Show Muskrat Once Thought Nuisance Now Valued In the early days of the for trude It was DS the practice In Canada for trap trap- pers trappers to keep foxes or other wll wild fur bearers caught In warm worm weather Teather nn til the fur was ns prime and from this custom has arisen the modern Indus Indus- try Industry of fur farming In recent years the de development of muskrat farm farms has lins progressed processed rapid rapid- ly Iy rapidly particularly in western Marsh lands hitherto cOD considered nl al almost most worthless bate baic suddenly In- In Increased increased increased creased In value alne At one time the muskrat was looked upon Ullon sis us n a pest and was wag by the trapp trapper r unless a n great num ber number could be bo taken with little trouble Today this little slough dweller Is one on of the chief factors In maintaining II a high total value f for r our annual fur r production and ond In n tance heads the l list st of hearers fur fur taken In n anada Canada This growth In n pop popularity Is s clue due to two valuable prop properties namely erUes-namely namely the pelts pelt's wear long long In lag qualities and its suitability for r Exchange dyeing Exchange |