Show SPECIAL MAIL PASSENGER i will ride in the engine cab from chicago to san francisco chicago march ag G por for the first time since its inauguration the fast inell trilan leaving the burlington depot at t I 1 today carries a passenger who he la is inaki nir a race over the continent to catch the steamer Alam alameda edit dt san francisco on thursday afternoon at 4 the passenger who liaf haj secured this privilege Is 13 frederick rook book the clerk ot of the supreme court of australia lie he has been in england tor for some time anti and timed ills hla departure from there so he hal would I 1 lose ose no time lit in catching hla big pacific steamer at tian san francisco the wind and torn tem li weather detailed the steamer a day and rook reached new tork three nouns hours aner after the last train lad departed der arted that would land him in san ban Franci francisco sect in time tor for the ai steamer e he learned that if he on could uld get fret on the sast ast train he could overtake the Burling tons tonis train that left chicago at 1120 0 lie he wired lupei in Imen flent froynt jt tile the railway man mail boor cr lice aco at chicago for perm pemilton pe millon loston mr ir troy received the telecia telo grani ni this morning mornine H he condei conre red ired with the burli n atol people and they refused to permit a 0 passenger Taji orb on the he train baying they had pa no place for one mr mor troy sent the discouraging answer to rook nook it caught him on am the train nt at cleveland lie he wired back saying he h would ride rhe tn on the enplane or the platform plAt torm or aviv nav where that he could et e t IL a fOOt foothold held the railroad rall rond authorities then consented I to lot it rook hide in the eleb aib and the reply was nent bent to the anxious antipo anapo beai deam WONT PART WITH LAND arizona legislature will decline rk a I 1 i cession to utah ariz march 2 at a meeting ot of tho the joint 0 committee this ev averting erting it was waa is determined et that an ail dorahle report lie bo made on tho the proposition for the cession of any part of arizona to utah the tha now nak ask that hat tho the part of at A arizona bought by them ehni 1 afforded bolter batter projection the tha nov HOT balci it |