Show ARRIVALS AT CITY HOTELS april 21 1871 SALT BAIT LAKE abas humor NI C hellyer Hll lyer yer 0 it II colby 0 fl arrada oco J ft if luino slid and L I 1 lima b Fr frolich like join cou 1 C W E alito dell win L G al 11 sc Z ho letoe L H 0 I 1 bawks nod and wife city win at jobos comille ml tf abble ae anka city 00 0 0 S IlY hood st louto jol cross england REVERE Ilau nause siz edw nailer eureka elto J raymond sear pearl 1 1 chair district WE W K alla nl NI allate la san an imori W moon lo 10 nj difo omarr 11 II W botts kan 0 1 H I 1 hug P ni N Y C U B ett am nf 0 soil coulto iton son turmoil Lari DOii saloom ay ally T U nd d W P R balben wot aln ale f byron tylor taylor colfax ta t attl a N K low sn 0 o t liu hall flicks so it I 1 Lix Amani a F rako I 1 A ko nor Y d x jos liliu deaver alliy y I 1 K th I 1 loarl 0 aophir city WRITE HOUSE sart J r I 1 R 11 P M sac me to jo joba b Thoo sacramento Anc nt C fuller odbur t john P nit hlf way blouw too father foley city 31 y F toy american forts P 1 it J correll ra teim I 1 jahn alah jhuti foil aidt alto M cily T rt 34 isee olo I 1 MU clam special SP 1041 foil SALO con cn gar EAI A good house bobae an na 4 lot in 10 the th ellb I 1 hh ward six BIX blocks n orth or of the h tabernacle appl apfl r at t this office or on the ibe premises prem isea and aad deal deak rooms to rbt rant at reids Dc tance lane I oae ja jack 4 other brands at thomas carter a JAMES 21 DAY DAT of this city len left for san francisco yesterday to purchase nicea y machinery for a soda and aad rill rilla being associated ad with a practical nian mae of too oj I 1 ears experience in ia ill the e bum business n ces he will be to t fernl ah the citizens of salt sail lake lak sod our bur rounding roua ding country with sarsaparilla and bid pure bad delicious 1 ill be put so 10 pint bottle for sale bale in quantities of not nol less icib thin than one dozen and delivered to any oy part parl of the city free J M DAY DAT reid B ol 01 hew potatoes at ilu i s FIVE BoiL tio in ia ibe be ward for sale ip to E L I 1 T harrison lettuce I at WIT OPEN oo on or about june lit 1 t a s e ct school for girls only boly is in the ibe sunol sunday a yas e b 1001 room of st marks church for violence lara to rue rov loomas W ita kins POST FOST OFFICE niwa tb tho news newl ID abo 1 0 is io regularly reful arly supplied with all ibo latest eastern FAS era and ad califern Cali forn dav and weekly jo papers apers sl SAIL lako lake pally dally triune or may other salt lako lake daily ual supplied at 25 cou cents per week I ta in great variety dingen a eways on as band cott call on laa dan rt at the I 1 ll 11 officio fal ce lost loar one pearl sleeve stood gold mounted lou oled the finder will be b rewarded by leaving it il kl the white alouse litti south of it alker bros green grea real at nu nus s A is orr vago for owners of dry lots lo in the 2 ward to lo exchange for lots with the ibb water apply at s abort abor you can andl at t Ki KIa iball caball Lawren laurences lawrences ces the she coin com blood bloed carpet stretcher bad and tack driver overy every family should bliss mo ilia 11 abc 0 most com compito facto of tile th kind in air C at al iian HUIA 14 lillo aba subscriber gives notice that thai be b Is inhere led la IQ the ful lowin min mineji idaho some home ticket monitor black prince ulica siver but Wallin loo ida lose star state rual roil other and nd property Fro perty is ia pig biff ond nil llulu cotton wool wood lie I 1 e dezo to make y v or cut aih h all parties interested in aid 11 property is roberl either i abe r for on the mines or for or the BA a 0 of abig bu interests to lo any or of said aldoes or for the purchase bido of additional lo in tista taris tT sta ts insoles at 0 the tb most valuable of them mines mft be can ca see ul to ib be