Show THE presidents MESSAGE in another other column we ve publish the I 1 nil full text of president grants 0 rants message to 0 congress transmitting m the report or of the commissioners to san domingo Po mingo we regard it as one of the most moat able find documents jet ct produced by tho the chief executive it gives a clear dispassionate and perfectly satisfactory history of the negotiation tia tion tiona entered into hy by bin gioi with the autho rUica tica of san Domi domingo igo and effectually clears lin hu skirts oi of all a ll 11 the ho irek and malevolent charges brought a against I 1 dinst him hy by disappointed leaders in his I 1 own party as well as aa by ica opponents oon gen grant we ire believe never stood better before tb the 0 people than at this moment lie ile reiterates his bis original determination not to have any policy to enforce against agai dinst tho ilia wishes of tho the people assuming this wise position he makes himself master of the political ai tuition we commend the perusal of lie hie me message age to our readers who will find filid in it much in itch to approve and nothing noth ing we believe to condemn cont cuin |