Show JUST ONCE we produce tho the second number of the ills tribune under au an accumulation of drawbacks and obstacles that mut lie be thoroughly known to be fully com pre beaded we jo do not like to polo apolo gize fur for the eom chat at defective type lypo graphical appearance of our pages hut but we feel it due dilo to our leaders as well as s to lo ourselves in A alite nt ile that our of type for the IV ii ay iy is still loitering on the llie road several of our compositors are arc ill anil and thc jhc phalanx of obstacles in we the opening of a new paper haq hai not nol failed to prot sent ben itself we shall overcome til all these disagreeable unpleasant difficulties in a orlef time mean a bile we eliell lie be compelled to ask aik the forbearance of our readers and trust to their good katurd a little longer wo we propose to lo more than fulfill our promise to male make the kainu c the best journal in alic lie territory only give us kind readers the encouragement coura couro gement gemeni of your good of fiech and ws we shall move splendidly on to 0 a glorious success there I 1 |