purchaser the entire interest io tret if lid wilt will be b is ia lk like city at the Tow house after the orel first ol at stay my and nod will bo be ready tu to wll it or buy or mik make contracts for working ILIJ any or of all the tb il i l he ha COtil rol K A oston II april A froll so IV I 1 DR fr F Ari FItT th thin in ps sod traveler Tr veter who h ties gated the glube clubs rod and late into from sin san fran c carco c a ro 0 a a D or the be gumo C bb to so umlah h ii 11 la 10 sol salt latin lake alf C call oo 00 him a anil a II 11 lid pOu loes to to c 1 1 01 ol 01 Is office e la IS over TO dafa va store appo d bite is hullt I 1 fargo 0 co rient PI 0 ally adt fly civit lo indred chickens are wanted at T C ilailo ir 11 IS havana C lizer g to than a carter jieh ra sig I 1 11 I 1 11 a ster P 1 A the R bere rere unions will ally nolace tice that its if coach in IA froc free to ells cir ro fr for nn im he ha station la in igloo tc by three thues a mk it at t r C flaws every or of california fraits and AT bial IA FOR SALE an interest io in the lh famous 4 dountain Mou N loun olin tain lion lole situated in a ekil east canyon apply to GOC F CO 1 WARO WARD if the own era oadry lola 2 nd 4 block 10 riot plot D bolh word will apply at al the llie of fice fic they will bear of an offer io their heir advantage R R RG Rj car ill D rn AY dr robert eto ful byll ay all CURABLE CHRONIC DISEASES hy by animal and the th q edh Noren movement tent curt cure giving medicines mello iBM only bhea absolutely ne necessary BW Miary dr r roberts has haa tila his office on south street the revere house salt like city ity permanently bald for t her no ties lice AU AUCTION tin TION AND commission housell HOUSE 31 tin ST south of walker alro new hew ani and secondhand second hand FURNITURE constantly OS ON HAND parlon AND 1 V ihrl 1401 14 ol il ta ii unan lasiloo alo r illson 11 did lanard chair of 11 d willi what rot mirror iffa JIM do daina hlll 4 latr Y kair and R khoa chair to ha V lull S carets visit of 11 II kloj kid 14 and adding bilker closer caton ul lo forkl fork LYCE vC ITC PARTIES H AND WISHING TO or OF THEIR GOODS TO ADVANTAGE CANDO CAN DO SO BY CALLISO oi J G brooks trill NEW TOWN COP OF EMMAVILLE nour tile no of LITTLE CANYON 14 MILTS MILES SOUTH of S L CITY HUM ui inn atil pulu fir ande and nd at I 1 it mar so it cimfl I 1 I 1 1 1111 a I 1 T rl irr I rr ill net ina SECTION sod 01 ol in clove ponzo nily to the celebrated MUSS OF BIG AND LITTLE bittle cottonwood CaTT ONWOOD AND AMERICAN FOOK with the th finest avater power in ulah itah I 1 AND ACT tur THE TEH THE UTAH arx ellal T arcs of the th OFT alfet v mn can ie wn ly by callic a I 1 hulln W er is BUTTERFIELD DC Is constantly clyla lao ago list eui and IV ivert fresh or of i bennal Gc 3 ei c K P S W h a S 0 ea 0 a E 1 3 p h pi a 14 rt i m ea 6 5 a 0 u n ina 02 a tx wo 0 PS w uh ea rt 4 H 14 S pa H 8 jet pa 0 BLASTS CLOTHING T I 1 1 l BOOTS 3 1 it i r I 1 fr ailt a saia ra ars ar DRUG STORE I 1 I 1 or an 6 itte IMS H xi I 1 11 2 0 at n T n ff fm III f 7 st a 0 0 f w 1 1 I r I 1 artl alp rw i c iway ic A full sod koil cimpl f line alln or drills a DRUG STORE I 1 I 1 or an 6 itte IMS H xi I 1 11 2 0 at n T n ff fm III f 7 st a 0 0 f w 1 1 I r I 1 artl alp rw i c iway ic A full sod koil cimpl f line alln or drills WN W N gwim J ill I 1 aver eirts ishad 1851 1 ic c GODBE C CO boo PIONEER PAINTS FANCY AN AD D toilet articles PERI MERIES M 0 4 m 1 ui va jh hwi so IN li AOE A a STarin FOR THE e HOKIN FAMILY amm WALKERS VINEGAR BITTER BITTERS PRATTS oil C CT T t ahoo J 7 RETAIL IJ A I 1 V av sr i i yr 0 KOJ fol 3 0 a tirui WOES LIQUORS AN L I 1 ji i PAINTS FANCY AN AD D toilet articles PERI MERIES M 0 4 m 1 ui va jh hwi so IN li AOE A a STarin FOR THE e HOKIN FAMILY amm WALKERS VINEGAR BITTER BITTERS PRATTS oil |