Show MAJOR MAIOR WILLIAM PENN OFFLEY cy wo we are arc rainal to lo annot to lo our readers thi iho death at camp douglas yesterday wording of william Will iaia perin loftley fur some ome time a resident Tes ident of salt lale laic city the has been ill and failing in ID health for many beany months but jlia big vigor onil 6 ill and elastic clastic spirits seemed to lioy lim liim over tho shoals that ond sit d weal wea I 1 coca cdcil tle the onward flow ol of uis his life car trent acut to id lua lis glance these deadly ob fractions wre were lut but ripples r I 1 I 1 I 1 Vii 18 albing the face fac of the stream thi alep under current swept on forever fu rever 1 wo met major y fur for time lime a few jaya days since and at oace formed a ligh regard fur for lim him his malily hinder character liis his genial and tweet sweet disposition audi li lie miny other wo amiable ami alila drew tn 12 1 lo 10 t a lim h R I 1 as a they lid lad a lost of ft ild t lefore C ra r wo we me met him but a few times bat our I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 gist filst mule made lasting av flyr that the shadow of tile lie great hereafter waa wa upon liis ilia J face 1 nd A 6 we the ll 11 fmc of I 1 h bis is fires marc march it wasa grow ng haintl tr er sal al would soon mon cease TOO toon 0 sicre arc faur 4 fears lc saw hill Lim 2 ten dayi since and no after that lint lie wilt wai abent front lili ili famili familier nr places lie was taken to calip douglas by the llie or surgia vollum p who cared jn in lim ilia wit 1 tender solicitude no earthly cart lily aid could avert the lie goal gral issue chich came upon the scene ae c derany morning lie p Ls sed away reg regretting retting noth not liing ing hn a ra feng rt W to ilay im listii lii and nj comrades will vill pay tile lie last spa mimic 01 oart t to liia remains aina 1 or a tary fu lue due to t A brue e tol dolther ther or tile lie lio will be paid link by geu ged at al i an 3 lid jd wilt will be lim 1161 away i to t tile of the drum tap and nd the echoing volleys that ilat often aroused but can cali no hing lutiger er awalen awaken him to renewed life in another column we an h atod or of the llie pre arc partially by GT gov wood chief justice mckian mr secretary black slid mr sawyer or alio llio arx E which out linell abe career of 31 aljoe on ey mere ably I 1 than ban we could hope to t jo I 1 11 M e hope abit lik hn will 1 ito b a attended ly by all lih his who can bo be on 9 the I 1 sad baj occasion occa siou I 1 r n 1 |