Show THE EW from mr roland ealand bf soda springs we receive the following information in regard to Caril caribou loo mines tin first sluice box that was li bet et and ran was by bt keean allea alien davis who wintered I 1 there ln I 1 none an and a half days rn run they cook ou out CO 31 mr r bailey who is going to td establish ii sh a sawmill saw mill near cheso diggings in order to satisfy liati siy himself of their richness washed several pans pana 1 of dirt bailin all of ground that wala was itin run through a sluice last fall and ob obtained twined five cents to the pan lie ile also prospected out ent claims and faund all of them it to contain good 1 color one week ago go the anew wn was two ket feet deep lout hut it at pies present elit it has haa nearly all yanis vanished bed many of the miners mancra are ro waiting K toi I 1 lumber am ber with wIlch wh ich to build sluice boxes skid and all aro are confident of making their pile the road between this ibis pla place c e and blackfoot is dry and duty daily and d traveling traT eling good food tho the different di derent routes from corinne are as follows to bear river bridde lb 19 miles western 38 robins ranche 53 cottonwood 63 soda springs 38 98 crossing of blackfoot grays graya lle around tho lake to the foot of j i the mountain sr HO to tho the diggin pi by way of malad to soda springs miles to tho the diggings I 1 there are two other routes to th these eso minia mines but we learn lcara those e numerated enumerated are arc the best corinne con da dahy illy jo journal I 1 F al |