Show BOUNTIFUL Lt H 1 MRS Rs J J- J JA A A- A ATAYLOR TAYLOR Mrs Lucy LuC Barlow left for her home in Ocean Park Cal Cat Wednesday Wednes day dar ay after a months month's visit in this city cit with relatives and friends Miss Edith L Amundsen and Aaron Geor George e both of this city were married recently They will reside in Bountiful Mr and Mrs James II H Ramp Ramp- Rampton ton Ramp ton attended the weddin wedding Saturday enin e evening of Mrs Mr l Rampton's sister I Miss Dorothy Hardy of Salt Lake and Niles Mathews of Oakley Ida Which took place at the home of Vern Hard Hardy in Midvale 1 Bishop Reber C Iverson performed the which was w is followed by oy vy a w is oy vy a ceremony reception Mr and antl Mrs Irs Clyde Cro Crow or of Salt Lake were Sunda Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Layton Barlow Mr 11 Barlow and Mr Crow were missionary companions in inEn En England land Leonard Rampton left for Lo Lo- Lo Logan Lo-gan Lo gan toda today to atten attend a pary party given iven at the U A C this evening Mr Rampton is a former student or of the colle college e Mr Ill Paul Rampton will ill leave len this I ada Week for a few days trip in Nev-j Nev Nev- Nev Nevada Nev Nevada Tuesday the grade rade of the Stoker school enjoyed a trip to toBin Bin Bingham ham canyon accompanied by bythe bythe the principal of the school Mr D R Tolman and a teacher Mr John Hill Mrs Tolman and Mrs Hill Bill also enjoyed the trip with their husbands and the students The trip proved very instructive and pleasant Mr Wooton prin prin- principal prin- prin principal principal cipal of the Bin Bingham ham school have havea c a a ver very interesting talk to the chil- chil children chil children dren regarding minin mining in Bin Bingham ham hamI I Mr 11 and Mrs Dies Leslie slie Turner of I thi this cit city and Mr and Mrs Smoot I of Farmin Farmington ton motored to Lo Logan an Sunda Sunday on a business and pleasure trip uy U Sunday Sundar liS May bray has been pro pro- proclaim proclaimed pro proclaimed claim claimed d Mothers D Day Dav and ap- ap appropriate ap appropriate pro programs I ms will vill iII he lie rendered rend erd ered in the n r r- r v T ic q f the stake A cordial invitation is ex- ex extended ex extended tended to all mothers to attend I eX-I Sunday Sundar school chool in their respective wards on that day r The Dau Daughters of the Utah Pioneers of the Sessions camp will vill hold their next next meeting at the home of Mrs Alice Holbrook Friday Frida Ia 1 May On Sunday May 14 between 2 and 4 p pp m the local Le Lesion Legion ion aux aux- aux auxiliary will sponsor a Mothers day tea in in special honor of the Gold Star Mothers of the unit at the home of Mrs R Alvin Moss l All mothers daughters ht wives sisters and daugh daugh- dau h- h t rs of service ex-service men are arc cord cord- cordially invited to at attend nd L SOCIETY NOTES Miss Eveline Brough a popular bride of next week was honored Saturday afternoon at a miscellaneous miscellaneous shower given b by Mrs Arthur Truelson at her home andon and on Tues day Tuesday evenin evening Miss Brou Brough h and Mrs Geor George e Soffe a recent bride were complimented at a party given en by members of or the local ladies chorus nt at the home of Mrs Afton Aiton Hardy I EAch Ech was pr presented with a s set of silver teaspoons The Wo Lo club met Wed Wed- Wednesday Wednesday evenin evening at the home of Miss Edna Bri Briggs gs complimenting Miss Brough who on Thursday af- af afternoon afternoon af afternoon was the motif for a shower C riven ven by Mrs Hyrum Byrum Brou Brough h and Mrs Myron Holbrook Toni Tonight ht Mrs Irs Geor George e Soffe will preside at ata ata ata a shower for the elect bride Bangerter Mr and Mrs Myron C Banger Banger- er- er erter ter had as dinner guests Monday j evening Mr 11 and Mrs Charles I Barlow Badow and Mr Elmer C Barlow Mr lit litand and Mrs Irs Fd Edgar ar Smoot had hadas hadas hadas as their house guests over the end end week Mr and Mrs Alma Smoot and family of or Corrinne Ut Miss Rub Ruby Muir was host hostess ss Monday evening to the Jessamine club The me loe lesson n A me loe n Jesson son on Am American rn and Utah Artists J 1 was treated by Mrs Bertha Muir An unusual feature of the program was an original reading or poem given en by each member of the club cluba I a delicious luncheon was served to the 18 members and Mrs Eugene EUlene St Claire of California a special i iguest guest Miss Muir was a assisted in Levi entertaining Muir b by her mother Mrs inI I Mrs frs Franklin Ashdown presided presided ed at a lovely turkey diner party at her home Thursday afternoon in honor of six of her sisters I Miss Beth Call and Miss Eval Evalyn n Briggs en entertained at a party at atthe atthe atthe the home of Miss Call Monday evenin evening Popular games were play playe played ed e and dainty refreshments were served to ei eight ht girls and their partners Mrs William Burningham ham pre pre- presided presided pre presided sided at a dinner party Friday af- af aft afternoon af afternoon t of last week in honor of Mrs Lucy Barlow of Ocean Park Cal a former local resident Fol- Fol Following Following Fol Following lowing dinner tables were arranged lod ed od for games Hi h score prizes being heing awarded to those qualifying Twenty relatives and close friends of the honor gu guest were in attendance The Tho members of the former TIe lie Re Relief I lief society stake board will motor to fo Salt SnIt Lake Wednesday afternoon I and enjoy their rc regular ulal meeting and social at the home of Mrs I Caroline who will cele edo celebrate celebrate brate her birthday on that day Mrs Maud Tolman will give ive aI a I sketch on the life of Mrs Calvin Coolidge I In commemoration of the birth birth- birthday birthday day day ann anniversary of or Mrs Matilda ham Burning Winters Mrs William Burning Burning- ham entertained Wednesday after after- afternoon afternoon afternoon noon grandchildren of last week for far dren of Mrs Winters t l iJ f |