii of remarkable E beauty really the hair waving and golden is ie cut abort ilia his forehead forche aJ is intellectual loc bia iel 0 deep blue large and full fall with those swill swift of ever changing expression which betray the boull kvidt anal mute make cat cheirs acar ni of bf any human buman face the best of the princes lace face la is its in maul man lincea inces it is ia a thought full car face alej face of a nun man who would be no we leu noble in trial and idi cial ifa thin than amid til I 1 alit of fortune ilia his hands are simply huga and have the grip arili or j a volar iolar bear at least they hey sr tro capable of bearing inore handshaking than ali tin ordinary di ary hands I 1 saw caw him go through with it thi bis american ordeal the lle other 1 opening I ti il it g IT gedid edid it with I 1 and grace bif apt rpt with it gave a sturdy grasp to tho the dain liol les t lid gloved hand outstretched to mid but tho the face of alexis told many stor aco during the jorl icesS one lastant it looked 1 tha next the next ared and the he next would crould brighten gain again lie ile is ia very liana some and agreeable 1 said eaid a young lad ady who danced with him I 1 but he in ha 3 at he ugliest hand I 1 ever saw ean and if abe makes the iho thin nervous american land hand her criterion it is ii not strange that eshe ehe call this giant got cat ugly it i ia 3 an ugly honcia 1 tand arid that 83 if Ara d down wo the romanoff omanoff ll lino liao i flout a 1 day when the were not royal if the grand duke doke alint cant dance well he cao can walk with a will trill heal and shoulders abono all the company hu he went about with ith ill biag too ott his hia arm the young lady was very graceful and pretty in MOO crapo with witha a little blue lealh cr and an d pink in her hair at the two went laughing and i chatting through i alo ha crowd they fair air to see ece I 1 11 was wa the story etory old as tho the earth of the youth and the rn aidea in ia young manhood and komao hotel 00 I 1 bulb both wore were royal WO we prose over the vanity or of earthly honors honor ak no lem it it is the spica dor of lifo to bo 1 liora to iu purple it ia to be you young ug beautiful and beloved 1 I was wa young aan madece dettl would wool loung eay bay and aad burat in tears whenever e 1 are in exile or borrow the she recalled t b 0 glori dofher of her youth ir if it is m tile the biou of an race the depre tentative euta tive of e a vo basl stand and friendly power the sou of an emperor no less leo it is y youth beauty bravery anili and waa mn llo Aro eric in ilk the young min lain I 1 ale anoxia ais vary dimmer AMU 4 n CS I 1 in n 17 lr V 1 independent I 1 swa L SD D six companies cocia of its gifth ci cd y are dinow bound ld la wyoming territory they have alavo been ex expected ceded daily CD an route for arizone f 1 our companies ot the fame regiment were dispatched from sia francisco cisco in the iho by way bf the gulf a abort timo since those ri frico 1 I 1 cods 3 sewa expect to make him tho the alieni democratic 0 azat ic con nominee indek for president in 1872 are arc quietly ciui etly keeping in the background tho r h it auspicious moment for bringing kim bim out hit hu not yet a I 1 |