Show ASPER MEb A lanterio jawed faced marble roan mail has just embarked mb aked in the hardware business in a net neighboring gh boring town who had a better right yonkers statesman 4 there Is not much exercise in sewing on oil buttons but it il la in better than none at all galveston news new e miss you must promise not to kiss me while I 1 am unconscious dentist I 1 shall do nothing noth iliff of the kind miss with a happy sigh turn on the gas Lo loulies Ies lles weekly 0 0 whenever we are tempted to fall into despondency we recall the fact act that we were boral in ohio an and te take jearld car again chicag chicago 1 times theres there something about you that I 1 like said gald the highwayman as lie gently removed the travelers money belt in ill journal 0 A toung man had been talking lo 10 a horol editor for quite FL a quarter ot of an hour and at last observed there are some pomp things jn in tills this world that KO go without saying yen said the r editor and thore there am r catill 1 11 more persons in ili the world who ady a good deal without going tit alts 0 an ali irish street car conductor called out ont shrilly to tho the passengers standing nc in ill the luo aisle will thlin him in ili fi fiona ont plaze to ino a liv so behind ran can take lake tire place of thim in ili front art an iivo ittre room for thlin who aro are gayther in front nor behind Hui pira bazar 0 why tie do you always ret get oft off 3 your our w wheel hee bridger Bar leer when you meet a lady because I 1 cant take my list hat oft off to tier her I 1 do tho the best I 1 can call gild and take myself orf oil dazar 0 0 butcher will ou have a round steak young ob 01 T dont earn cara wh whit t shape it Is so BO its tender detroit I arec aco 1 I ess 0 4 0 I 1 mrs one ilow how Is your husband today to day mrs mrs retter better thank you oil lie he Is always better when he Is sick thau than at any other time 0 0 a it if acoman a woman gets what she wants to wear arid and a mart man what hat he wants to pat eat theres no reason why they live eve together edier and bo be happy new neny york recorder 0 our experience was that even it it a bo boy d did id come to school late u with ith his shirt shift on oil wrong side foremost ills his hair wet and river sand rand on lill bis coat collar lie expected to answer any conundrums provided lip had the forethought to bring a bunch or of wild rone i for the teacher tei icher chicago times herald 0 0 4 6 an e experienced perlen ced observer has declared that until x the fair cycler shall have learned to wear a merry smile while riding ini education in wheel craft cannot he be deemed to have been completed tit ahli hint should to banssi from their pretty faces etense the th tenser and determined look so characteristic oc at lau laus hinc eyes and parted lips lipa diac lobing pearly as their owner Ild hashes by on tho the swiftly I 1 whirling wheel are simply A smiling cycler Is a joy to the beholder a dead ln in earnest wheel woman imparts the anxiety depleted depicted upon on her countenance to every one she eho meets philadelphia record |