Show A middle v west cst editor the taking of a country editor to toa toa toa a mad house home hou e He lIe had written n a hundred dollars worth orth of free pub Betty about n big big- musical enter and for the final up the promoters brought him one programs which w had been produced produce on a Pas ers upon nineteen trans trans- Atlantic Atlantic lines ma may nobe now no be called iron any Bell telephone It is pre dieted that within the next few cars ears it v will III be Ix possible to call caB in cot in m the world from any tele telephone telephone phone l Weve We've eve often wondered if tho those e who confess s to having their f friends decIde for lor them whether or not then the shall run for office had It against the these e same friends in m the tho event the they suffer sutTer defeat We are making mai some progress as a race There is no one going one about v when ben prosperity will return or where here it is 18 at nt the present moment There is a disease called sleep sleep- sleeping sleeping ing mg sickness When it lt attacks nn an individual the individual wastes awa away and finally dies The dIsease is 18 not confined to human gs Towns have hac been known to con con- contract contract con contract tract it The evidence es e of it lt is an attitude against progress a dis disposition position not to change anything to keep things just as they ere are Such Sucha a disposition is ie n a sure sign that sleeping the community has the sleep sleep- ing sickness The disease is very difficult for the human to throw off It is 13 equally difficult for lor the town to throw it off It usually at- at attacks attacks at attacks tacks the old lears in m the town first A peculiar symptom of the dl disease laidhold ease is that once having laId bold on the old leadership it ce- ce cements cements ce cements ments the old leadership to ther into roto a cohesive a mass into which lt it is itis impossible for a new idea to en- en enter enter en enter ter Another symptom of the tho dl di individual lease cease is that it places the individual ual m in such a frame- frame of mind that he be resents the introduction of new Ideas by an one not in m the tha group The result is nothing is done The younger more resourceful and wen en element after ha hawing made a few advances ances and proposals for the tha betterment of the community community ity and having had them turned down with scant cant consideration pro coeds to forget it and to look looh about bout for new fields in wInch which to toJ locate leaving leasing mg the dead with the dead samples amples of this may be found all over oser the country Sleeping sick sick- sick sick-nees sickness ness community sleeping sickness has robbed the toy toy-n of its most prIzed assets asels vision and tion cooperation and has smothered what gen geD andI genius geDIUS sus IUS existed In m the community and I it safe for the community stand patters who turn a deaf ear to pro progress ress while the they brag on theIr e es We wil wll rever reser have the question cf of f taxes settled to the or of everyone c for the rea reason on that there ara ai al so few people who ho want to pay taxes Under the present S system stem thrift is penalized and the spendthrift escapes without the of taxes Thea The a st m should bould be reversed It could be re reversed reversed versed salesta er by a sales Eales tax By a sales ta tau we would pay taxes on hat shat v we e spend rath rather r than on what we weBa Ba Bas e a Under the the pre present ent system the man who saves save his money and buy buys a home borne is penalized If he im improves pro es his home he is pena penalized some mode His IllS next door neighbor r Who receives the same sarna income lets lct s hIs place run ruff down until it is a disgrace t to the he neighborhood and spends his nig salary as fast fast fast- as ho he gets geh it escapes with little or orno no taxes The worse his place looks the less taxes he pays The system should be reversed When we ac- ac acQuIre ac acquire acquire quire intelligence ence enough to do this and antI tale tah the tax off of ac- ac accumulated ac accumulated cumulated property we are arc gOIng to see better homes and an ex- ex expanding ex expending pending building program The marvel of it is that the r race haunt ha t been able to see tb this s before now now- now Exchange If you want advice get to bea bea be bea a lawyer or a n doctor If you ou want to buy it get married Exchange Exchange The reason some quiet men look looh so 80 wise Is that the dont don't talk and gibe themselves away If only sensible people got mar married Tied ried wouldn t it lt cut down the population lahon a whole lot Exchange lot Exchange J |