Show THE JUBILEE the tha blk big jubilee la Is over and we believe the general verdict in ID that it was a grand success we believe this will viii ie be the report that our friends from the country will carry back home we bellevo they will ay y that the promise made in by the salt lake papers was fully kept and that I 1 il it wall wa such a show its as utah never neve r saw naw before it was IL a good thing in a hundred w ways L ye it drew the county and tho the city clo closer ser together carbon and washington and rich do not seem nearly so far ar away aw MY as they tild did a week ago agal I 1 I 1 tho the taste ot of the ibb people was improved it by y what they saw it willbe will be seen been in many things IL a year it will be p particularly r ticul arly seen been it ever age again n a or carnival shall bo be held in the state but the best beat feature of 0 the carnival wan wall that it made the people more proud of 0 their stale than ever before that feeling carries with it a double good it causes men and women to irrow grow in I 1 self respect and tit at the same name lima time in patriotism tho the people who he come in to the jubilee were dressed better than limn over ever before they drove in better horses than they ever did the indications indication eions 9 were mere that in tho the country the people are more prosperous than they have bave been before for four ye years rs it was it a great splendid gala time we are siad glad it Is over |