Show A FREE HOSPITAL NEEDED one ol of tte thy most ug daja ail lie lour iu in suit lake city is a first class hup itil to he devoted devoed ti if I 1 to la reception kill aul bithe ut clr inar tot sick eick or from all all parts parti odthe Terri territory ory the new element so i tm arx biilly flawing into tiie fill territory jig it peculiarly titell it ocille 11 Y composed vf ol il miner liners wild who while they are in the enjoyment or of health are perfectly to iv lake isle care or of TVA cuje any ally poi ible cu conjunction of curcuru c and to b are arc rarely applicants for public or private auty bouty ty dut but they ley or r like other to 1 became sick old anil unable to 0 o cod in their i anil and distant ji stant cati catwalks ci alks proper medical ore care and treatment in such rises cases they lity compelled are ia M seek icek atelier ind pro cerbi ial advice in salt 1810 il city au an unfortunately there is ii not ringle pingle public institution here wherein ttheresa I 1 they can find n R secure anil acid retreat to battle with alli tin the enemy batup dougla Doug lashas af furdel indic in except ionar i a 1 fur for suffering otta ingers but it aig auit be e apparent to iu all that its lignite and the controlling it gre are entirely to the lie growing g demands cina nl wide upun upon it it in DO 00 part of the be juliis dulis of bf the luitek lUi L uiles ted authorities t tl acon and medical treat mit do tu 0 civilians civi liaDi and ami when alien it is ii se 14 al lint alime ime it is i and it i ther plain that hat we mu must at KU k cl ethere for an hospital open to t tb abe general geci cral community there is i unhappily none t bo be found such lucli an aaa institution does bot exist in ia this territory one anunti must therefore be an a broad eire gaire babli with aith anil and space enough to oleat every demand As the formation of such an cle eleemosynary emos institution would woula involve con sid erable eapen e lit in its ill erection n and nj support either lie ibe corporation of the city of S salt alt like lake or a private ot undertake the liener lut but omea at ei pensive project broj it ct A largo large anti and bu ila his hie building bui liling should be hired or built furnished in tile the most moil mid op iipp proved roved ga manner for far the reception option re of a large number of patients tn in caste can of need and controlled by a corps of jf able in 1 11 it should bo be free to all whir are nii to pay u wall mim fur for suLin kure mud great treatment ment if I 1 the city will not devote a port portius ivil of its unemployed revenues revenue to the support of mch buelt a hoo hospital ho pital let our deadio citi citizens unite is ia furu to rin jin ing a jit society fur the establish anent or one land and there nil ill be little difficult encountered in it and a temporary home for the destitute dutil ule sick or of tile the ty it is u important that cowa b ing should be done at once liy by next n inter we shall lee ice a great dil deal rf ef eick bickness ness and suffer fog bich cao can only be alle or by the comforts find an file I 1 cal attention of a fint clia clelis hospital uch such a as we have suggested will some of our leading and charitable citizens adopt mC to call a public at aai iu earl early y day to like a into i the necess 1 ity and pro propriety of and 61 ri v Itai aids a free llop tl in salt like lake city cil we all act ct and uj liberally and od the ike great work cin can aza lann ie be |