Show schoolbooks SCHOOL BOOKS APPROVED selections made by board boar d of education last I ast evening I 1 the committee of tile tho rholo or at the hie dols board r d of education approved tho the tol 01 ol lovans text books for tile the elgh school last evening nos algebra Cc geometry cirne wentworth Went woith trigonometry gays gaya book collar daniels birst latin track hook alien lien A greenough fl A latin hulln grammar Or Cir ammAr allen alien camar caesar allen alien JL t greenought Greenoug hs cicero collars collar s via latina Oseen h N it tr edges virgil collars collara latin prose compost tin whites kimt grock greek book lood 1 I ina ns greek Cra nimer xenophon seymoure ill III tit id reek rrose za rollis academic french couo blar tins human body L eclectic cee in by it gray A coulter Coul tera botany bergens botany lo la canton CL colto coligna Co liona asia prfto bool zool ry KY williams new bald wins v ln acm psychology averys new physics anglish of the tha rot 01 ol amori lou in series houghton co can book company maynard co cc leach Sri uell t co glnn ginn co I 1 grman gernian G courso me aa heretofore cr rustlers no I 1 and 2 instead of bil ancy I 1 and 2 |