Show ahu W TROD ON 01 THE GRASSI GRASS verdict of guilty against the Commonweal ers I 1 PENCE DEFENDS COXEy Sr populist attorneys attorney accused of talk lair inirio to their constituent the th pon penalty Is 13 fine and imprisonment and thore there xo in no appeal bublo trials steal it a train traill nolly roasts boas tho the will sot set sell sail today to day cay washington D I 1 C may lilay 8 9 the th three ree leaders of tho the commonweal cc coxey aey crown brown ind and christopher columbus jones have been found guilty of violating lilt ilia laws by a jury of their peers antl and w wll it have to submit to a sentence hereafter to be ba imposed by the court for or their recent demonstration oil the cepl 01 ol grounds thus thill ends what as a uia the kaa iced tra ra st stated atell was the greatest march of the nineteenth century all three of the accused were tried on n tho the OJ first 2 L call count it of the 1 indictment which charged them with displaying a banner do ignec to bring in notice ibe cosey CONCY good road association jones of phil adolphia was ot of the second C charge barge killich accused him film ol of treading on oil the grass but concy end and brown were convicted CLOSING ARGUMENTS pence uc of colorado made the closing argument arsu ment in behalf of the cc commonweal ers ile he said no one who ito hnud heard the evidence expected conviction mr lie coxey came to ank tor for the enactment rf cf ans laa said pence which ile he believes be neves and of others believe lie V e will be of inestimable advantage t to tile lie unemployed coneys coreys 3 plan might be foolish but lie lad had come uon ie to PIX present it peaceably at the head bead of an orderly body of amerlean amerlan Citi citizen and had es as much right to petition congress Con rreta as is anybody else of laige laie in terecita te recta coming here a pad loob yin to carrupt congress Con ress roel met a warm wl como come but here were men nho ho cani came d kramr ing through throng li led by a man who had the courage cou raffe of 0 his convictions conviction to be invited to the opeal open doors of a jali jail built L trough taxation upon citi citizens rens 11 rence commo commented com upon the tha tact fact that for the first tine ti ne this term the district attorney himself had come into the police court to ixos eoute a care thus showing the administration was waa behind the prosecution tomorrow to morrow coxey will be a free five man by your y r verdict said alil pence lie ile will appear app ar lievore the labor abor I committee of I 1 Con Kress under the elie resolution of clr bell of colorado to devlio devise means mcana tor foe giving emPlOy employment mont to the unemployed and be listened ened to more attentively ill than an any paid lobbyist r can assure you whatever shelf be written of the coxey co cey movement lot let it not be said that twelve citizens of branded this bonest well meaning man as a criminal district attorney bleaney discussed tho the case calmly he spoke of tile the senator to fr from nebraska looking far over tile the heads adso of the jury to talk to a constituency on an the distant prairie the member from froin kansas talking to fr the cool cornn floyds hiis of his state stale and the gentleman front from colorado talking to aji ail openmouthed open mouthed constituency the jury retired at live minutes before I 1 atter alter hearing a long lane charge charee from rom tile judge which left them little alternative but to convict conict it if they followed lits hla leading about halt half past three the aurora sent seat tor for the instructions given for the defense but tile the Covern government ment objected and they filed into the courtroom while the judge read the instructions young attorney hyman endeavored tor to have aye the fact that thai the objection came from tho the prosecution laid beffie the jury but lie was BanDres xan judge jude miller stated he would not have handed over the instructions under any as that would have been irregular Irre sular twenty five minutes atler after this episode the jury returned with the verdict I 1 general coxey lad had been I walh ich hla his wife and hla his daughter the god ders deai ot of peace of the may lay demon striation llon but took toil hla his seat scat within imbi the bar anti and all the party received w je efte smilingly except ur lir hymen who was wag on life feet with nith some objection to the form lit in chich alch the verdict was presented but who was hat upon by his colleagues |