Show MINING BREVITIES the star of pine canyon reported at the sampler last week with another shipment of high grade cyanides cranides cy anides the lot weighing in at about pounds the mammoth of tintic gintic sent in a trainload of ore twenty five cars last week and it is stated that this old wealth producer is in sp splendid bendid physical condition the news of ely nevada states that tom and john smith of that place have given a bond on their gold mine in gold canyon to and nelson of this city the dalton mining company has levied an assessment of a cent a share payable on or before october 16 it is learned that the he company is liable to make a shipment of 11 good gold ore at an early date hudson smith Smi of Salt Lake in connection with several vernal mining men has filed on a number of sand asphaltum claims between john beeks becks asphaltum properties and the lower waters of deep creek above vernal the sumpter miner is the name of a new publication just fust launched on the sea at sumpter oregon the miner is an artistically printed four column quara quarto and is is published weekly by C H marsh and J W Con connella nolla and judging from ats its first number is destined to do much for the splendid mineral P r regions egions of eastern oregon THE REVIEW ew wishes the new enterprise I 1 bon voyage increased activity is reported at the carbonate hill mine near peterson in morgan county and at the present time a force of 25 nien men is at work in the development and improvement of this valuable property the main work being beina 11 the driving of the lower tunnel to crosscut cross cut the ledge at a greater depth while a boarding house is being erected on the ground J C reynolds superintendent of bunker hill who was in the city last week is enthusiastic over the outlook for this prospective bonanza and he states that he is drifting on a body of shipping ore which is ia from four to five feet in width which is holding its own in excellent shape as depth is attained one pleasing feature of the enterprise being the noticeable increase in copper values the bunker hill has shipped four or five carloads of ore this month which netted the company handsome returns return s R E worrell of this city who recently visited the marysvale Marys vale country and made a careful investigation into the mineral wealth of that region returned home more than satisfied with this section section which he says has been unjustly criticised criticized mr air worrell made an inspection of the wedge during his absence and speaks highly of the showing made in this prospective bonanza and dividend payer while he took an average sample of the breast of ore exposed in this property which when submitted to fire tests disclosed values of over in gold to the ton adjoining pro prospects s pacts mr air worrell says are also looking well while there is unwonted activity botica ble all over this very promising camp |