Show lafr MORNING dispatches 6 ur froia on rr inting reported bad tle senate to print twenty copies or llie re port of alio llio commissioner on leluea tion with a reducing the number to or diun tiun by ilo conijn the reao lution elicited and opposition it being by be itly nall dacca and townsand and opposed by wood ay iy jiggs 1 and E 11 kobertz Ko berts asked leave to oner a preamble and a resolution in reference to alic fenian prisoners requesting the president to aiato case presented before alic joint high commission objected aba the it the senate amendments to the deficiency bill dajcs appealing to abc house to crisli it to day eliat it might go to abo committee tomorrow and that congress might adjourn on Slon day offered an amendment appropriating lol lara for rebuilding abe catholic orphan asylum at S U in consideration of lie services cervices vices of the sisters of mercy to the dUnion soldiers during abe bombardment of charleston alic amendment was adopted unanimously the senate amendment for the of national bank notes was concerned in with an amendment out a provi not which requires two tides of the notes shall be printed in different printing louses offered amendment requiring the rational banks to pay expenses of printing their own notes which after discussion was agreed to yeas nays lo 10 without disposing of alio llio bill the giouse adjourned till tomorrow SENATE mr made a long argument against features of llie bill inwards concluded the debate in a lengthy in advocacy of the bill and in defence of its constitutionality at 4 the senate proceeded to vote on alic amendments reported froni the judiciary committee jhc amendment to add to the making it a high crime to injure in person or property of any V S officer in the performance of his duty or while engaged therein was agreed to ayes 40 naya 23 alic ho neg ilive vii caldwell claylon Clay loi lagao riplon wilson weidum and wright mr morion moved to tle fourth so as to civo alic to impend alic writ of habeas corpus until the end er tle march ath 1813 not agreed to ayes 23 baya 12 the amendment extending alie time within chich the president kiy tua the writ to the end 0 alic chit of congrtta was to aca n 1 ipton and trumbull voted vi ich llie osborn morad to strike out BO much hf alic bill as repealed alie test ach for jurors in ehg U S coulta not agreed to sharman moed an aBB teeing to persona and property upon localities in abich are committed agreed to moved to strike but the ath section conferring on iho president discretionary power to sus pend the writ of habeas corpus he ayes 21 nays 42 alor ill of maine schurz ripton trumbull and uh the in affirmation various proposed proponed by thurman and others ou abe democratic side were voted down sundry alterations adward were adopted haiir moved as amendment lo 10 add the bouso amnesty lull but alter bome discussion the amendment was withdrawn aa it would tale a iwo thieda voto to pass an bill and only a majority to pass a funding 1111 giving notice be moved to call up the of amnesty at the first opportunity korton Un borna amendment to arile out alie clause repealing tho teel oatly for U S jurors A greed to ayen 3 25 the following wa the negative vole liay ard alair buckingham caldwell of ky davis of la hamilton of md II 11 ill jolin bogan saula bury sawyer thurman Vick cra windom the bil waa then passed ayes 15 naya 19 by a party vote except aill clobert on acl un titon who voted with tho bemo crata F 0 R E I 1 G N ri lANCK frontino Fion TiNO 01 T ettria H lioma out and repulsed nil aelick at lick en arc ng at neuilly 1 ort fall in alic calnin Cl nin there n cainnon ailing on the bido evening alit of alic ver today wib to reach adoina Bill rounded on tile grind catli batteries cannon ale the villages Levat tois and neuilly alie infantry ap preaches pro aches ilo villages alc tlc CODI gave way at eleven ibis morning asked for re to night journals bay were repulsed jecker lias liean arrested alic coin miina lias decided to keep under arrest and to release assy the conciliation delegates report that refused lo 10 treaty on guarantee republic ho accords iuria municipal franchise to be elaborated by the lie would organize tho paria nationals he to recognize the or treat for an armistice london 14 newspaper announces that tho commune made two thousand at villiers the tima special notice the arrival of manrice at devis consequent upon notifying bim of their intention of a 1 he maillot gate is a wreck a battalion of nationals lation als in the quarter saint georges refused to go to they with force coddou 14 the daily special elates that declares conciliation impossible A quantity of guns have been seized at american dealers two american offered to buy the column and baet it into cannon the assem bly adopted by to that each paris shall elect four councillors tho left vainly protested licad quarters is at alo telegraphs special versailles correspondent states that the loeles of he insurgents last week were the insurgent commanders aiato offered versailles to deliver gates of aaris forts basy and bantes for two and a half millions th e odar was declined london 14 the standard has a dispatch from vienna elating that a religious riot had occurred io odessa the jews were dispersed dig persed and great devastation committed tho authorities were powerless versailles 11 there is a at but it is un of results at clamars alic continue to fire larm lastly tho story that the insurgents retook neuilly n false london 11 the furcean been around paris madrid 11 elections in porto 1 aico aril for the of juno the election of the duke to the cortes has been declared legal london 11 sir thomas buxton haa been elected to far from south norfolk parit alio tribunes special rays froia principally mobiles were brought iu from aay to daiy diy two had for pani polla grousset Grouss ct that the plate in the foreign ministers were tent to alie mint vers 13 tribune cable theirs is still opposed to acting until beit ain gen ducrot re porta chati lie hai three and EI S fur action at cabb which abc naw at the gen reports the commune has razed froin kuo authored Buth oreD for ono kilometre kilo metre this ia of connected by wira with have been hid down in many A party of cra irom to bt were vireil CD yesterday london 11 the irence of ivalea will open the approaching exhibition london 11 of religious in have been lasted daab and was only put down at iho of the bayonet oriler ba been rc and the city ia now quiet london 11 A dispatch from paria dated yesterday bays bad been fired into the city and canned great damage shells are continuing to fall and it is reckoned property to the value of two million francs has been already the goat ia endeavoring to obtain uso of the guit belleville and mont |