Show SACRA WAR wan ON THUGS citizens safety committee organized to breal up La lawlessness sacramento cal jan 3 the people of sacramento have determined to vid rid themselves of the horde lierde of criminals and tramps who have been holding bolding a calrEl val of crime in the city tor for weeks past three brutal murders mur deis tile the object of which was robbery numerous murderous assaults to rob and in nunu nume raLle burglaries lave have sered to the people to their danger at a meeting of the city board of trustees today to day it was ordered that ill all saloons le be closed at midnight and not allowed to open until 0 in ili ilie morning moi nias that the licenses licensee c numerous disia potable resorts be revoked an and d that all known criminals rals and tramps be driven tro fram n the city by the police autho authorities gitles the arrest ot of every mat man I 1 who has no visible means of support was ordered the police force has been increased by over fifty citizens who leered to serve as special officers and a still further increase In creasa will be made the police have orders to arrest every man found on the streets after midnight who cannot give a satis sa fact lory account of himself in fact a semblance of martial law lav has been inaugurated A cit citizens zons com maltIce of safety has also been formed and it la Is intimated that a repetition of the fhe reign of early california vigilantes may follow it if the outlawry of the past few weeks does docs not cease |