Show THE PRACTICAL POINT we e deem it il important to emphasize all the practical points odthe presidents president Mes message sige pertaining to utah on the mormon understanding here is a capital point it u is tot not with the religion of tile if styled bunta that we RT DOW noting but their li arao tiers they will be prote protected eted in tho the wore worship hip of god according to the dictates of their conscience but they will not bo be permitted to violate laws under the cloak of religion it is not the reh g I 1 0 it but tile the practices of a certain class of t the ho people of utah that the president and congress are arc r rc e solved to rectify they may kellne bel what they please but can only prach se what the laws of united states slates and modern modem civilization allow Cannot can not the saints see sec thu this very practical il point everybody else can |