Show THE university BOAT RACE HACE 1 llie I he collego college boat it 1 at races aces which dauie ot off this year on the le river near logic ingle fide aide MIM mass i resulted io in the success if the be agricultural crew from amherst amberst greatly I 1 0 the of ds the trained boatin eu front from harvard and brown universities t what was a most i in the affair was the fact act that the lob a faolu the tha state agricultural Colle college gewere were very green aud and had enjoyed but little practice anil and had scarcely cly tiny oy training air the contest conlest I 1 they ICY bad been pulling a few days in an all old boat for practice arid and haa bad acau acquired ared no etele ol of stroke but abua llie lle race lean began over a three wild churbe courbe they exhibited a degree of muscularity aud arid bottom that give gave them tha victorY by fourteen boat longten alicae of the tbt if jbf famous ari til r d units L erity clews cirod ci wod sea by a gloater over tile brown boy li j 1 I the courve WAR irn pulled leil by bt ali ills albirt Anit Ai birt agriculturalists io in I 1 17 nun 6 n 7 6 4 dir tile llie quickest three mil mile ever towed roel by a college crew arid tho ali warthin still anil white new colo caloni on tile lie baten lit 0 sew Kv kovaci aci sow 1109 fly flir as lie ills v vis n lort lors among the be enileme wat boat creba of tile llast old IJ flat lard bad brown v at ism met a cota compel worthy if aldr annc and skill dill the mite blue alj vill llo weil to la be held lit in oll oil A intel at without a fire c ulett still anil we have no doubt we vie beidl nee many a of skill ant and bet ire arvard ll Hr ril 9 ai to ngiam pins tier lir former alor lor ti ea |